Squad V10

Its out on the public playtesting branch, what do you think of it

Have they added bipods yet?

yes user

Also truck mounted AA, 30mm AP and HE, smoke screen launchers, zeroing, new snow map, freelook, entirely different gunplay, crouch running, so much in this update

This game looks so god damn awful... What the fuck is wrong with Unreal Engine IV? I turned off all the shitty postprocessing effects and even in Epic it's a blurry mess and the details past a couple dozen meters are laughable. It also run like utter trash...

I've only played the free weekends and each time the game has ran like a cripple, anyone else experience this?

Insurgency is better

>bipods reducing the recoil to literal zero

i hate this.

How does this compare to ARMA?

Is there a date for when V10 will actually release?

Infantry focused, clunky but less clunky than ARMA, FPS only

Smaller scale, only ground vehicles, not as clunky.

I started downloading the 6.8GB update at like 1:40 AM and for some reason it's still not installed by 2:21.
Like 3x the download time was spent preallocating, and now it's 'updating'.

is this the patch with the animation overhaul?

yes. It's an open beta though for 24h, it'll be taken down tonight.

You must go on the beta tab on Squad properties on Steam and use this code and then select the test branch.

it doesn't. it's more comparable to insurgency or better yet battlefield 2 project reality

Same method that Payday2, the game download the patch and then have to unpack the game files to patch them and then repack the whole thing. It takes double the space of the packed files, about 30GB, so if you don't have enough room on your disk the update is gonna be stuck.

Forgot the code...


they've extended it to Saturday
wont surprise me if they just leave it over the holidays

tell me when helis are in


Downloaded, new animations are great, feels like Red Orchestra (especially with the iron sights) but a bit tighter. Plus I love the new gun positions, everything feels way more real.
Oh and the M110 sights are finally redone. I thought they would just get zeroed, but the whole thing is new; love it, might hop on marksman finally.

My main gripe is that you still have to put away and take out the grenade launcher when switching between grenade types. I thought that would be removed?
Same with AT rockets, what the fuck?

Can you cancel reloading a grenade from the underbarrel to immediately start firing? or are you still locked into the reload

Just checked, locked in, same with all guns. He still has to load it, flip down the sights, drop it, and then pick it back up again.

Yo when the fuck did they add the ZU-23? Holy fucking shit I am so ready to use this thing; now I just need helicopters to shoot at.

It'd be in their best interest if they did