What improvments could they make that would make Skullgirls 2 more popular?

What improvments could they make that would make Skullgirls 2 more popular?

Skullgirls thread, I guess

All the characters that shouldve been in the first game like Anne and Feng

Fire untalented SJWs like Mariel "KILL ALL WHITE MALE CIS SCUM" X Kinuko and Alex "FUCK DRUMPFT AND FUCK WYPIPO" Ahad.

A canon story mode


She doesn't have a nose

came here to post this

Halve the time it takes for the anti-combo mechanics to kick in.

Combos are the essence of the game and taking them out would make no sense but Skullgirls really has a problem of combos going for far too long and there's quite a few instances where the whole match experience comes down to 1 or 2 resets and muscle memory of the attacker.

Shortening the time it takes for a reset opportunity to occur (basically increasing the amounts of them in a match) would do wonders to the game's broader appeal, I think.

The one issue that could come up is the fact that it would make solos much less powerful (since they are currently viable only because every single time they connect opens up a touch of death combo) but solos are rare and there's definitely ways to get around it.

Also, lots of the folks clamour about the game being extremely accessible, so maybe add a special character who only needs 4 buttons to have a clear entry-point for all the Marvel and anime players.

>Skullgirls 2

Are you typing in english, mate? What are you talking about?

>What improvments could they make that would make Skullgirls 2 more popular?

More hot babes like Peacock.

>being this assblasted because somebody has a different opinion
wew lads.

>Already seeing posts complaining about SJWs, "muh resets and long combos" to make the game more popular
It's already popular, just let them finish indivisible and then we can talk about a sequel

These are also hyperbolic opinion and that dumbass confused Alex Ahad with Mike Z. Alex is literally /ourguy/ who draw tits and ass and he doesn't care about politics

I'm just glad we got what we have. It's not often that they nail perfection the first time.

>The one issue that could come up is the fact that it would make solos much less powerful

Maybe give them even more of a buff to anti-combo mechanics? This might nerf assists too much but make it so you need to get off say, a dozen perfect resets if you want to take them down.

we are probably never getting skullgirls 2 because of the copyright problems. zero lab doesnt even own the skullgirls name.

>the best tutorial, better than GGXrd Rev
>slowmo training up to 10%
>generally really decent training mode
>relatively forgiving on input gestures and timing
>team fighter that you can play after learning a sngle character instead of three+assists

The issue with Skullgirls is not accessability. I think it just doesn't draw in too many more mainstream people. They called it "Skullgirls", started with an all-female roster and put a schoolgirl, a nurse and a maid in, there's tits and averyting. A normie sees a fetish-wanking game and moves on.
The only people who play this game are people who generally play anime games/air dashers, and that's a niché within a niché, dispite the success of MvC, which are Marvel licensed.
Since SG is liked by those people, you could say it has a small audience but pulls off what this audience wants really well.


I feel like your incessant need to fight some retarded culture war has blinded you from the fact that Mariel was responsible for the entire art style and spends like 10 hours a day drawing cute girls. What have you done, son? Yelled at someone you don't know on the internet? Good job.

dumb frogposter

Make it less reset and combo heavy, shit is way too punishable for the beginners and intermediary players so no one sticks with it, myself included.

Also give the option to create lobbies for 1 v 1 fights only. I never liked playing multiple characters in skullgirls. I also haven't played the game in years so i dont even know if that is an option or not.

Also this

Single player "mission/story" type modes with a gimmick like RPG mechanics or an RTS minigame before fights. Shit will draw in the normies like crazy myself included.


blizzard tier marketing


He's right you know.