Is there ever gonna be another one?

is there ever gonna be another one?

literally the comfiest game on the planet. racing as a space bounty hunter

>killing the fifth dimensional racing god by beating him on a subatomic racetrack

It was too perfect and killed the franchise because of it.

if there is it will be watered down garbage

Well, we can now toss 'comfy' onto the list of words that Sup Forums has stripped of all useful meaning.

F-zero is awesome and has lots of qualities, comfy isn't a word I often use to describe it

maybe I am autistic but I put on podcasts and just get into it for hours

its hard but crashing doesnt disrupt anything for me

>tfw can't get it run on Dolphin without crashing randomly

Fug :DDD

is it hard to run on dolphin?

I'd like an hd version or something more portable than a gc. do modern tvs even have the old inputs?

>Pico is objectively the best character

this. it's next to impossible to improve it in any significant way.

How the fuck is this comfy?

It's easier than running F-Zero X on any 64 emulator.

Its easy, its just compared to every other gamecube game, F-Zero has the most impact on your gpu/cpu

runs nearly perfectly on mine. that might be a fluke but my pc is not great

played it first time weeks ago. its that kind of game you have to put in alot of time on to master it so no, it wont come back

I think they could add more flight physics/landing angles rather than the very strange mechanics it has. I get a boner for flight sims

>Listening to fags while muting the games music
Kill yourself

I listen to econ stuff. lectures actually, not podcasts. certainly not bugmencasts

I read/listen to lectures roughly 8 hours a day, so

Why while playing vidya?

obviously I cant read and do it, but listening to recorded lectures leaves me full of nothing for my hands to do

sometimes I'll take long bike rides or listen as I cook, but if I have 3 hours of content to do a day you run out of stuff for your hands fast

>Reply to yourself instead of me
I guess you really are autistic

big if true