Be me

>be me
>never play FFIX growing up despite playing literally every other FF
>never got the chance due to psx, ps2 dying and not owning ps3
>own ps4
>buy ffix
>character designs are shit
>gameplay is extremely slow and bland
>music is great tho
>story is shit
>there really is no story
>oh wait here it is, rat people get genocided
>whoa this is dark
>this is completely forgotten about and the chick that genocided them decides to work with them
>get to out continent
>everything is still trash
>characters are bad
>plot is bad
>worse than the games it's meant to pay respect to ala 1, 4, 5, 6
>i fell for the meme of Sup Forums liking it more simply because it actually isn't as good
literally why play this game at all

This copy and pasta thread again?

You're a dumb cunt, final Fantasy IX is where the series peaked and has the best character ever (Garnet)

It's one of the worst FFs and Garnet is fucking trash who is literally Lightning tier.

Name one (1) thing FFIX does the best. I'll wait.

Not being about angsty drama?

Except it literally is about that. Zidane goes full fucking emo

Plenty of other earlier FF games avoid that though.

Shut the hell up

>FFIX is the best at a character exclusive to FFIX
Never would've thought. She's also one of what, 3 characters that gets any decent amount of time put into her throughout the entire game?

I honestly don’t understand how any FF fan can hate IX. It’s probably the best out of the PS1 games, including VII. It’s a great Swan song to all the series entries that came out before it and the characters designs, story, music, locations are just great designs. It was a great combination of Old and New in the series.

I don’t think there has been a great FF game since. X was when everything started going wrong.

She's literal perfection, FFIX would be a 10/10 without her anyway, but she makes it a 100/10

Seriously go back to your minecraft kiddos

She's as flat as Lightning is.

You're just a retard faggot

>X was when everything started going wrong.
100% agree.
(Although I really enjoyed 12, so I'm a bit of a hypocrite)

Stay blind.

Stay gay


Delete this right now

>Not knowing how T-poses work

Holy shit you are retarded.

I don't hate it, but it was really underwhelming. It's definitely not the strongest PS1 game, and arguably worse than 8. It being a nod to all the previous games doesn't mean much when they're all either simple references or aspects previously handled better. Having great music can't be used in comparison when the series from day one has had great music. I've never complained about the long battle startups, but the battles all have another unforgivable flaw (aside from how shite trance is) in that there's a weird input/queue delay between when you select your commands and when they're carried out, so any fight that involves freeze or heat means you get fucked over. Also becomes more of an issue the longer fights go on in general.

Are you the guy that drew pictures of himself beating up Zidane?


>Play shitty version of the game
>Enjoy it less than you would otherwise

Gee, I wonder why.

She'll never look at you like this

Seriously delete this right now

This is a CG render, the highest quality depiction of Garnet there has ever been even to this day, not a Tpose. She's as flat as Lightning.

Good, I don't care she's perfect go fuck your stupid rat bitch




>flat as lightning

You're black right? That's the only reason someone would call that "flat".

I don't like FF9 at all so why would I want some rat bitch?


>game contains best piece of music in the entire series
>it's a fake battle theme that plays once at the very beginning

For 10 minutes not through an entire game.

Taking the bait like the good little faggot that you are.

Pretending to be retarded is still retarded user.




>One Winged Angel has had approximately 50,000 official remixes and arrangements over the years
>Dark Messenger took 16 fucking years to get one and it doesn't even include the intro
Fuck everything, man

>IX worse than IV

I see the problem, you're a braindead faggot with shit taste, unfortunately there's no cure.

I'm an IX fanboy too but you're an idiot, Garnet is the shittest heroine after Rinoa. Absolutely 0 personality.

>oh wait here it is, rat people get genocided
>whoa this is dark
>this is completely forgotten about and the chick that genocided them decides to work with them

I love the game but it heavily suffers from having so many loose ends and abrupt pacing near the end.

The first 3 discs you are coasting along getting a few hints here and there that not everything is right in the world and suddenly you hit the last disc. It's obvious the developers were rushing the final disc when the story goes from 0 to 60 with the dual worlds arc completely abandoning everything else that was happening. Even the "final" boss doesn't make any fucking sense because of how quickly the story got rushed along.

Despite this, it's still way better put together than 7 or 8 which were also rushed by the end of their development cycles. Only in recent memory does 7 feel more concise and put together because of all the extra love SE gives that fucking game.

>Even the "final" boss doesn't make any fucking sense
Try shutting the fuck up about Necron for once. I'm sick of every time there's an FF9 thread, some pig fucker whines about Necron. It's just like Star Ocean 3 and the twist, if that's the only fucking complaint you have about an otherwise great game, fuck off.

>it's a ratfag episode
She was just a general in a war, get over it.

I feel like IX's point is kind of wasted on people who maybe only played VII and VIII before hand. I mean, especially in the West we got short shafted due to the releases, but IX is meant to be a call back to classic FF, 1-5 and somewhat VI. If you didn't play and enjoy those, you probably won't like IX.

He made this thread 3 days ago. He isnt here to actually discuss the game.

i love how existential vivi's character development is

FF IX was my favorite FF until I played VII. VII is superior in every way. Then when I went back to IX it was like a fucking bad joke.

My first FF was 9. Technically it was Legend, but main series it was 9. And it's my favorite FF by far. That blows your retarded theory out the window.

I both like and dislike the equipment system. Sure, it makes equipment more useful which I like, I quite dislike games where I'm holding items that I barely have any use for, but the whole holding onto it to get specific abilities is not that good.

That said I feel as though FFVI is much, much more bland than FFIX and to have many of the criticisms OP is pointing at FFIX. I don't understand how he can say it's worse.

Same reason you play any FF, the music

That isn't even much of a flaw anymore since the newer release has both a skip intro for battles option and a key combination to fast forward through anything.

Honestly, I'd rather get this "slow" shit than the whole "start the game and one hour later you gathered half your party, half of the shit happening has very little context whatsoever and hurry the fuck up because we gotta get to the next plot point". FFIX has great sidequests, music, characters, honestly good dialogue compared to later entries, nothing seems too weird or overreaching and it's not overly gimmicky (unlike the previous entry) without becoming just 3D Final Fantasy IV/V.

>be me

are you though?

FFIX has its charms but the plot leaves a lot to be desired, some of the characters are just terrible, and the battle system is slow and broken as fuck. Not even amusingly broken like VIII, just broken. I think I still prefer it to VIII overall because the world is a lot more enjoyable to be in, I found VIII's world to be mostly dull and tedious. And while IX has some bad characters, VIII has nothing but bad characters (except Squall).