Whats the first Game you should let your kid play?
Whats the first Game you should let your kid play?
Diablo II
System Shock 2
Dark souls
cal of duty modern warfare 2.
games that give him testosterone so GTA or DOOM or anything like Senran Kagura or DOA
sonic 2.
Nier Automata
Quake 3 Arena
he needs to walk the same path i did to become a man
486dx2 and quake on a dial up modem.
How do I raise a chad who will succeed where I have failed?
OoT seems like a really wholesome game for kids to play.
Difficulty's just about right too.
sucking my dick
pay someone with better genes to fuck your wife
Let his biological father take care of him.
Don't let him play video games.
I wouldn't let him play video games I'd make him go outside for he could be a Chad and enjoy his life
Whatever he wants to play. If he asks for a recommendation I'd probably give him Crash Bandicoot or something.
Zoombinis and King's Quest.
Metal Gear Solid so he grows up to be Alex Jones
Get him into sports and more competitive video games
Force him to join a sports team and to learn a martial art like muay thai.
See where your father went wrong.
>my father did not force me to drink a glass of milk everyday so I developed minor lactose intolerance
Guess my kid better drink his fukken milk then
>my father kept me sheltered in the house because the outside world was dangerous
Guess my kid better not stay inside the house too often then
Y'know the shit you wish your dad did differently. Hell, you could say I should blame my mom, but my mom was a fuck up from the start, at least my dad is probably the most well adjusted man I know
unironically a game with sexy girls and huge tits so they don't become faggots
Forreal op, crystal shards
After browsing this shithole, I'll make sure my kid doesn't have to fall for video games.
Shower With Your Dad Simulator
Duke nukem and doom also guitar hero 3
Super Mario World.
Super Mario Bros 3
Pokemon. Teach that little bastard to read.
Myst or Thief. Something that really makes him think.