Total war series finds a new niche

>total war series finds a new niche
>the format works perfectly
>allows for greater unit variety
>historicalfags cry that they don't get to play the same game for the millionth time in a new engine

I don't understand, even if you don't like the fantasy setting, there's no denying that this is a superior game mechanically than the historical total wars.

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well people had the genuine concern that CA wouldn't go far enough with the series at start. If anything the post release content has added mechanical depth to the campaign map as well.

There's a lot of people that still cry whenever CA announces anything and it's not a new historical title.

Every new TW has a bunch of good mechanis removed. That's why it sucks.

The only thing that TWW has over the old ones is the race diversity.

>race diversity
This is a Republican board.

This series needs a new engine already.

I think the issue historyfags have is that they never got the ultimate history game, with everything after Medieval 2 being a sidegrade rather than a pure upgrade aside from Shogun 2.

Historyfriends and Fantasybros are living in harmony now.

Because quality doesn't matter if you don't like it for most people. That's the great secret audiences can't wrap their head around.

Hang in there, history bros.


>inb4 Games Workshop will nuke Steam Workshop for TW:Warhammer now

>nuke Steam WS

I'm still amazed beyond belief they allowed modding. Keep in mind this is the same company that, at one point, didn't want color customization for troops in other games because it might interfere with their minis business where people buy miniatures and then paint them.

They will just ask CA to remove modding support now that we can import custom models and thus make custom races from scratch

Some nerd found out how to import models from Attila into Warhammer. Attila also has mod tools for importing custom models, so it is possible to make custom models, import them into Attila and then import them into Warhammer.

How was TW2? Any fixes for sieges?
Im a massive siegefag myself and love me some running in city streets, cities in TW were really bland and boring tho

That's a real nice paintjob.

still shit, play Stronghold. At least now minor settlements have siege map if you upgrade walls to third lvl

I'm keeping my eye on, but let's be honest because it's most likely just "dudes in brown clashing". For all of Attila's good points it didn't have unit variety to speak of.

Stronghold? I dont wanna built shit, just smash it

there is no strategy game with better sieges. You can always play only siege maps.

Can you imagine wearing that helmet, dude? It's almost as fucking tall as he is. Jesus.

Because we aren't manchildren who need ~le big monsters and magic to enjoy a game

But I understand pandering for children is what it sells right now.

>british isles size of grand campaign map
>campaign height maps transfer to battle maps
>resources might actually be useful
>GOAT period of war between anglo-saxons and danes
will fantasyfags ever recover?


you had to pick the one word that you're objectively wrong on, to the point that I'm pretty sure this is a bait post

I can't even finish one campaign without getting bored, there's zero depth to the campaign, and siege maps are literally the same but reskinned.

It was released in September and they're already putting out two more campaigns just to renew interest.

I actually really hate how campaign has gotten flashier over the years, but at the same time got severely dumbed down. Now it's just a lobby you waste time in between battles because latter is the main focus of the game.

>don't need complexity to enjoy a game
hardly worth bragging about

People pretend there's some massive divide in the TW fanbase when in reality most people enjoy both history and fantasy, and only a handful of people with severe autism stick exclusively to one or the other.

>nu-TW other than attila


trying too hard

as much as a want a good historical title to come out of CA, I don't think it's ever going to happen, britannia shit is going to be shit

>tfw you will never get empire 2, with naval complexity, colony complexity, interesting warfare on multiple continents/fronts

>there's no denying that this is a superior game mechanically than the historical total wars.

Yes, yes there is. The original Medieval remains the gold standard, and if you don't agree then you're a filthy casual.

>GOAT period of war between anglo-saxons and danes
The interesting periods immediately precede and follow the time frame of the game. Even then they aren't that interesting, as there is no variety. Arr rook same.

>brainlet confusing scale with complexity



Is that the one where Byzantine generals run around soloing entire armies?

>that beak
>those boobs


why did she make so many funny faces

>Sup Forums despises jews
>gets boner for their womyn


She is singing and acting in that video.

She's singing
Few can resist the siren song of the jewess, unless it's rat feces trash like Gal Gadot

>he fell for the ironic antisemitism

user... I...

>troops can destroy walls with melee attacks

That aside, Stronghold was fucking perfect. It's a shame the studio that made it is too incompetent to make a sequel.

All they need to do is make the maps bigger, add neutral villages to supply resources and give some field fighting and it would be fucking perfection.

I replayed recently 2 and Legends and they were bug free and fun now.
I like to play Crusader 1 with my younger brother but maps are too small (i can shoot at enemy castle from my own) and AI is too retarded to be any threat. Especially with their wave attacks on your mighty castle. And iirc you can turn realistic walls in some options.

Khazar in a TW game when?

just make the upgrade

>horde mechanics and mass migration introduced a whole new playstyle to the series
>having to manage religion/culture, public order, sanitation, food and the changing fertility of provinces requires actual thought
>assigning governers with the right traits and dealing with family/faction politics matters
>infinate hun doomstacks raping you nonstop until attila dies a few times

captures the survalist theme of the period perfectly. name a nu-tw more complex, I'll wait

>horde mechanics and mass migration introduced a whole new playstyle to the series
Was in Rome 1 until M2 dumbed it down.

She looks exactly like a tranny who lives in my city

I just wish they make good with the aesthetics this time. Kinda boring to see the same guys with a helmet, mail and tunic in their faction colours 3 games straight.

>mfw when I am a good goyim and already bought the Tomb Kangz DLC

But Tomb Kingz are good, even though the only 2 i really like are Settra and Arkhan

Isn't it only because Warhammer Fantasy is basically dead and buried by GW? So they don't care anymore if someone changes the lore or anything in that setting.


Tomb Kangz have always been one of the coolest races in Warhammer

who gives a shit about Beastmen and Wood Elves

Wood elves are a very unique race to play.
Probably the most interesting race to play on in battle for TW1.

>tfw your main man Aurelian was relegated to an expansion to the worst Total War since Empire

Who else hype for tomb kangz?

>its yet another meta babby thread
fuck off back to /vg/

It's such bullshit it's so expensive for just a Faction

Should be $10 max

Medieval 2 (and Rome 1) had all the things you just listed.


>Tfw you sold that free dota hat TWW1 gave you and got most of the DLC for free cos some dotard wanted the yellow Axe set so bad

maybe but not for 14 dollars

I could pirate it and just play Wood Elves

>british isles size of grand campaign map
I can walk from Manchester to London if I really wanted to

wtf i have item in dota i can sell if I bought TW:W?

I wish that someday history nerds will realize that leading huge armies is realistically is not about defeating the enemy, it's about organizing food/supply chains and combating diseases, casualties from which will still amount to 2 times the combat losses at least. As for actual combat, it's almost irrelevant as long as you win at logistics. That how warfare in pre-antibiotic era worked realistically.

It's pretty good at replicating the Warhammer tabletop experience in that regard.

>total war: dlchammer

I think CA have creative rights with Warhammer fantasy now. GW have already moved on.

I mean it will be worth much less, i assume a quick look shows the genuine chest selling for £13, and if you want to risk opening it you can check the prices of skins yourself.

you should have sold it on release, plenty of thirsty dota users buying at retarded prices.

t. Lucius

I fully agree that CA is DLC happy, but that's been the case for a while now since they wanted us to pay for blood in S2, and the endless reskin packs in R2 and Attila.
Personally I waited for about a year until the Humble Bundle sale and got the game and most DLC for

I don't have anything in my dota 2 inventory and I bought TW:W1 and 2 at premiere, how does it work. Do i have to install it.

>Arrr rook same minus the artistic Jap flare of Shogun 2

Reminder that British Isles is a colonialist name and that the correct term is Britain and Ireland.

Banning these nerds is the only solution

>le meme

Hey my fellow 9gagger :D

>Alexander conquers the known world with a relatively small army and almost no logistics to speak of
>Julius Caesar makes an entire career out of cutting his army off from it's supplies/logistics
>Mongols conquer 2/3rds of the Asia-Europe landmass with no logistics to really speak of

Yeah, clearly combat in antiquity was completely determined by logistics.

>I think CA have creative rights with Warhammer fantasy now. GW have already moved on.

got a source for that?

That's huge for CA if true, Warhammer is the perfect setting for a fantasy total war game

>>having to manage religion/culture, public order, sanitation, food and the changing fertility of provinces requires actual thought
>>assigning governers with the right traits and dealing with family/faction politics matters

We had these in rome 1. Newfags get out of my franchise


You having fun arguing with that strawman you just created?

Who is the current Hitler of your campaign, Sup Forums?

Brettonia, Vlad the lad and Ostland seem to be hellbent on world domination this time

>it's about organizing food/supply chains
lol just conquer shit and take their food, easy

Nobody is gonna replace the one and only Tree Führer in my heart.

Not that user, but I know they made some short stories about Total Warhammer 1 and the advisors of 2.

REminder that you can buy the base game on steam and pirate all warhammer dlc.

I'm glad the more important parts of foundation patch got applied.
Doing an Empire playthrough with new Karl and decent spellcasters is great
>tfw using a fully upgraded and overcast Net in front of hellblasters/handgunners

reminder that you're shittalking:

LATEST CRACKED VERSION: March 27, 2017 – 15:00:11 UTC (v1.6.0) - NO NORSKA DLC!!!

i want total war: LOGH desu

the Mods are great though

I honestly would not want to play without them


NEET pirates BTFO as usual

>name a nu-tw more complex
still waiting

too bad that CA will shut down steam workshop then.

You couldn't assign assign Governors in Rome I. You could in Medieval I, but it was taken out. What was in Rome I was not permanent, generals just got to apply stats if they happened to be in the settlement.