It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

Other urls found in this thread:

Deus Ex thread? Alright

Skyrim looks so shitty on consoles lol

What is that a screenshot from?

Damn, BoTW on Cemu looks like THAT?
Switch btfo!

That is not Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn

hey whats up

If Night of the Raven then ok

Out of all Gothic screenshots, why always this one?

becasue its the same fag every time.

I get it, but why not make more better ones? I'm okay with any shilling as long as there's some effort put into that, not a single fucking picture and post every time

It's not shilling, it's shitposting, these threads always go the same way user's pretend to not know what the OP picture is and mistake it for other RPGs. No actual discussion occurs, the thread archives, a new one pops up two days later.

Guess I'm newfag here then
Thanks though

*blocks your path*

Final Fantasy VII thread?

When do you guys thibk Skyrim 6 will be out?

my nigga

it's literally the first image that pop up if you google gothic 2

Just got my alchemist outfit!

I wish people would actually play and discuss this

soon i hope i tried playing the older skyrim games but the graphics fucking suck!

what mods? returning?

Why is Thorben a nigger in this mod?

"Skyrim sets the bar"

That's his nephew, Brian

ye, returning 1.12.9 with dx11

Just became a necro adept. Gotta find stupid shit to craft basic runes tho

That's Elvrich. Thorben chillin in the back

>returning 1.12.9
my fucking nigger right here
2.0 is a complete shitfest, don't even bother with it

This guy walks into 7th Heaven and grabs Tifa's ass. What do you do?

>save game
>"access violation"
>save is now corrupted



I unironically like the vanilla graphics more.

literally absolutely nothing should ever break if you install all the shit (2.6 report version patch, playerkit, systempack) correctly
there's a great patch here but most people seem to ignore it because of cyrillic in the title
here you go, just ctrl+f "international version", it works perfectly
Because you have something that 99.9% of modders lack, taste