>(You) are the cutest-looking character in underwear
More games should adhere to this rule.
Fire Emblem Warriors
>can't marry the best design because it's you/your daughter
FE can't even do waifu simulation right.
>can't marry
Who's going to fucking stop me.
Sakura is disappointing, you can't see her panties like in her normal clothes.
Unf even so
The game mechanics?
Is there a guide telling you which maps are the best for each material drop? I need to grind stuff.
There's a doc I found through google.
>Got this game for my younger siblings
>Got them Hyrule warriors a long time ago and they loved it.
I hope my 9 year old brother likes seeing gilrs fight in their underwear.
Thanks friendos, much appreciated.
There's a parental control-like function to disable broken armor in the options, but you wouldn't do that to your little bro, would you?
What makes Kamui so...."Kamui"?
Nah, i wont't do that.
But i am concernd that i gave him a brown girl fetish due to Cia. But whatever, not much i can do about that.
Kamui with or without the fang?
At least he can be grateful for the sharp visuals. When I was his age, all I had to work with were the Ocarina of Time Great Fairies.
She'll remember that.
>game makes her sticc
I hope this isn't canon.
Ok i will try:
>Big family
>Is the glue that keep everyone together
>Wants to please
>Good wife
>Good mother
What a nice description!
Why is she naked?
For me (her husband) of course!
It's the result of having her armor broken by an enemy attack.
Why does this look like a gamecube game? Is this on mobiles?
Musous have shitty graphics because they need to render tons of models at once. Still, if you think this looks like a Gamecube game, go look up PS2-era Dynasty Warriors games.
It also has the option to run at 60fps
How do i even break armor???
Its a 3DS port user. Thats why it looks shit.
how hard is it to get into this if you have not really played a fire emblem past the gba? (I have enjoyed musous before) Is know thing the history/lore important?
Almost all the characters are from Awakening and Fates so that may make it un-enjoyable in that regard for you. You can order the characters you're not currently playing as to do things such as attack a fort or heal someone. I don't think that was in previous musous. The weapon triangle is also integrated, but not to the point where it's essential to be at an advantage. You don't really need to know any lore or anything.
You need to put the Armor Break attribute on a weapon. To do so, you first need to unlock a weapon that carries said attribute for each weapon type, these specific weapons are rewards for completing missions on the sixth History Mode map, which got added last month via a free update. Once you get those weapons, the attribute will be added to the rotation of attributes you can regularly get on weapons you receive in missions. Once you have a weapon with Armor Break equipped on a character, by executing a Weak Point Smash on an enemy officer, you'll break their armor and severely decrease their defense and magic resistence, while if you get hit by a strong attack from an enemy officer, you'll lose your own armor and suffer the same debuffs. Generic enemy officers don't have a broken armor model, while named characters (both as player characters and as enemies) are gradually getting them, right now only Rowan, Lianna and the characters from Fire Emblem Fates can be stripped.
Not hard at all, you won't know the characters but the fanservice is pretty shallow even if you're a fan, so you won't miss much.
my gf has a 3ds should I pick awakening or one the fates first? (they look like they got pretty high marks)
You should start with Awakening.
Me on the left
Yet it looks better than Hyrule Warriors
Improved gameplay but less movesets than hyrule
>brown girl fetish
How can people find shit coloured skin attractive? It's disgusting, it makes me sick seeing dark people with their yellow eyes and dry ashy elbows
At least there are no shitty meme movesets like Agitha's. Tiki's is the closest, but she becomes OP as fuck once you're able to upgrade her gauges enough.
It's okay user, not everyone can be enlightened to the appeal of delicious brown.
How hard do skills like Sol scale with luck?
You can have children out of the wedlock with them though.
Behold the power of Musou on next gen console
How is it content wise compared to other musou?
Is it like Arslan with only a story mode?
No, most of the content is in a separate mode called History Mode that has 125 maps in the base game and a free update and DLC already added lots more.
>implying those weren't sharp visuals
Is this some sort of Fire Emblem gimmick? Even for KT standards the whole things feels pandery as fuck. Either way, I'm glad it's at least optional.
I did realize I accidentally made a pun once I posted it, but well spotted anyway.
Why are their underwear different then their actual underwear?
Fire Emblem started adding this kind of fanservice very recently. Powerful attacks could damage armor in Fates although it was just a few pieces falling off and it was purely cosmetic, while Fire Emblem Heroes has damaged-state portraits (pic related), some more fanservicey than others. Warriors took the mechanic to its logical conclusion with the entire armor breaking off and the character being left in underwear a la Senran Kagura.
But I played conquest with male corrin and I fucked Camilla, but boy he's such a dolt
The nintendo musous always come with tons of content
It's two games, man.
They got a track record of 100% then :^)
nintendo is going full waifu bait wtf
im selling my switch
Corrin isn't a waifu, she's (You).
This is a waifu.
Can you put Tiki in underwears too?
Not yet, Shadow Dragon characters will get their underwear in February.
Only after the next dlc releases. The Fates characters are currently the only ones to have a unique underwear model
Nice. Interested in seeing them.
Why did they make Azura specials so damn long?
They thought you didn't listen to her song enough times in Fates.
prob too late user sorry but luck is like, a top tier skill on anyone. Luna is too good.
>Bottom right
>you will never be a cute girl IRL
holy shit
Wew lad.
Why are we here, just to suffer?
>elise has a brown pussy
Kamui with fangs best kamui