The absolute state of PC gaming.
The absolute state of PC gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
>considering buying a PC now
what are you posting with
My iPhoneX
fucking mobilefags
>mfw I'm a phoneposter
>mfw I don't save any reaction images
I'm perfectly fine with all my consoles desu. I don't plan on buying a pc anytime soon
can you post more examples?
Bought, thanks.
Underage console kids wouldn't understand.
I got deep space waifu as a meme gift, but the game was actually fun and ended unlocking all the girls and most of the achievements.
Some of the girls look deviant-tier awful, though.
>browsing Sup Forums
>browsing Sup Forums without Sup Forums X
>browsing Sup Forums without Sup Forums X on a mobile
Looks about as comfortable as playing a shooter with a gamepad at 30fps.
I know, its great isn't it?
mfw browsing Sup Forums on my gen1 ipod touch before mobile implementations. I'm the original mobile poster and there's nothing you can do about it
I own a PC now.
>mfw consolefags will NEVER EVER play deep space waifu
Are you assuming I browse without a dedicated app? Phone posting is ultimate comfy my dude
the original only cost me 50 cents and it wasn't that bad.
>barely seeing 2 posts at once
Ironic weebs must be gassed.
the future is looking bright
Actually a decent bullet game.
>mfw phoneposter
>mfw I have over 10,000 reaction images saved and idk how to delete them all without deleting my actually important photos/images
>I must be able to see everything at once like my newspapers even though I can only read one thing at a time.
h-how old are you user
shit theme desu
Yea, vita lost it's monopoly on absolute weebtrash.
I use a similar one when my surroundings are dark. I don't want to ruin my eyes user
>tighter than ur mom's ass
>litteraly two posts at once
>no catalog
>no gallery
I take it back user, this is worst than not comfortable.
>Portugese-Brazil as a supported language
Thought aboutt buying this but I'll pirate it instead. Anyone who supports those monkey's doesn't deserve my money.
- 25 CARDS
Maybe im gonna check this shit.
At least it has gameplay you underagefags
>talks about being confortable
>doesnt even have dual monitors
No wonder you browse and post on /c/.
Gallery is fucking useless
Yeah, Steam sucks and I hope every fucker that just accepted Steam when it came out dies.
Dumb PCposter
>no catalog
>no gallery
Both wrong.
S-shut up gramps! You think you are better than me!
it's got a decent soundtrack as well.
Well I have a second monitor, it's just not plugged because turns out I barely used it anyway.
>>tighter than ur mom's ass
not an argument
>>litteraly two posts at once
what is resolution
>>no catalog
he doesn't know
>>no gallery
he doesn't know
Kys my dude
>phone poster
>telling people to kys
I wish I could say the same, but living for you is certainly a lot more painful. So I will say live long.
are phonefags the new master race?
That nigger only had two hundred buncks on his bank account to begin with? Rofl...
Holy fug, this is why they implemented budgeting when I was in high school. Nigga never learned.
>phoneposter spent 10 times as much effort for that awful formatting than someone with a keyboard would for a proper post
>abbreviates to kys habitually because it's the only acronym Sup Forums lets him get away with
>will literally never make any post or OC of substance because he's posting from a fucking phone
The absolute state of phoneposters. I wish Hiro would rangeban them all.
Gameplay is looking good
Muhh wat game?
so this is like parodius or what
games like this are on the PC??
might as well ditch my dusty PS4
Kek that looks so fucking bad
Not much of an apple guy, but how has the drastic design change been for you?
What are you gay?
Come on senpai, step it up.
>being this mad that PS4 is a SJW console that censor video games
>The absolute state of console gaming
Eternal Destiny.
Use Firefox
Lose my monthly data in three weeks
Use Chrome (and its aberrations)
Never run out of data
Use Clover
Use up all my 1,5 gigabyte limit IN FIVE FUCKING HOURS
Clover is designed for fat fuck neets who never leave the house
Who the fuck goes to the /cute boards?
make a blank text file in the game directory and rename it to nude.patch
Pat has kids?
Chapter 2's been kinda dumb so far to be honest, and it's only the beginning.
>using meme addons
Should I get the DLC?
1,5GB/month data cap? What the fucking shit? I pay 17,90€ for 50/50Mbit 4G with no cap.
>meme addons
Right... It's like day and night between 4chanX and native extension. Raw Sup Forums is utter trash to browse, just admit it.
Yes there's some lolicious content with it.
Poorfag country. I could buy unlimited for that much, but I have better ways to spend my money
>1,5 gigabyte limit
Jesus christ I'm sorry man, I'd go through that in 15 minutes most days.
feels good man.
Protip : don't try to seek political, religious and moral validation through toys.
You are the very definition of cancer.
Well, I mean I don't open alot of the images but ya it's a data eater, I get 7gbs a month. I've been browsing for about 12 hours since my work shift started and only used about 1gb, I use about 2gbs a weekend when I work.
Mind you I pay $100 a month for it, fuck Canada Reese I know I'm getting ripped off anyway
You can set it to not auto download shit you fucking autist.
Even mimi let's you do that.
Use app that let's you designate a download folder you retard. Then use miXplorer to file manage
Waifu was always a dumb retarded terminology but now that it's semi mainstream it's worse than ever.
That doesn't stop shit, it doesn't auto-filter anything like chrome, so it just downloads the entire threads every time it updates.
Similarly how you open the catalog in Sup Forums x, you can see it download up to 5 megabytes of shit, Clover does almost the same. It doesn't matter on desktop, but with mobile it does, especially since it auto-directs to the catalog every time you as much as scratch your nose
Also, it lacks the mobile site's compressed m versions of images. So if you just want to look at a giant fucking jpeg, that someone forgot to compress, you'll have to download 3,8 megabytes, instead of just a few hundred kilobytes like on the mobile site.
And disabling auto-loading doesn't even do anything, it just means you have to tap a picture twice to view it, it still downloads a bunch of other shit without you knowing
Is that taken from a Samsung CHG90?
Old fags who weren't just introduced to Sup Forums when the corporate MSM started going apeshit over Sup Forums trolls.
I hate ironic weeaboos so much more than regular weeaboos
They are both giant fucking losers, but at least weeaboos have convictions and standards. Ironic weebs - what are even you? Just post-modern annoying smug self-depreciation
Old fags go on gelbooru with the safe filter
What do you even do on /cute, like roleplay and shit?
/cute/ isn't for lewd. It's just sharing art mostly.
>serial killer is a person of color
Now that's problematic.
Wait so do you play the serial killer or is that the daughter you play
or is that the son
>dead space waifu
I got so excited for a brief moment.