Does anyone else feel like too guilty to fuck this girl, or is it just me?

Does anyone else feel like too guilty to fuck this girl, or is it just me?

She rapes you anyway so...

>denying her pleasure
I bet you are the type of savage who scarred her.

She wanted the dick first, so....

desu the game should have had more rape and torture options

No, It's just you. In fact, this game makes me wish slavery was a thing again so I could be kind to her and protect that smile while dicking her.

Finally, someone who understands me.

Is that from a doujin? If so, gimme sauce

Sylvie is not for bullying! Leave!

You're a retard

Boku no Newfag

holy fuck those scars are a bonerkill

Quite the opposite my dear user


How can one man be so wrong?

It's just you.


sauce on the pic?






>when the bug gets fixed but the meme stays eternal

you shouldn't because damaged girls want sex too,

I get you, it feels like I'm hurting her.

The scars are a cham point.

that's what makes it great, user

What game is this? Does it have lewd? Is it western made? I need details!

She wants the dick user. Are you going to deny her and break her heart?


Teaching Feeling. Yes. No.

>What game is this?
lurk moar

>Does it have lewd?
h-scenes count?

Is it western made?
fuck no. english translation

the game of reverse image search

wew lad

>lurk moar
Back to Sup Forums, fatass

bitch dont even have a nose

How does she smell?

Abomination raising game when?

went through a shit ton of days trying to raise her as daughteru, but the game just kinda stalls unless you stick it in

fuck off newfag, and lurk moar before you post a retarded post again

epic post, my overweight Sup Forumsrother

>Teaching Humanity: Life with an Abomination

I'd play it. I need my pregnant+marriage ending in TF first though.

I was going to play it but then I found out there's mandatory sex scenes. I was only interested in the headpats. Love at First Sight is nice though.

>success is when she finds the courage to come out of her shell and destroys the entire countryside in a sea of writhing flesh

>mandatory sex scenes
Who told you that? If you turn her down the first time she brings it up, you can have non-lewd headpat times forever. She only rapes you if you slut her up before depriving her.

I want an abomination to teach me to be human

I don't remember where I read it but I'm sure it said somewhere that they are mandatory.

>I haven't played the game.

Good. I bet. Haha.


Holy shit these levels of newfag should be bannable


Nice of you to admit that you haven't played the game. But you appear to have accidentally put a quote mark on your post.

No matter how many times you deny her, you will eventually wake up with her putting your dick inside her. It's impossible to avoid.

you can meet the maker playing as her in VRchat

That's only if you've already lewded her. If you refuse the first time it's brought up, you don't have to see a single H-scene.

Weirds me out picturing grown-ass fat dudes in their bedroom moving like that

The artist is kind of a prick though, unless by maker you mean someone else.


If it was grilled she'd like it more.

The third version is best. It's has that distinct look that the last one ruins.

What kind of asshole would do that, though? It's like going to an amusement park just to eat at the food stalls and not get on a single ride.

To each their own. I personally drug and fug my Sylvie into a clingy nympho as soon as possible. I did a platonic run once, but there's barely any content there comparatively.

I see you "pure" people on /h/ and I honestly don't get why you do it. All character development stops after she fucks you and it becomes just another slut trainer game with the twist being she's in love with you and only you.

Just you

wish we could fuck her, don't care about the loli

Saya no Uta?