Do you still find this creepy?
Do you still find this creepy?
no, but i still can't do it
No, but the skull kid's laugh is
It's easy as fuck
there are at least two things you can use to make it easier
>song of slow time
>bunny ears
how would inverted song of time help here?
They move slower? Like everything else in the world. I can't tell if you're being serious when you ask that.
No it's not.
You aren't cool for thinking hard things are super easy, autist.
Why the fuck are Flatwoods Monsters so prevalent in Japanese games?
i was. i didnt know that or at least didnt remember right now. when i was a kid i used to play the double time song so 6am would come faster. hm no wonder i found this so hard
>Play song of Double-time
>Skip straight to morning
>Quest failed
>What the fuck, this is so hard.
Why do you jump to the assumption that he thinks something hard is easy, and not that you think something easy is hard?
Cuz it's hard. The controls make it hard.
Are you doing it while riding Epona?
I'm positive you're baiting but just wondering how far it goes.
now im rly confused cause i thought there was a song that sped up time (not skipped to the next day) like how inverted slowed it down. its been too long since i played desu
> I'm positive its easy, it's the easiest thing ever. Dark souls is easy, and nothing is challenging
Dark Souls is easy
>aim bow at slow moving target
>shoot bow at slow moving target
>circle around barn to stop incoming slow moving targets
>slow down time to slow down slow moving targets in case they weren't slow enough
>repeat for 5 minutes
Cmon dude the octorok shooting gallery was the real bow challenge.
Majora's Mask isn't a creepy game it's literally for little kids
There is, he's just a retard. You double the notes for song of Time
The motion controls on the 3ds make any part with bows piss easy. Once you get a feel for how it works it's almost like aiming with a mouse.
You double the notes but that's literally the song that skips half a day, there's no song that speeds up time to the effect that inverted song of time gives... retard
>Do you still find this creepy?
No, now I find it hot
Yeah you're right, I guess I remembered wrong, I could have sworn there's a song that speeds up time.
What's hard?
I mean, cool design and interesting* lore. (*interesting to me at least)
I don't know but definitely not Dark Souls
No, it's actually one of my favorite side quests in the game.
Its cool you never died in Dark Souls, but I ask again... What's a hard game?
You want a full list of hard video games nigger? My point is that Dark Souls is a horrible example of a hard game.
nah, but it still hits my stress buttons
Yeah but it's common sense to use Inverted Time at the start of a cycle. Why would someone wait until the aliens to use it?
My penis, which I inserted inside u'r mom last night
Romani will always get abducted
Anyone got the picture?
>you aren't cool for thinking that being able to make a peanut butter sandwich is easy!
It's not autistic if it's literally easy.
They move so fucking slow, you could take a piss between waves and still win.
Better than how Amerilards always use greys.
With aliens, imagination is limitless, but devs always do dumb, generic shit designs.
Do I find little girls getting lobotomized creepy? No, should I?
I want a game where you must survive different real life cryptid encounters.
A little.
Man, I need to replay Majora's Mask. I played and loved it on release, but now I remember almost nothing about it.
That's good, wish I could play it again with little knowledge about it.