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It went dow nto 2 players at its worst, had 3 during consecutive hours.


pretty jealous of the player count desu



this typo alone made me not buy the game, to be honest


He isn't serious, right? Right?!

Sad not that many people playing it, it still has a godly OST I've been hearing for a while.


>22 average players in the past 30 days
I guess pandering towards SJWs really paid off

Is there any sort of contractual obligation preventing Lawbreaker from going F2P?


Oh it shows, Cliffy. It shows.

Quentin needs to fucking sue for defamation.

Why lawbreakers failed bros?
Did goobergaters hate non sexualized characters so much that they destroyed this amazing game by hate trolling it to death?

>preaching about diversity while being overtly racist towards another nation
the absolute state of SJWs

>Steam numbers matter
Look at Tekken 7... MKX... Any fighting game.
Look at BO2, BO3, any call of duty or popular shooter.
Look at Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3. Fallout series, Elder Scrolls.


All have large playerbases on consoles, very very large in fact, whereas the PC community is literally dead.

I hate Cliffy, and I hate lawbreakers, but a dead game it is, no sir-ree.


I'm still not bored of seeing this.

Tried the game almost 3 years back and I remembered it being a CS clone, the music was muted by default too.

Stop giving a fuck about the number of players you retards in a multiplayer only game, just buy the goddamn game!!!!!



-But the pregame lobby is great enough to warrant a buy, who need matches to start to enjoy themselves?

>its doing well on consoles guys!!!

Well nevermind then. At least you provided proof, carry on senpai.

>tfw Yakuza 3 has a recent player count of in the 30s

Smh senpai desu

>arena shooter
>not a PC-centered genre
plus there's figures from PSN and they're not looking any better
back to plebbit with you

I fap more times today than this.

What the fuck is up with the texture on her face
She looks like wet paint


>It takes more than 1 hour to find a match on the PS4
>not a dead game

Nice another failbreakers thread.

>none of that 60 dollar bullshit.

thanks doc

bought it in christmas sale. Its real fun. Typical Sup Forumsirgins hating good games cause the memes tell them to.

>active players: 12

Cliffy wanted Sup Forums to hate this game.
He honestly believed that if he manages to push the core multiplayer shooter playerbase away he'll have a better community and earn more money.

It was all very deliberate and calculated, only he's a deluded retard who ate up his own bullshit about gaming culure being much more diverse than the facts show.

It wouldn't matter if it weren't a multiplayer game that is meant to be played with other people

>If you don't buy our game, you're an awful person who wants video games to die and developers to starve out on the streets
>but I'm not here to dictate your life. :)

How does it feel to be top 10 in a video game?

Sex will always sell. You're a literal retard if you think otherwise

what does sex selling have to do with Lawbreakers?

>I need you

They purposely made their characters ugly to appeal to SJW snowflakes?

People only care about mobas with hot waifus.
Only exception is Dota 2 and if it had hot grills like League has it would be way more popular.

He is the same guy who attacked overwatch when lawbreakers started to bleed players, he was told to fuck off

sex sells but it's far from being the only thing that sells
you're being an overly simplistic moron

Paladins is doing far better
I wonder why

>They purposely made their characters ugly to appeal to SJW snowflakes?
yep, CliffyB claimed making a mature overwatch with progressie tranny bathrooms and "realistic" characters (ugly as fuck) would attract a bunch of people, more in particular, people who disliked how sexist were overwatch characters

I guarantee you if lawbreakers was a good game on top of having the hottest waifus in mobas with the best skins to put on them and people were interested in commissioning porn for the characters in the game it would be doing much better than it's doing right now and might grow, rather than bleed a fanbase.

This is a single player untranslated doujin bullet hell game

owned by based east european master race

>if lawbreakers was a good game on top of having the hottest waifus
that's two ifs, not one

The game will go F2P soon, they are just trying to get as many cents as possible

Ugly people: the game

I wonder who these few players are. Like, do they actually get into matches?

>small capitalist part of his brain tells him to target the SJW market
Small indeed

Well the game seems like it has decent enough gameplay to me.

> two weeks of double XP

How desperate can you be? Almost as depserate as..... Anthony Burch?

>a billion dollar IP beat by a single drunk dude who doesn't know english and is notorious for being "bad" at drawing yet having some of the most iconic cute grill designs

>no fifth

The art style is abhorrent, you have no idea what you're fighting and everything is lost in the background.

Not to mention they can't balance shit.
If they made it with cute grills that you can see rather than ugly brown and metal, it would be much better


Shut up you fucking bigot, I asked around my local African community and every single one of them said that Lawbreakers gave them positive role models to achieve anything they want, and that local crime problems are over.

>tfw battleborn, one of the biggest gaming failures in past decade has 5 times more players than lawbreakers

>game has like 10 players
>devs still updating constantly, making new content and communicating every day
>meanwhile Destiny 2 has 10 million players
>Bungie doesn't talk to anyone, only brings out tiny content after months and generally hates their community but milks them dry

Why can't we have bro tier devs on a successful game?

>Lawbreakers gave them positive role models to achieve anything they want

Why try when you are already successful?


Is there a single person from Halo CE left at Bungie, though? Halo had actual encounter design and complimenting enemy types. Destiny 2 has ZZZZZZZZZZZ

You forget
>game has like 100-200 players
>devs decide to modify the game and add health regeneration, nerf all the weapons, reduce the speed of the jetpacks
>its playerbase gets alienated by all this shit in a supposed skill based shooter
>game gets barely 20 people at its 24h peak
>Cliff says the lawbreakers logo is responsible of the low playercount
>Cliff wonders why having a nigger with purple lipstick as the titular character of the game is not attracting any players

Come on


Seriously though it's been dead for months Jim


did that really happen? they ruined the game?

>lawbreakers logo is responsible of the low playercount
o shit that's funny
do you have a source on that?

Inb4 I'm your abortion twin.
The UN looks pretty different than that. I guess he thinks it's 99% niggers.

>Cliff wonders why having a nigger with purple lipstick as the titular character of the game is not attracting any players
He's a regressive and blames the racist gamers for not thinking the painted gorilla isn't attractive

yep, IIRC the 1.4 patch fucked the "skill based" part of the game
yep web.archive.org/web/20171015081820/https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cliff-bleszinski-on-saving-lawbreakers/1100-6453676/


>Someone on the dev team thought this creature was attractive

>deliberately make your characters look like shit and admit it
>wonder why they aren't recognizable
is he drunk or something?

i doubt that
they probably thought putting an swarthy hag like that in the game is empowering and all the hijab-clad brown gamer girls around the world will relate or some shit like that

Yep, patch 1.4 ruined the game for many. If you look on Plebbit and the Steam forums and even official forum, everyone hated it. Health regen was made to kick in after three seconds without damage, which fucked TTK and made weapons useless.

They reverted some changes later on in backpedalling, but the damage was done by then

I don't understand what era Cliffy B comes from.

"Attitude" hasn't been even remotely cool since the 90s, hell 80s even. Crassness and vulgarity had real meaning when it was seen as far more norm-breaking back in far more conservative eras. However, stuff like giving the finger no longer has the deeper connotations of rebellion today and just marks a character as a douchebag. In GTA, it's a game function for the purpose of amusement now. But now this girl with a mohawk is throwing it out sideways giving me a look that asks "I am so cool right now, aren't I?" when they really aren't. It's style over substance, but the style is decades out of style.

It's similar to Gearbox's preoccupation with the word badass. It's not badass if you just call it badass. They throw it on everything without knowing that's a visceral rise above all else that makes something badass in the true sense.

id rather not play either and laugh at cliff and randy's failed attempts

>giving a free weekend the same date the Cod ww2 beta released
Man, Cliff should fire the retard behind this sort of shit, I wouldnt be surprised if he decides to announce the game going F2P the same day a huge terrorist attack happens

Are you that brit who is chilling the game one Youtube?

at first I thought you're talking about CliffyB himself
he's always been a douche and a fake chad
which is exactly why it was so repugnant when he called out to "gamers" to stop being bullies and start supporting anita

I wonder why that retard never deleted his channel after he claimed he would do it if lawbreakers didnt become a success

Sex sells. Do you think females and gays would buy Otome games if all the males would look like Chris-chan over the years?

>pls no bully :(

Sad and hilarious at the same time.

>almost no white people in it



He did stop making videos though.

lol, you are right, its been almost 2 months since he released his last video