
What's your favorite inventory system in games?
Slots, 99 limit, weight encumbrance, etc.

Fable 2

Varied slot sizes is where it's at.

this guy knows. nothing is better than getting a huge stash going and playing the case.

it's the only style even worth mentioning, every other game is just lists with a limit


Yeah, it works great when it automatically rearranges the inventory for you. While weight limit is just a tiresome numbers game. Visual design is best.

this is the pinnacle

only if you can flip the items between vertical and horizontal
it annoys the shit out of me when you'd be able to fit something sideways but cant

Classic block based inventory with unlimited pages and no weight encumbrance. Divided by categories (weapons, armor, consumables, scrolls, jewels, junk and so on). For maximum ease of use I'd include ability to search through it, highlight favorite items, have ability to bind the items to hotkeys so you can quickly swap out or use consumables in battle.

As for inventories that stuck in my mind... I'd say Gothic games had a pretty good inventory system. Never had any trouble with it while playing. Simple and easy to use. I hate games that impose carry limits and usually just bypass them with mods or cheats.

Encumbrance is good when it is super limited and forces you to plan ahead of time. I, for one, kinda wish that FROM ARPGs kept it from DeS, but slightly restricted and modified it.
In terms of display, I prefer having a list with small icons. I dont know why grids are a thing, even on consoles they feel awkward and less intuitive than a list. Tetris-esque slots are kinda interesting as a concept, but honestly I feel like usually they are more of an annoyance, to the point whee some devs just add the autofill button, which makes me wonder why even have slots in the first place. This user also addresses one of the huge problems with slots to be honest.

Has any game ever balanced both weight and space effectively? Like in a survival game, or where it needs to be realistic.

Volume and weight limited with penalties to movement rates and maneuverability dependent upon how much shit is carried and where.

cataclysm DDA

The best inventory system in any game ever

JA2 still the best

Close, but no

>2 SMGs


unlimited space but higher load reduces your stamina regeneration up to the point where you cant move at all

Unlimited inventory
I'm a hoarder so I grab all the shit I want and I hate dropping it because going over an imaginary limit makes your character static. Its just not fun and its a chore more than anything else
Gothic 1 did it right

Difficult to generalize.

>Action-focused RPG
Carry as much of all your shit as you want. 100,000 goblin bones, why not?

Weight and limits only exist for equipment you're actively using, if at all.

>RPG where longer-term resource management is important
Inventory limits here are an important part of making decisions meaningful (i.e. do I get this thing or not). Give enough space / weight to work with, but not so much that they never need to think about what they're getting under any circumstances.

I'm down with anything a long as it's suited to the game. Like Breath of the Wild having no inventory limits but you have to switch outfits all the time so it really needed no limit.

If I got to choose for a game it'd be an encumbrance system, you slow down as you become encumbered. Anything less than 25% or so doesn't slow you, anything above 100% slows you down a lot till you can't move. I'm not sure about that last part as some people would torture themselves with incredibly slow movement if it mean carrying more loot.

Came here to post this. You're alright in my book, user.


Questions like these are totally worthless without context of what type of game it's in.

If you want to give a proper answer with your opinions on inventory systems in games then create your own context and answer with that taken into consideration.

As long as it's not Bethesda's weight system.

Unlimited inventory space.
Relatively sparse, unique loot.

I do not want to have to sit there and decide which items I farmed I want to keep and which I want to throw away as a complete waste of time.

Breath of the Wild's weapon inventory was awful in this way since there is absolutely no way to store anything save for 3 items.

I also do not want to have to sort through hundreds of slight variations of the same items and decide if its better to save, sell, disassemble, discard, etc at regular intervals throughout a game.

Nioh was a fucking nightmare in this regard.
I dropped Borderlands for this reason.
I will not waste my time on any game like this without good reason. Too much loot is just as bad as not enough content.

I do not play games to play inventory management simulators.

Bloodborne almost did it correctly save for Blood Gems.

That Kindom Hearts DS game was good. Balancing Levels, Abilities, Magic and Items was pretty good.

Fully physics-simulated inventory. Anything else is 2000's hardware tier.

well i just finished nier automata and the 99(?) of any chip limit was cancer. I get that it's to encourage you to combine your chips but it's barely enough to hold all the unique chips with extra room to work on combining
Meanwhile Xenoblade chronicles 2 has 999 limit of any collectible

What game?

oh definitely this.

and then recoded made my autism spiral with the chip system. I literally had to have all my chips organized in a specific way. I spent more time on that screen than the actual game