Is calling Bloodborne "too difficult" a legitimate complaint...

Is calling Bloodborne "too difficult" a legitimate complaint, especially considering the devs tried to make it easier than dark souls gameplay by adding the health-recovery feature? I feel like people overlook the map design, gameplay, structure, and overly focus its "le too hard" gimmick which isn't even the case once you get used to dodge mechanics.

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'most games shouldnt be bloodborne'
no shit, you only get a game like BB once every decade

>i'm a professional
>defines a games quality based on difficulty

has there ever been a more braindead person than brianna wu?

I feel like the soulsborne games are accessible. Yeah its not a cakewalk but anyone can play and get the gist of things.

>taking advice for someone that mutilated his game even more than hew mutilated his body

again the same tactics. Trying to get a response out of angry gamers that take the bait so she can play the victim card again. Just fuck off

Bloodborne didn't get praised just because muh difficulty. It got praised by its excellent environment and lore. Everybody thought it was Dark Souls clone in which you are a beast hunter, while actually it was a lovecraftian horror game. That twist was unexpected for most players.

Stop paying attention to him. He is clearly mentally ill and not worth your time

Did her philosophy pay off, gamers?

This, gameplay wise Souls is pretty simple. What you learn at the very beginning of the game is what you will be doing for 99% of it. Games infamous for being inaccessible like fighting, RTS, etc. usually have a shitton of mechanics that need to be learned before you're able to play at an acceptable level.

You have 20 fucking potions, you need like 5 hits to die and dying costs nothing but time.
This is hardly "too difficult"

Bloodborne is too difficult at times, but Wu is still a faggot.

I refuse to believe a game could flop this hard
Even the most obscure rpg maker games have an all time peak of 50-60

This guy's a laugh a minute

>Simple mechanics
>Low punishment for failure, it's just that failure happens more often
>Not accessible

>Most games shouldn't be Bloodborne
And most aren't and never will be, so stop fucking crying over the few that are you fucking degenerates.
t. someone who doesn't even play Souls shit.

I don't know what is the deal with this people. They can play hundreds if not thousands of games where the game hand-holds you. Even if you want to play specifically BB or DS and don't play a hard game or learn it then just use summons or some OP guild or farm like a faggot.

>Has made 1 game, it was super shitty and no one bought it


Bloodborne and DS3 aren't even hard. Bloodborne admittedly has an abusrdly hard beginning for beginners, but that's about the toughest it gets. And the reason it's so tough is because you need to learn to play the game the way it wants you to play it to succeed in the beginning. And once you get that to click, the entire game is much easier. This is the same for DS1, DS2, etc. but doubly so in Bloodborne.

Trannies mutilate their bodies and fuck themselves up with drugs to avoid the challenges of being a man in society. You think they'll understand that the challenge is the whole point? Some people just can't wrap their head about the concept of overcoming, they just want participation trophies.

You know what does pander to casuals? Books. Retards who can't read read picture books (ie game journos) and people who can read grown up books. We should define games by "baby game" and "grown up game" so these special little children get their way.

>Reading actual complicated books
The only difference is they don't complain about them because then the people would know how retarded they are for not understanding them.

That would never solve anything. These faggots are embarrassed by their job, and vent their frustration on video games. They never wanted to be in video games, they wanted to be film/tv/theater/print hipsters. That's why they're trying to make games more "mature" and "respected", and at the same time trying to remove all difficulty and make them play themselves. The shorter games are, the less they have to do this thing that they hate so much, which is playing them.

Bloodborne and all of the soul games where never difficult.
Its the filthy casuals that suck at games.

I think some transgenders don't use drugs nor get their penis removed. They just identify themselves as women and dress like them.

People tend to overlook things they never get to see, if they cannot progress in game.

Transvestites and Transgenders are two different things, user.

It's a legit complaint, want to know why?
Because there is no 'gaming community' when it comes to universal design choices. The gaming community is a system of tribes where each group likes and dislikes different things. When pandering to one group, you put off another. There is no universally good way to design a game, and all you're doing when you go for mass appeal is pandering toward casual players, and creating a mediocre product for every other group. Tolerable to everyone, but not fantastic to anyone. To say that all games should be or have X is beyond retarded.

>I'm a professional in thus field
God I hate gaming journalists

Is this bloodborne game hard?


The fact that people call bloodborne difficult

>everything needs to appeal to everyone
>everything needs to be accessible to everyone
>you are not allowed to enjoy things if others don't

The souls games are not hard per se, the thing is, most people come from a background like Zelda where enemies literally deal 1/20 your health per hit, so once they tried out these games and once half their health disappeared after they got punished for being retarded, they instantly thought these games were the definition of "hardcore gaming".
Sure there are moments where the games can get hard, lots of easy games have some difficulty spikes here and there but these games boil down to understanding what you can get away with and what not.



>im a professional
>i suck at games
Choose one

>Brianna Wu

Who was in the wrong here? The thot or the thirsty guy?

No because despite being my favourite game ever, it is easily the easiest souls game outside of FRC chalices which these reviewers haven't touched at all

The big issue is that Gascoine is a hell of a first boss.

Outside of the false bosses that could be avoided (or not refought once they kill you) in the tutorial zones of the Dark/Demon Souls games, he requires a good deal of mastery to beat.

i cannot side with a girl on any subject, even if they're right

The only difficulty comes from the 30fps raping my eyes

I fucking hate PS4, it’s a shit console, as all consoles are, but Bloodborne is easily best game ever made in my book. Literally who shouldn’t be allowed to criticise such games. This is like elementary school teachers giving critique on Dostoyevsky.

>specially considering the devs tried to make it easier than dark souls gameplay by adding the health-recovery feature?

is this the most fucking brainlet thing anyone can say about bloodborne? this retarded "argument" is literally 100% of the time born out of nothing but the inability to comprehend even the most simple pieces of game design, often with some heavy misinformation thrown into the mix with shit like you being apparently able to "regenerate" health endlessly by killing enemies

hurr you'll feel bad if you kill some ladies. man that book was boring

Exactly, almost no games can even touch something like Dark Souls 1 or BB with rare exceptions like RE4.

Souls games aren't hard. I can confirm this because I'm terrible at video games and found both DS and Bloodborne cakewalks. Almost every boss down in 1-3 goes, a couple across both games up to half a dozen, Orphan of Kos fucking 20 times or so fuck him.

I'm rubbish at execution in games so can't do shit in actually hard stuff like fighting games or arena shooters. I know what to do, but don't have the reactions or skill to input the actions properly. The actual execution in Souls games is pretty easy, the dodge/parry timing is very generous, you just have to pay attention and think before you act. You can't win by simply reacting to things like in most games, you need to know what you're going to do beforehand.

>you need to know what you're going to do beforehand
That sounds a little like cheating?

This guy gets it. It's the same reason the writing in most modern vidya is shit. The only ones willing to work on vidya are the ones that washed out of film and TV. This is also why 'cinematic experiences' got pushed so hard.

What? Hanging back and observing patterns to work out when it safe to attack before committing, rather than just running in and hitting dodge whenever a blow is heading your way?

Real question though, if the Souls games weren't challenging, would they still be good?

Then they're just faggots who feel that just being a faggot isn't special snowflake enough.

He probably thought you meant something like reading guides or watching youtube videos before attempting it by yourself.

>not accessible
I don't understand. You get told the controls right at the beginning before you have to do anything. You get an infinite supply of lives. You can become so fucking powerful, you can one shot bosses. And worst of all, you can summon an infinite army of people to complete the game for you.
Completely ignoring the fact that you get invincibility for rolling or dodging, and can just hide behind a high stability shield doing literally nothing.

Even made easier by the fact that the game will tell you in detail what or enemy is weak to what if you are willing to spend at least a minute or two reading item descriptions or other in game notes. For instance, in Bloodborne, my first ever playthrough I went with Skill and Bloodtinge. Skill is basically Dex, and Bloodtinge is kinda like Luck or the ranged Dex stat.
Beasts are weak to serrated weapons and fire. If you throw a Molotov at a beasts head, it is practically guaranteed to enter a critical state allowing you to riposte it.
Aliens are weak to thrusting and lightning, and best of all, have a damage modifier on attacks to the head with increased damage taken from bullets (probably because thrusting). I could sit at the back of a boss arena with my Pistol and do nothing else and kill AYY's in seconds.
And worst of all, the "harder" bosses are backstab friendly. Orphan of Kos OR SOME SAY KOSM, you can backstab him. Lady Maria? Parriable and backstabable!

Soulsborne is easy. If you die more than 10 times, than you're probably a normie or a brainlet.

I swear about 60% of the time I was playing Bloodborne, I was trying and failing again and again to beat Father Gasciogne. Once I beat him, I plowed through the rest of the game with no problem.

The atmosphere alone makes them worth playing

So only people new to gaming think this game is hard?

Not as such. It just requires a very patient and methodical approach, which is unfamiliar to casuals and people who started gaming post-2007.

I tried the first darksouls on PC but the controls were bad

Pretty sure the health gain mechanic was to make the game more aggressive than dark souls, dark Souls is easy compared to bloodborne

i guess it's not for everyone.the game gets really fun once everything clicks and you stop sucking shit,but it can take some time to get to that point.

No. I don't play games to be challenged, I don't get a sense of accomplishment from them and I sure as hell don't feel I have to compete with others.

I don't play Souls games. They are not for me. And that is fine. Games should not cater to everyone. Souls games are for try hards and if you don't like that play something else.

I'm always left wondering, if trans people an womyn are so strong and empowered, how come they can never seem to take a joke with some grace?

>mental illness
>"Hey you guys! Listen to me do my Twitter schtick!"

Not even once.

I see, I stopped playing games around the 2004 and came back 1 year ago and most games are easy now from what I have seen

>hurrrrrrr video games shouldn't challenge us normies
>I'm only ok with comfy gaems

>pandering to casuals

Not really, sure there's fluff fiction like Harry potter out there but I don't think casuals could appreciate slaughterhouse 5, let alone Ulysses or the pale king.

Stephen's Sausage Roll is harder than any souls game


>implying this isn't one of the best books ever written
>implying he didn't describe the typical Sup Forumsirgin 140 years before Sup Forums even existed

Dostoyevsky is absolute top tier.

It is a legitimate complaint, but your ultimate conclusion should be, "I guess it's just not for me", because you're criticizing the design philosophy and not how well they implemented that philosophy.

Saying every game should be accessible to all players is limiting the types of games that can be made and is surprisingly close-minded. You'd think a tranny would be less judgemental of people with preferences outside the norm.

>games that require patience and thought are for try hards
Imagine being this cuck'd

bloodborne was my first FromSoft game EVER and i beat all the bossess and DLC. I am not great at games and finished my first playthrough with an 10+ Axe and Pistol at level 135. I am not good so I just had to invest time. Bloodborne and souls can be for everyone. Just immerse yourself and you will WANT to finish it. People who think bloodborne HAS to be hard simply have not humped far enough to beat Gasgoine yet (the games addictive turning point) or want to be angry about “video game culture” because they heard about bloodborne, not because they played it.

the challenge is crucial to the atmosphere,so your opinion is wrong

Can we make """her""" play Last Raven, pretty please?

That's what really triggers me with "gaming journalism" It's like they absolutely want to kill any creativity and originality in the medium for the sake of " inclusion".

Someone post the screencap of the fucker from kotaku being humiliated by a photographer on gaf

same, except for the bing shit at games part

its just trial and error, adapting to new enemies, hard focus and determination. It has the same satisfaction as playing monster hunter. Fucking up something stronger than you through sheer will is a great feeling

If only the """challenge""" didn't come from cheap one-shots and shitty hitboxes

it doesnt

>you need like 5 hits to die

>tfw stuck on Kos right now
I wish I hadn't been meme'd on dropping the easy mode Axe, maybe I should just overlevel myself as well.

>Is calling Bloodborne "too difficult" a legitimate complaint


Nothing except gravity 1 shots in any souls game, unless you do a no level up run.

You're talking about the future President of the United States, Sup Forums. Show some fucking respect.

Does anyone here actually think video games can be difficult?
Just fucking press the buttons when you're supposed to.

all presidents are bad people


I'm pretty sure that if fucking DSP can beat your game then it's 'accessible'

Help me bros. Last time I played I was stuck in some holy chalice place, and everything leads to a dead end, except for one tunnel that has a summon and some kind of electric beast. I don’t know where else to go unless that’s the only way.

>Is calling Bloodborne "too difficult" a legitimate complaint

Not really. It seems you're just mad and or have a need for Bloodborne to be considered difficult. I agree that people tend to blow this out of proportion but the fact remians that if you just play well enough and fast enough, you can use that regen to balance out your damage, adding to the vials which kinda makes it easier than Dark Souls.

You're in an optional area. Go back to Cathedral Ward and explore some more. Have you found the forest area yet?

Hit him in the arms till he falls down.

Im that user, Took me 3 goes brah. Do it. Viscreal him too.

Well thats the problem, they want to feel like they are good at the game without actually using their reflexes, game knowledge or brain.
Its just an excuse that its too hard when youre spoonfed games a 12 year old can finish easily

here's the context:
triggered by a review

How can you get triggered by this? How can you interpret this paragraph as elitist?