Hey, I'm grump

hey, I'm grump

And you're not video games


>Sup Forums hates gamegrumps now
If there's a redditor in this thread, it's you newfag

No, OP. You are normie faggot.

Nugrumps is pretty reddit to be fair.

>implying Sup Forums is one person
>implying gamegrumps isn't loved by newfags and underages
You have to go back


this thread has been pruned or dele—

I still miss the neckbeard every time someone mentions Game Grumps

But it is. They play it

>leaves gamegrumps to focus on his channel
>doesn't make any videos

>Arin is the only left from the original trio

Barry didn't even mention Jon when leaving.


Is Ross still a part of the channel or did he get tired of being a punching bag?

He left because he didn't want to be part of the corporate shit GG has turned into

he's still working on GameOverse over at the grump office but he's not doing let's plays anymore.

Egoraptor used to come here and talk to us

i wasn't trying to imply he was original

Did Barry actually leave the show?

yes, check his twitter

RIP Jon, he was too good for this gay earth

I wonder what he's gonna do now.

>Sonic '06 will never be completed

Where da video games?

Still one of the best decisions he ever made


Still not video games. Fuck off with your video retards.

>yuo will never have a pretty love of yuor life

Nigga I've never heard Sup Forums praise Gamegrumps,.

>when you make a better woman than your wife

>The avatar of fetal alcohol syndrome.
No thanks.

die teen

get off my board, grampa.

*Pic unrelated.

I have been on Sup Forums since 2011. I have never seen anybody praise Gamegrumps.

Stop being so rude, Arin browses Sup Forums you could hurt his feelings

Good, lets hurt him more.


stopped watching them once he left the show, I find it surprising they kept going for so long after Jon left. I genuinely got invested in their lets play of Sonic 06, but they never finished it.

Streaming, but he might also just get an actual desk job.

If he's really reading this then that means he has time to finish Girlchan in Paradise

Fuck you Arin


let me assist you, doctor


No way fag.


hehe wee