Its not a fighting game

Its not a fighting game.

it is

also a melee game

Who cares, it's a fun game.

if you tell me an objective definition for a fighting game that doesn't match Melee, I will agree.

Melee is a brawler, like brawlhalla
A fighting game has health bars

there's characters, move sets and combos

brawlhalla is a fighting game

>brawler, like brawlhalla
brawler is another word for beat em up which melee most definitely not. One deviation doesn't make it a subgenre

like a pokemon game right?
or dynasty warriors?
Neither of those are fighting games

I mean what does Nintendo say it is? That’s pretty much difinitive.

alright, be difficult then

Sakurai, the creator himself says its not a fighting game.

If the community of a game says a game is what the creator of the game says it isnt, why should that make the game something that it isnt, it isnt what it is when you say it is what it is.

sakurai says it't not a fighting game. Brawl is a testament to that fact as it was made to spite the FGC. Thing is that melee has elements of a fighting game and a very obviously designed high skill ceiling for competetive play. I don't care that it's not a fighting game but anti-FGC autists like to bring up this old meme. I don't even like putting games into categories because you get retards who argue over how to define a genre.

Cliffy B says Lawbreakers isn't a failure

Only autists care about how others categorize melee, whatever it is doesn't make it any less competitive than it is and it definitely doesn't matter to the fgc since it'll pretty much always be its own thing.

Ah yes, the complex combo systems Pokemon games are known for...

>baton pass combos

>sakurai said its not a fighting game

Well there. Done. It’s not then. Id say its not important what it is though, just have fun.

It requires the same basic set of skills that a fighting game does

>just have fun.
there in lies the problem. The only reason people play melee anymore is as fighting game. it's what the game is most known for. It doesn't really matter what sakurai says if it's played a certain way. My complaint is that there's no one definition for a fighting game. I don't care what it's called really. I just don't like people drawing lines in the sand over arbitrary definitions.

>game where all you do is pit characters against each other in a fight
>not a fighting game

This is also not a fighting game

well if creator says it isn't, then it ain't. whatever

>just have fun.
>there in lies the problem. The only reason people play melee anymore is as fighting game
>ergo fighting games are not fun

I think i know what you meant but its still kind of sad huh?

Not a fighting game

Now shut the fuck up and enjoy video games

A fighting game with a different KO mechanic in place of health bars is still a fighting game


If you turn off items you are a faggot

>fighting game fags not busting each other's balls over what game they play constantly
dumb trapfag.

Melee isn't a traditional fighting game but it's still a game about fighting. Smash in general really, ARMS too, I'm no meleefag.

If people are really going to get upset and scream NOT A FIGHTING GAME at everything that's not Street Fighter style, when not all games in every other genre have to be exactly alike to be part of the genre, just make some subgenres.

Traditional Fighters and Kinetic Fighters. Traditional fighters are your street fighters and what have you, Kinetic Fighters are the games with a ton of movement and shit, like Smash and ARMS and whatever else.

Smash has a setting where it uses health though.

>someone takes a shit
>claims its not shit
>well it must not be shit then! The guy said it isnt!

Pokemon games have tons of combos, wtf are you talking about?


>Soy Milk
>Almond Milk

this is the truth but the reality is fighting game players are so pathetic they don't want people to call smash with the same title of "fighter" as their games.

You're right, it's a party brawler. No reason to shit on it aside from the autistic fanbase. It's still fairly fun.

When will this shit game get kicked out of EVO?

when it doesnt have more viewers than every other game

stream monsters are fucking subhumans anyway

Melee needs to be removed

>someone takes a shit
>claims its art
>well it must not be shit then! The guy said it's art!

literally you

Later interviews have Samurai say Smash is a fighter and supports the competitive scene as in they can do whatever they want with the games

that makes no sense. My argument is just because a developer claims something about their game doesn't mean it's true. What you wrote says whatever a developer says must be true because they made it.

>pokemon confirmed fighting game

>some jap pretends to publicly acknowledge some foreigner's bullshit to help sell his game on the dying wiiu
Wow guess it was a fighting game after all, ha ha! Pureasu buy my game you baka gaijins.

litterally wrong

We're not here to have fun faggot.

Note he really goes out there to not say “fighting game”. Tetris ca be competitive, Mario Tennis can be competitive, online FPS can be competitive.