Its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language

>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language
>but if a western gamer plays a japanese game dubbed he is a low IQ subhuman trash soyboy nigger because "le /sub masterrace/!"

God, you weebs are such a bunch of insecure hypocrite fucks no wonder most of you will never get laid

>when the dub is better than the sub

Some weeb was having an autistic melt down because I need subtitles to enjoy a show, broadcasted in a language i dont understand. His mom must have been on his nerves.

Based weebs working ya

>>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language
They're a turbopleb all the same if they do this. Literally who are you quoting?

>Watch dubbed anime
>Play dubbed games
>Dont give a single shit about the opinions of others
Learn to live.

school is out user so there is an influx of high school/ college students on here. Not knowing how green texting works, you can usually spot them since their favorite insult is to call someone a retard

>>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language
No, it's not, you absolute shitstain. Why do you think DMC games have never been dubbed?

>>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language

Literally no one said this, it isn't okay at all. Games should always be played in the language in which they were made in.

Does anyone have that image where a japanese gamer was asking for Japanese dubbed and they told to learn English if wants to play it.

>Why do you think DMC games have never been dubbed?
Because the creators wanted an exotic feel? Are you fucking stupid or something, why are you talking about something completely different to the topic at hand?

>>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language

Who are you quoting? They're plebs too.

Are you the type of faggot to watch dubbed foreign films?

Reminds me when I watched some Crash and R&C videos in Japanese. Damn those dubs were either bad or dull, I hope nips play those games with subs.

>>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language
Wrong. Dubfags are gay, no matter what.

Neither English nor Japanese is my first language, why should I pick English instead of the actual original language which the game was built in? Also, not every westerner speaks english or has english as their first or second language. Fuck off.


>being so irrelevant a culture you can't even afford dubs of foreign propaganda

They can be afforded, they just don't sell. The only audience that is willing to watch dubs are children because they have no option and can't read subs yet. My country is full of non-plebs and it feels good.

t. non-country
>they can be afforded
>they just don't sell
So they can't be afforded after all because a measly three fisher villages are the only places your irredeemable tongue is spoken.

Wah asu.

Japanese dubs for western games are usually good though, they even managed to make The Order sound appealing, so there goes your whole argument.

do you also watch your films dubbed? can't make this shit up.

>>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language
Who said this?

good for you. you're still a pleb tho.

Wrong, I watch American movies in english, you have great actors that can't be replaced with another dub. Same with Japanese things, I like my voice actors, and yours are not great for Japanese things.

Or English dubs are usually done by turbofags that insert their own retarded shit and call it "localisation" where as Japanese pride themselves on accuracy in translations and aren't fucking crybaby progressives?

>>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language

No one ever said that. No one cares about what regular japanese people in japan do.

>implying anglo movies have the intellectual merit to warrant watching them in a language you have no native emotional connection to
Gotta watch Capeshit 2: Electric Tarantinoo in English to get it, bro!

>user painstakingly learns a foreign language to perfect fluency but does not use it to improve his financial prospects

Bruce Willis has a wimpy voice that doesn't fit the characters he plays.

>be from poland
>every normal movie is either subtitled or has a voiceover narrator with translation
>the only exception is stuff like lion king
>watch some german imports one time
>every. single. one. is dubbed
>it all sounds incredibly terrible
same principle applies, dubs are most often lazy, terrible, rushed and just unbearable.

That's just you being Polish disliking anything German. Trust me, it goes both ways, Lukaszszsz.

>anglo movies are all shit bro
sad that you think that user, maybe one day you will enlarge your horizons and watch something else than capeshit

Japanese should be taught in elementary school globally

Let's make something clear.

People who play Japanese games with English voices and English texts.
People who play Japanese games with Japanese voices and English texts.
People who play Western games.

Not subhumans:
People who play Japanese games with Japanese voices and Japanese texts.

Sub-subhumans -

People with an employable second language skill that only use it for chinese cartoons.

True, I guess.

Japanese is my third language and I'm using it to get a PhD at a Japanese university.

Gl user

Thanks, my dude. It's gonna be tough.

It's funny because Japan is fine with all souls game being English only

The only one that has JP dub is Bloodborne if you consider that souls but they even had release trailer in English and JP subs so they focus was still on English voice acting

Japan also doesn't localize not Japanese names like niggers over here do

Bayonetta was English only before they re-released.

>its ok for japanese gamers to buy western games and play it japanese dubbed because english is not their first language

no it isn't you ignorant nigger

I know that feel, bro

west and east are no fucking different.

>implying poles dislike german-made
half the country drives a passat or golf, what are you even on about

actually the main difference is that the player who his army wiped wasn't "Woooow shit/10 refunded GW/jewA on suicide watch" and the other poster actually have him advice instead of lots of meme arrow bullshit with gold kek faces and calling him a cuck