How do you plan to spend this cold and lonely Christmas, user-chan?

How do you plan to spend this cold and lonely Christmas, user-chan?

Cold and lonely

At work. We don't celebrate Catholic Christmas here.


With the senpai in the Summer

Lucky bastard

Obsessing over my OkCupid crush for whom I'm apparently air, not worthy of receiving "not interested" response.

So I guess the answer is cold and lonely.

alone and sick
at least I have something to look forward to



With my family.

>people actually need a holiday to remind them to spend time with friends and family


i'll dress up as a girl and be my own waifu

what about protestant christmas?

With family, hoping the little cousins won't still be sick so I don't catch their fucking stomach virus

With video games and alcohol. Like every other day.

Negatory. Only the Orthodox one. And only actually deeply religious people do so. Christmas in the west is basically a secular holiday at this point.

Work. 2x pay since overtime+holiday pay. Works for me. When I get home, I'm gonna play some games I bought myself as a treat. FFX HD, FFXII HD, and that berserk musou.


Jesus wasn't even born on Christmas anyway, so...

With my friends for tomorrow night, family for the weekend. It's nice having some form of social interaction.

I was sort of hoping you'd ask me what the difference was so I could say it's like catholic christmas without the piety.

Yeah, that's what always baffled me. If the AD age counts from Christ's birthday, how come all the Christmases are celebrated on different dates?

Playing Team Fortress 2 while calling people of inferior skill niggers or retards.

>"Hence it is that He was born on the day which is the shortest in our earthly reckoning and from which subsequent days begin to increase in length. He, therefore, who bent low and lifted us up chose the shortest day, yet the one whence light begins to increase."

Nobody ever said it was. It's the celebration of his birth but it's not his literal birthday and they all knew this right from the beginning.

Was Jesus even real?

No. But that doesn't explain the discrepancy.

>Christmas in the west is basically a secular holiday at this point.
Why are you refusing to celebrate a secular holiday?

>Nobody ever said it was

Except they do. Every single year.

"Merry Jesus' birthday, ya sumbitch! YEEHAW!"

Going to Japan for two weeks tomorrow.

We have other winter holidays, like the New Year. It's just shifted a week forward in comparison.


where are your facts?

New Year's Eve is the worst holiday there is.

AD counted from January 1st of the year scholars guessed Jesus was born in. Orthodox churches still use the Julian calendar for their holy day scheduling. Other churches celebrate it on the day the wise men were reckoned to have met Jesus. No one started trying to get these dates straight until about 150 years after he died.

Do you have some sort of holiday cap limit that prevents you from celebrating Christmas and New Years?

The burden of proof lies on the side who makes the claim though.

Nobody knows. Most historians are willing to concede there probably was a prophet for Christianity called Jesus as it's a simple explanation for the existence of the religion and there has been writing about him, including from secular sources, from shortly after his time.

Right, with you.

You do actually. Every day of the year is some sort of anniversary. You can't have every day be a holiday, because the country's economy would disintegrate.

nope, I'm seeing my son in few days

Gonna spend the day before Christmas celebrating with my (g)bfs family and then going back home and celebrating with my own family on Christmas.

Also video games

With a real woman, unlike you weeaboos.

With my friends on xiv

not really. most holidays don't require buying/selling goods.

Unless you dig up one of his signed albums, you're never going to get proof. Historians mostly don't deal in deduction. You can deduce, for example, that a fort existed along the Rhine because there are remains of it. You have a harder time deducing that it's a Roman fort. It could fit a Roman writers' description of how Roman forts were built, but you don't know if it was a copy made by someone else. There could be Roman artifacts inside it, but they could have been traded for. You have to assume it. You don't know world war one happened because you weren't there. You can safely assume it from the wealth of written work from the time, which you might be able to prove is from the time by carbon dating. But that's not deduction. Historians deal mostly in abductive inference, although they certainly use physical evidence at every possible opportunity. I don't think Russell's teapot specifically requires deductive reasoning to satisfy its requirement for evidence. I'm just saying don't expect a mathematical proof or a physical experiment proving Jesus existed. We aren't gonna find his foreskin.

Wrapped in a blanket on a couch by the fireplace with my fiancee.

Waiting Ms.Santa for my present.

How about trying to plan something, or try to make good relations with your family, instead of wallowing in self pity.

Son of god, obviously not. But there are reasons to think there was a noteworthy Jewish preacher at Judea around that time. For starters, the whole story about Joseph travelling to Bethlehem to pay taxes is clearly bogus because Romans didn't operate that way, but consider passages in Micah 5:2 that can easily interpreted as the Messiah being born in Bethlehem. Now, if the character had no sort of historical basis, why claim this Jesus character lived in Nazareth, wouldn't it make sense to just keep him in Bethlehem? I think the reasonable interpretation is that there WAS a Jewish preacher, perhaps called Jesus, in Nazareth, and the authors of the New Testament wanted to connect him to the biblical prophecy so they made the birth of Jesus story up.

reading romance mangas, downloading chinese cartoons, shitposting and monitoring server parts for sale

Sounds sad and pathetic

Playing video games of course

Obligatory family dinner at my aunt's. Haven't left the house in months so walking there will be a fucking experience

Real talk, why doesn't Sup Forums have any friends, girlfriend or a boyfriend?

Is it by choice?

>half the posts in thread are about people spending it with their SO or family

Real talk why are you retarded?

Been living here for 3 years so far. I would rather be home right now because christmas in Japan sucks. I'm spending christmas making homemade eggnog. Might hit up the local bar. Anyway, as a tourist you're gonna have an awesome time

With the family I have left and my gf.
while trying to not think about my ex