Am I finally free?
What am I supposed to do with my free time?
Am I finally free?
What am I supposed to do with my free time?
>you can't call anyone a faggot in video games anymore
Welcome to America, asshole
go outside
Play good games instead.
it's europe actually
there is nothing to do there
i sold my videocard.
Or maybe it was the whining and going afk that did it.
Also, i thought you couldnt get banned from doing shit in just 1 game?
i didn't go afk. i just was mad a little because i was agasinst illanoi so I left top lane. we were winning hard . but instead of hitting nexus my teammates started tryiing to kill the enemies at their respawn point. they died and we lost. that's why i called then faggots
you dont need a good video card to play a lot of good games
>good games
like what?
Super underground indie pixel shit and obscure games you never heard of.
i would actually play it if it didnt run like shit with 20 fps on the lowest settings
>play a game where you can be banned for "racism" or "harassment"
>get banned for calling someone a fag
What were you expecting?
>i sold my videocard.
You're an actual underaged faggot. Fuck off.
based soyboy
I abuse literally every game and been reported multiple times and never got banned.
Good thing riot doesn't control garena servers.
>"I want to be able to say whatever I want in someone elses game"
>"But I don't want companies to be forced into policies because that is socialism."
It's refreshing to see one of those threads without the OP being all indignant about being banned, because calling people niggers and faggots is so fundamental to his gaming experience
hehe yeah you're right im willing to destroy the bedrock principle of the west because sometimes people say two words which the Jews told me to be offended by lol :)
>MS Paint strawman comic
shit man you win okay just relax I don't want any trouble
>image mentions Net Neutrality in a positive light
opinion discarded, soyboy
>i dont want to play against her
thank god one less shitty teammate
it mentions it purely with regard to freedom of speech, something that is trampled on by big leftist corporations like Riot Games daily
For starters, start playing better games, retard.
Buy a decent rig then
>babby loses lane and lets illaoi take it
>calling your team faggots
I mean if you actually knew about the concept of macro that wouldn't be so bad technically, but I bet you just fed other lanes while crying about shit the entire game instead of being useful, you deserve the L faggot, and your team probably handed it to you out of spite
you didn't play against illanoi, did you?
why would I buy it again? there is no interersting games to play
>"I am akf"
Wtf are those faggots fucking stupid?
First game. We lost with the score 11 vs 24 while I did 5 kills and 1 death on my team.
Second game. We lost with the score 2 vs 16 while I have 1 kill an 1 death.
Third game. After 5 minutes of loading Kayl didn't connect and we remake.
Fourth game. We were winning hard but I my team keep chasing enemy made this game last for 40 minutes and when we almost we killed their nexus they standed under their respawn point trying to kill the enemies and OF COURSE MY TEAMMATES DIED INSTEAD OF KILL FREAKING NEXUS. Enemy team Tp'ed in out base in finished the game.
13 year old
>it's europe actually
i am 31
>waa mommy hes a manchild because he plays a game how i dont like and says "toxic" words that hurt my feelings!!
nugamer soyboys were a mistake
Yep and now your banned little boy.
>your banned
Garena servers really are so much better than riot's.
Wow a misspelled word on Sup Forums of all places? GASP!
Now go throw your tantrum little boy.
only underage retards such as yourself misuse your and you're
kill yourself
little baby boy got banned
The purpose of the game is to win.
Calling people niggers and faggots is harassment that harms morale and thus detracts from the purpose.
By willingly making the game less winnable, you're defying the purpose of the game.
Why even play?
Riot bans you if you cannot make the decision to stop defying the purpose of the game.
>say faggot
>get a 14 day ban
the absolute state of league of sjws
im not op mongoloid
>i get to arbitrarily decide what words people use in a public chatbox
>words over the internet are harassment
haha she lost nigger
Sure, little boy.
ive gotten like 8 accounts permabanned and i only play blitz trist rammus and maybe darius and jax
git gud op
Play the superior game, DotA2
You should have stopped playing it long ago
>is a top laner
>refusing to play against illaoi
>goes afk
>calls team faggots
get good shitter, you can only complain if youre a midlaner
i have nothing better to do
Underage needs to be banned from here too.
What? Wouldn't an American be the first to say that this is some bullshit from someone who just can't take being called names? I wonder who's behind this post?
Public chatbox? 10 people use it per game...
If you call me a faggot over the net, its harassment regardless of whether I'm hurt by it or not.
Granted, nobody's ever been able to offend me over the internet.
Nothing arbitrary about it... you wouldn't call someone a faggot in the street because they'd kick your ass to the curb.
Also who won what?
>amerimutt meme uses europeans as the framework
you couldn't make this shit up
get your t checked bud
what is this post even trying to convey, kill yourself desu.
>you wouldn't call someone a faggot in the street
I've called people faggot before when they've given me reason to. They just get flustered that I'd say faggot in public. Most people are pussies.
top lane is literally the shitters hometown, 90% of the toxic faggots in league are top laners, even stretches out to streamers like hashinshin and dyrus who rages out occasionally. The amusing thing is that top lane is a largely useless role and yet it attracts this kind of player.
Not even American, couldn't give a fuck who wins
you're a willing cuckold and soyboy though
Not even male, try again honey
Do you feel bad for people who stay in bronze for too long?
you on the right
nah, because despite being shit, they probably enjoy playing the game on occasion. Playing anything at a high level can naturally grind your gears after awhile because everyone is such a try hard faggot, like sometimes I just want to get a kill without someone attempting to do some faker insec bullshit
That said, I guess it gets boring shit stomping people who just don't know anything about the game though, so basically league is trash no matter what
How many of these images do you have wow
play dota
>doesnt even deny he's a degenerate soyboy libtard
fun and original post
>1000 RP costs $6 on rus
is it ok?
is it ok for a straight guy to suck a dick
People still play mobas in the current year?
>rather than banning players who act like shitlicks Valve just put them in a shadow pool so they only play against each other
>being forced to play with people like themselves is such a bad experience the shitters actively begged Valve to ban them instead
That's some Charles Dickens shit right there.
>What am I supposed to do with my free time?
I know this might sound crazy, but maybe you could play actually enjoyable vidya that will leave lasting memories behind instead of just eating up your time and making you miserable?
>hehe yeah you're right im willing to destroy the bedrock principle of the west because sometimes people say two words which the Jews told me to be offended by lol :)
are you retarded?
you do not have the right to speak via riot's platform, or anyone else's. i don't have the right to come into your house and call your mom a fucking whore.
riot, and everyone else, has the first amendment right to freedom of association. they have the right to not associate with you, and your sense of entitlement does not negate their rights.
Get laid
Go outside
Instead of getting mad at how bad you and the people at your elo are you should either get good or quit.
If you are below Diamond you are absolute shit and its purely your own fault.
As someone who's been banned multiple times on different accounts and got permabanned on my main, I've come to realize there are certain words you absolutely must not say else you get banned. There isn't even a real person reviewing these reports, just an algorithm that gets activated if you got >2 reports in one game and checks for these specific words. These keywords include but are not limited to:
Someone's being a cunt and you call him out on it? Too bad, enjoy your ban. Context doesn't even matter in the slightest, my brother got a 2-week ban literally just for saying "please don't call me a faggot".
Shit's fucked, there's a reason it's called league of passive aggressive.
your best option is honestly to use /mute all and just communicate through pings. If you feel the need to talk still, you can, but it eliminates the back and forth that might occur if someone comes at you for a comment. At the least you could potentially get other people banned instead of yourself. I report people that I feel actually did stupid shit on purpose now, you can usually feel these people out without even seeing them talking to you, and I've gotten notifications of them being banned.
Leagues system is ass backwards but you can insulate yourself pretty easily.
what a fat fucking cat
try playing a moba that is designed for men like dota 2, instead of league of legends which is a mobile tier game designed for little girls
Nowadays I just never type a single thing, just play the game and move on. Honestly though, shittalking was 90% the reason I was playing LoL in the first place, my main got perma'd because I was playing nothing but blue Kayn and spamming /all with shit like "psht nothing personnel kid". Turns out I was playing against actual kids that didn't get the joke so I was reported to hell and back. My worst "bad word" in the game that got me permabanned was 'bitchboi' which I said a couple times and it was pretty obvious that I was joking but I guess context doesn't matter, you absolutely must never use bad words in online games.
I mean, you don't have the right because that would be tresspassing.
If you did, you would be able to, but expect somebody to sucker punch you
>your physical private property is the same as some server that provides a public platform to paying or non-paying members of the public
>While previously it would seem that Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snap Chat were the private property of their owners, now they have been declared “the modern public square” by the Supreme Court. A public square is by nature not private property. Thus, legally speaking, perhaps neither Facebook nor Twitter has the right to ban Americans from their services, though that may be up for the courts to decide as this new body of law is interpreted.
What did the Supreme Court mean by this?
Why do you hate free speech so much, snowflake?
I shit talk in all chat when I play shaco, which has to honestly be a requirement for the character, he still pisses everyone who plays against him off, because despite that he isn't a meta pick most of the time, he hilariously still mostly counters OP champ kits. I've never had action taken against me but I do feel like I tilt people
But yeah, I never curse or say shit like faggot / cunt / kys because that gets you fucked in the ass. I mostly say shit like "your boy is gonna throw" or "the jokes on you" etc, just dumb shit that will tilt people all the same
So why are businesses forced to bake the faggot cake but evil right wingers arent allowed to express the truth on a public platform like in-game chat or Twitter?
Honestly, cunt should not be bannable. Might as well ban the entirety of OCE
dota montages are trash because the game has a shit aesthetic, you could debate the league vs dota argument forever but fuck if dota 2 isn't the most boring looking shit in the world. Now that both games are basically an embarrassment, dotas own merits don't even warrant taking the time to learn its archaic and stupid systems anymore
if you really wanted to be a faggot you could just spam your mastery or pick a tilting emote like m'pengu and the dabbing one that they will no doubt make, but riot has gotten pretty orwellian as far as actual chat interaction nowadays
Books, exercise, learn to program, get into music, carpentry, poetry, cooking, sewing, crochet, model kits, gardening, sports. Pick any number of these or other activities.
sure thing little girl. you ddnt have to write that much to defend your point and click game
>other people's servers are a public platform
did you read the case you linked you fucking retard? the government cannot block you from social media based on your criminal record. the company that owns that platform still has every right to ban you, because they have the right to freedom of association under the first amendment.
why do right wing subhuman animals hate the constitution? how can conservashits be so entitled that they think their opinions are more important than other people's rights?
>ywn be this seething that you lost the culture war
one day you will be literally forced to listen to me spout "NIGGER NIGGER COON DYKE FAGGOT NIGGER GAS KIKES AND FAGGOTS NIGGER". you wont even have a mute button because that is CENSORSHIP.
and then finally all soyboy numales will leave the internet and commit suicide and it will be the good old days once again
part 2
I can only hope
>kid gets banned from league of lels
>hates america because other people have the freedom to ignore him
>"y-y-y-you are so mad reeeee"
HAHAHAHAHA holy shit, the conservakids are in full fucking ragemode. it would be sad if it wasn't so hilarious HAHAHAHA
its american company you fuck