Are the Bioshock games worth it?

Are the Bioshock games worth it?
The Bioshock collection is at $20 right now.

Bioshock = Minerva's Den > Bioshock 2 > Bioshock Infinite > Burial At Sea 1 > Burial At Sea 2

>Bio1 over 2
Spotted the pleb

Bioshock=Bioshock2+DLC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bioshock Infinite and its deranged embarrasing stupid fucking numbskullfuck ending that had elizebeth poorly shoved into the original. So FUCKING mad.


Btw Infinite is easily worth a play despite what Sup Forums might tell you. It's about on par with 2.

1 is legit good, minerva's den too and infinite if elizabeth is your first girlfriend.

Bioshock was great
Bioshock 2 was really good, diff atmosphere than the first but was one of the prettiest games i could remember when it came out
Bioshock Infinite was really really disappointing (for a Bioshock game), just felt like COD with 1910's steampunk architecture slapped on it

Bioschock > infinite > 2

just buy 1 and 2 seperately and save yourself the $7 that would've come with having Infinite included

bioshock > bioshock 2 (slightly, both were great)
save yourself the pain of playing infinite, it's shit

Buy Prey instead.

I was thinking of buying that game as well, is it good? I might buy it as well.

it goes on sale for cheaper at other legit sites, save money and buy more vidya

1 and 2 are really good infinite isn't as good but it also isn't as bad as everyone says.

Yes. Better than BioShock series.

Any other opinion is wrong.

Yes, Bioshock 1 and 2 are really great. İnfinite is good too even though it's worse than other 2, Sup Forums hates it because it's popular and reddit loves it

prey and bio games (infinite is very fucking dumbed down but okay nontheless) are all good. obviously get system shock and thief (not thiefourf) series if you haven't already.

pretty good singleplayer games
no reason to replay, but still

How do you live with yourself?
B2>Minerva>B1>Anal Leakage>Infinite>Your Mom's Crusty Pussy>BAS1>BAS2

>infinite isn't at the bottom
How the fuck do you live with yourself?

I've replayed bioshock 1+2 a fair few times because I genuinely love the game play, pretty fun setting AI off against each other.

nah, get yourself a System Shock 2 or new Prey.

Because Burial at Sea was literally the worst DLC I have ever played.

Trust me my son, it gets far worse.

I have spent roughly 10-20k hours of my life playing vidya. It hasn't yet.

>no reason to replay
As someone who routinely replays vidya that has little to no replay value, solely just to have the experience again when I inevitably forget most of it, I don't like this statement.

Dragon Age 2 is still the worst game.

honestly no.

This. None of the Bioshock games are the type you'll finish and then want to immediately replay, but after a couple of years, they're good enough to revisit when it's not fresh. And the original game is 10 fucking years old at this point, there's a lot of people that might like to go back to it.

just pirate it jesus christ

agreed, ive played bio 1 and 2 three times each. i will never get tired of the atmosphere and especially 2's gameplay and story.

DA2 was just intensely mediocre.
Burial at Sea took a shit on my face and expected me to enjoy it.

how did you not already get this? bio 1 and 2 have been on sale 7214154412417270 times for dirt cheap and the remasters were free.

Objective answer

1 is trash. I don't give a shit about how good the music/ art direction is when the story and gameplay are not well made.

2 is better gameplay wise (and more fun to play) but the story is somehow even blander.

I haven't played Minerva's Den but I hear it's good.

Infinite is trash past the first hour.

Burial at Sea Episode 1 is mediocre.

Burial at Sea Episode 2 is the most fun in the series, even though the plot is retarded.

OP here.
I honestly don't give a single fuck which Bioshock game is good, I just wanna know if the overall series is good and worth it. Some people have suggested other games like Prey & System Shock, I'm interested in those as well, but the main question is: Are any of these games good?

Play System Shock 2 instead.

The series is 60% shit. So no. Pirate them instead.


just get 1 and 2 and don't touch infinishit

I really liked the first bioshock but my disk stopped working before I finished it and I just kind of gave up on it. Tonight I bought it and opened it up just to see how it looked with the remastered graphics. Instead I've been playing for two hours and will probably be up all night. Do it OP, do it.

What's wrong with the Burial at Sea DLCs? I haven't played them yet.

I enjoyed 1 and 2 alot, Infinite kinda shits on everything the earlier ones had going for them and if it wasn't for Elizabeth, no one would care about it in the slightest.

>complains about bland gameplay
>likes the one with the blandest gameplay

Never played system shock or prey so I dont know about those games. Bioshock 1 and 2 are great games and infinite is okay. Overall they're worth buying

They do for the original bioshock what nudisney star wars does for the original trilogy.

It recons the events of BioShock 1 and Rapture. Basically it's Elizabeth's fault for everything.

Good joke

Are you serious?
You really enjoyed those fucking awful elizabeth sections?

I said it's more fun, not that I enjoyed it lmao. It's still bad.


Aside from fucking up the story, how is the gameplay compared to Infinite?

You don't have to post pictures of the average bioshock fan

mediocre implies there's something slightly better and slightly worse, but there's nothing comes close to DA2.

System Shock 2 is smart and great, Prey is cured my game impotency.

You know how Infinite was a somewhat serviceable "dude turn ur brain off lmao" shooter?
BaS keeps all of the shallowness, except now the levels all suck, the enemies all suck, and you have some retarded forced stealth bullshit with elizabeth.

The gameplay is about half way between Fallout 3 and a real shooter but it's worth it for the graphics and drama.

I'm not liking infinite at all it's my first play through and it really sucks. The vox populi are fucking retarded and the entire game is so lame it limits you to 2 skills and 2 guns fucking why?





It's not really a retcon as that point in the timeline was not clearly defined.


Give up. It only gets worse.

just pirate singleplayer games...