If given the possibility, would you play as Doomgirl?

If given the possibility, would you play as Doomgirl?

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Yes, but only if you can look down and see her tummy

I've already done that for years.

Yeah, I love playing as mute female characters in first person shooters.

Me too user.

who gives a fuck about the character that you never see? stick to the original. does anybody here ask questions about what it would be like is samus was male?

Considering DG doesnt have a voice outside of wall-fucking it wouldnt matter

This nigga right here

No, let me play as a cute puppy doom dog that rips and tears
Ala Lupus

I don't really care desu.
I just want more fps with tolerable movement options.

>What if [Rule 63]?

Why do you people create these threads? What do you get out of them?

Oh fuck yea she doesnt even need to be sexy or anything, itd be played best as a samus style end game plot twist that shit would blow minds.


Yeah, I've always wanted to play Metroid...

there was a doomgirl in the novel

Fuck off and die you worthless cunt.

The day they pull some SJW bullshit in DOOM the franchise is over.

Bethesda is already on the shit list.

It makes us happy.

>deep guteral battle shrieks and yells while berzerk is active
>heavy raspy breathing while sprinting
>giggling, chuckle, or a faint moan can be heard while doing an execution
>no talking, anytime whatsoever

this pleases my inner bloodlust

Portal is good though

The game is about fighting demons in hell.

Women have no business fighting in general so that's a No.
That's a manly job stop trying to ruin good shit you stupid sex starved weebs.
The tone of the game matters and if you don't think so then you haven't put much thought into it anyway.

Demonsteele already exists



Only if it was third person and she had a cute butt.

Of course the person who drew this wild think doomguy had two guns. Sigh

A better question would be who would be the Doomguy of existing female vidya characters?

Weak as fuck A.I though

I mean, as long as they capture the spirit of this fucker, they could be stupid fanservice-tier in design for all I care.

Does it pretty well, actually while being fairly faithful.

But Doomguy already is the best girl




Of course.

>Doom Lady
Just use girl so you can still use DG you tool
Art looks nice though

whats up with this shit? i'm a fuckign man not a pansy and it's an fps so i cant even clip the camera into her panties and jack off to it fuck off bro.


Strength and endurance are core parts of doom guy's style of combat. Women are factually granted with less potential in their biology in that regard then their male counterparts. And periods and boobs also legitimately get in the way of combat. You can tie boobs down or have naturally miniscule boobs that make the point inconsequential. Or fight around your time of the month. But most notably, these are both things healthy males are completely free of.

So by playing as the female counterpart of any already male character that's established with the need to engage in physical combat. Especially, with all the punching, kicking, and handling of ever heavier weaponry, the Big Fucking Gun comes to mind for example. You're gimping yourself.

I've seen it before. See, it works here because they actually consider how Doomguy being a tired angry ball of demon hatred affects the character and their outlook. There's the typical cute girl hugging big guns/doing cute things but it tries to be Doomguy as a girl.

A LOT of genderswaps are just that character as a guy/girl, that's why they're so bland and blatant fapbait.

Then again I'd argue to a certain degree, so is that design. They just went the extra mile to make it fit too.


make doom with a female
tell me a good reason and i will agree
please not waifu shit and femenist shit.

o shit this'd be amazing

Doomguy possesses superhuman strength fueled by pure demon hatred though.

Surely you are familiar with how angry women can get?

Angry and useless

What are you going to do cry at the demon?

>doom 2016
get out faggot casual

What is Demonsteele?

No. She doesn't wear a helmet.

Fuck that mod is so good. I'm noe a fan of the guns girl, but Hae-Lin is the shit. Feels like MGR and DMC with the motivation of not getting hit to keep your score up, but not a focus on style but more on dodging attacks and killing enemies quickly. Fucking love it.

I'm fairly certain shooting would be the go-to response

Not really related but how is Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2?
It looks like it's Alice with guns but based on videos alone I can't decide if it's fun or a piece of shit.

Any WAD recommendations with the mod?

Useless because they don't have the proper tools to channel their anger.
Give an angry woman a rocket launcher and if she's still harmless I'll agree with you.


I would make sweet sweet romantic love for the purposes of procreation with doomgirl to heal her wounded heart and psyche after her ordeals (and copious daemonraepings) in hell etc.

>Empowered demigod
>Weak because she is a female
Did it ever matter in metroid? Who cares about realism, I just want more tiddies.

She was the one raping the demons

It modifies enemy patterns, attacks, all that jazz so I suppose any. I'm still worming my way through Final Doom with it. Shit's hard.

Ahem you just keep this shit up and see where you end up.

She should be called Doomgal, not Doomgirl.

Cute as fuck though

>Did it ever matter in metroid? Who cares about realism, I just want more tiddies
Sums up all the numales who want Doomgirl holy fuck

So basically Serious Sam?

Yes, but I would have to take half hour pauses every 5 minutes to wank it.

>Implying the soviets didnt use female snipers during WW2
Anyone with a gun is a thread. An empowered angy demigod with a vagina is certainly a thread.

that's a journalist
need i remind you what it's like when a """male""" journalist tries out a rifle on the range?

Says the low test soyboy who wants less tits.
Kys soyfag

why the fuck would i

most what those snipers did was posing for photo ops but an angry as fuck doomgirl would be cool
it's fantasy ffs, it's not like a real life marine could tear off an imp's leg and beat it to death with it

>tfw no hdoom reskin where you amazon position demons

Here's the ultimate thread.

>Sums up all the numales who want Doomgirl
you mean people who aren't autistic and enjoy dumb fun?

He's some faggot that comes into Metroid and Halo threads starting retarded arguments about Samus not being important to Metroid and how Spartan II women shouldn't be equal to men Spartan II men all because it's girl made him look like a retarded faggot ass cunt and dumped his virgin ass for a chad. He continues to vent his autistic rage here on Sup Forums to this day.

>A numale cuckboy is calling someone a soyboy when he needs games to jerk off because he can't get any real pussy
LOOOOOOOL I'm crying holy fuck

I would, BUT
Doomguy was a guy
he ripped and torn
there was no doomgirl

So they never shot anyone? Why would stalin care for that propaganda?


HeheXD just dumb fun

Fuck off weeb

Why is the new armor so fucking ugly

>The projection
Just admit that you dont like girls, I'm sure your parents would be proud of you coming out.
I thought so aswel.

That's an interesting point you've made. Yes, women have been shown to experience emotions to significantly higher degrees then men typically do. But emotions are more difficult to measure then physical prowess.
Whereas we can quite simply use weight lifting to measure how strong you are, emotions aren't as tangible.
And if you use the amplified emotion argument, you have to take into account all the emotions, ( and i'm sure doomguy is able to feel more then anger. ) and not every emotion could be argued for fueling combat prowess. What about, sadness or fear? Wouldn't doom gril feel more extreme versions of those too? If so, then they would also be a significant factor working against her, along with my previously mentioned points for female inferiority in this field.

>The rage of a soyfag
Cant even insult right because of the lack of test, what a little faggit.

if she looked like that, yes


He wants tits in his bed IRL.

>Playing as a fucking woman in video games.

Get out and take your dildos with you.

It's divergent line in discussion, Brainlet.

Its a demigod empowered by angles with the solle porpouse of slaying demons. It litterally wouldnt matter what sex he is because it isnt his own power.

>You will never be so autistically butt-blasted that a random user making fun of your shit tastes is a specific user
>I like girls but I can only get virtual ones made by men
Yeah user, you sure are one manly man

Oh god, user.
I never realized I wanted something so badly.

>a fucking woman
is this Sup Forums's version of A FUCKING WHITE MALE?


Implying a low test fag like you could ever get any. So afraid of girls that he doesnt even want a fake videogame girls. Little faggit

for the very obvious
>everyone does their part in the war, even our girls!
not saying they never shot anyone (though i certainly wouldn't be very surprised if it turned out they never did) but they didn't serve all that long and much of that time was spent visiting events
if you want female war heroes, look at the night bombers, apart from the obvious propaganda uses they were also recruited because the soviet brass didn't want to waste trained fighter pilots on something as suicidal and low-efficiency as night bombing on biplanes

I know your woman turned you gay, but you don't have to take your faggot anger out on us, we don't want your small virgin did, we want hot woman pussies because we're chads like the one your girlfriend dumped you for.

CCCP was all propoganda, little boy.

I don't have to prove that I get pussy, you on the otherhand are afraid of virtual pussy. How could you even hope to get real pussy.


Nah, wouldn't have the same impact, Samus has already got the area covered.

>This projection
Go back to crying about how lonely you are and how no girls loves you cuckboi

Says the fag that cant even handle girls in videogames

he is right, you know
if anybody wanted he could roleplay as doomgirl, everything it takes is switching few files and voila, Doomgirl
no need to discuss this

You ever notice that this picture of Asuka tends to be attached to absolutely garbage posts

Says the faggot soyboi

Doom Guy is Rider of the Apocalypse
Doom Lady is Badass Adorable