*annoys you with 10 damge*

*annoys you with 10 damge*

>lays down a wifi router
heh, nothin personnel, kid....

>it zaps you three times and gets away

>zaps all your routers
omae wa mou shindeiru

>shoots your wifi routers from a distance

I'm not even that bad at aiming but shooting the cameras is fucking annoyingly hard if the person is even slightly good at dodging

*places shock wire in your only exit*

Do people actually play this shitty game.

i play almost exclusively this, pubg, Minecraft, and ps2 stuff in OPL from the internal hard drive
also some Sauerbraten, TF2 and HL2:DM
fight me

>Puts you and a bunch of low levels against a plat stack

>siege, pubg, minecraft
>then actually good games
why do you do this to yourself user?

It's one of the best multiplayer games that's active and growing.

>places wifi router on the edge of a staircase

I'm having a lot of fun with multiplayer games that are superior to siege in the same genre :)
If you like video games, come join us in darkest hour.

>21 minutes
What platform is that dead?

lol no thanks nerd

It's been growing since release

PC, always

Who has the best LMG ingame?

Wow, I'm in! What do you play friend?

Nigga it rarely gets past 1 minute for me
Were in the same rank too

But Darkest Hour is dead in water.

Nah just a shitty glitch from year one. Taken off google images

What's up bronze shitter?
this is the type of cuck to get mad and call a game shit when he sucks at it
git good, lmao (;

It's bugged. It should never take more than 1:30 for a match; but rarely it just hangs like that.

siege is really a breath of fresh air after playing garbage like overwatch
wish i picked it up on release and not 2 years later

You're an idiot. Do you ever think to check Steam stats? 80k on today. That's not even considering players that play it on uplay.

Darkest hour and rising storm 2 at the moment.
Sorry I'm not underage, I don't play shit games.
Once you age past 25 you will stop consuming garbage. You can maybe stop now and come play rising storm 2 with me :)

aslong as the first three are with friends and the ps2 is on a proper display you're a-okay, user. Sup Forums just gets salty over shit like pubg and minecraft cause they don't have friends to play with.


Okay so, what happend. Did someone fuck you in the ass while they played Siege? Tell daddy.

>wish I picked it up on release
Game was really dogshit then you are playing it's least buggiest and best iteration currently.

Sak nam? Server?


how to farm credits

I want my Ela already and I am only at 9000

Do you think we'll ever get another shield operator?

508th :D

Good job Wrinkle

Do all weekly and dailies. Also kys for wanting to do anything with that overpowered slut.

*annoys you with 200 damge*

>he didn't buy gold edition
I hope you already have Caveira because she's objectively better than Ela for that role

Not gonna pay that much money just to give into their jewery. The grinding in the game is fucking insane, and Ubisoft should be ashamed.

Why? I think shes awful. Explain.

She has a nice ass, I shot some of her firearms on the range in real life and liked them a lot, I am also Polish.

Is it too late to get into this game? I'm liking it from what I've seen so far.

I'l enjoy easily spotting your stupid colored hair and getting easy headshots.

At least kap is decent enough to wear some fucking camo.

Because you're shit and suck at games.
its okay user, kee playing casual garbage

They announced a third year of DLC, so no.

>cav better than ela

autist lmao

Scout around and you'll get a bit more

>darkest hour
bro you didn't even know what that game was until he posted it and I like siege.

Heard and seen footage of it, never played it, that hard to understand dumb underage?

*kills the hostage*

>never played red orchestra or darkest hour with Sup Forums
who you calling underage

Buy complete edition and Year 3 pass and you'll have everything.

>playing with Sup Forums

>I hate fun
yeah I guess that's why you play siege

>Getting a kill with Kapkan traps

Its always so fucking satisfying when you're hiding in a corner and you just hear that boom


I prefer hearing the THUNK from frosts trap myself

How can I play multiplayer games that have no players lmao

I understood that reference

>retard opponents don't hear me pop the window
>mfw just spraying my vector in their face

It was like $5 extra for 10 operators, 10% discount on everything in the game and some cosmetics, you're the Jew here
>silent footsteps with a silenced pistol that is extremely OP
>some blue haired cunt with shit mines that stun people for 3 seconds

She's god tier, her mines can be used as nades to rush someone or you can leave them as traps, wait to see the mine triggered score notifier then peek them.

Just bought the game and can't figure out how to pop the windows out when I play as her. Her guns are trash too

Shoot the red gas canister friend

>Trash guns
look at him and laugh

Vector is terrible and I hate shotguns, I can't use poison spikes guy because of this too
Thanks amigo

shoot the red tank at the bottom

Vector is one of the best SMGs you dumpsterfag

>blocks your path

Heh. What now, kid?

*teleports behind you*

Nothing personnel, kid.

>uses any op with explosives

>just punches the block
What block,boy?Worst op

*tracks your footsteps*


Should I buy buck or jackal or buck as my first attack dlc op,can't decide.

*kills you with one bullet from spawn*

It's really telling that this game has gotten worse since release and people are still into it because everything else to scratch that itch is just that bad.

>start playing again after a year
>"You are being hunted!"
The fuck is this shit. What are these poison spikes. What's happening

Jackal has the best AR in the game if you ask me and a pretty good ability

If you already have Ash or Hibana no reason to get Buck.

I shame gookglasses ability overshadows Jackal in every way.

Her design triggers me for some reason

Is that why Ela was picked in ~75% of games last proleague season and Cav was picked for 0%?

tell me if this is a good op idea

427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (427 SOAS)
>Goon / Offensive / 3A 1S
Gadget: Ricochet
>Description: 3 puck-like bouncing explosives that detonate on contact with an enemy or sticks to the wall after travelling a certain distance and can be manually detonated. After sticking to a surface they can be manually detonated only, with the damage and range of a grenade.

>Keeper / Defensive / 2A 2S
Gadget: Chasseur
>Description: Booby trap 2 non-explosive ally traps (Castle's Walls, Rook's Bag, Frost's mats, etc) to detonate c4 charges that have 150% range and 50% damage of nitro cells.

Both Operators can use the following real-life weapons:
>Colt Canada C7A2 AR
>Colt Canada C8A3 Carbine
>Browning 9mm

This doesn't work. All you have to do is silent step right before each ping, and your team doesn't get the tracking notification.
Tracking a Cav is the exact opposite of what you should be doing.

Bucks skeleton key shotgun is awesome to have if you know youre about to run right around a corner to kill a camper. Chopping massive holes in walls, floors and opening hatches is a huge plus. Having 2 frag grenades to throw at pussy obj. corner campers behind shields is great.

vs Jackals ability to see footprints/track enemies for 15 secs.

You choose. Mind you, i do like checking for footprints as i move around the map to know if my area may be hot.

I read her bio and I'm convinced she was created to be as offensive to the senses as possible.

If you hate the gamer girl design you'll hate her.
If you like the gamer girl design you'll still hate her because she's faking it anyways.

Even in hostage he's still top tier, he has one of the best, if not the best, weapon in the whole game.

>Vector is terrible

The Vector has a high rate of fire and low recoil, it's only drawback is it's small magazine.

She's the strongest op in the game, and she's probably going to get nerfed soonish.

>Frag grenades
>Can literarly open 15 walls if need be
>Instant switch to shotgun when in a potato aim battle

Ash is for speed and a tiny hitbox but pretty useless beyond that

Why are all the best ops defenders?

>things that never happened for 300, please

If you wanna be useful - rook and castle.
If you want frags - fucking bullshit ela and smoke with his smg

That's more to do with Ela's SMG being amazing and Cav's SMG being fairly shit. Really, most ops are balanced around their speed and their guns, not so much their ability.

Both her rifles are very solid, and her ability allows her to quickly take out soft walls or destroy barbed wire, which assists her speed. She's just a solid op all around.

That being said Buck is still solid and fun, though Hibana is just all around superior if you don't have her.

>watch windows that people commonly look out of/break to peek
>shoot their head
only works on certain maps though