So a month or so later and I finally finished slogging it through this one

So a month or so later and I finally finished slogging it through this one.
What the fucked happened? The gameplay remains mostly unchanged from Brotherhood and yet Brotherhood was an infinitely more attention grabbing game.
There are no decent villains or opponents.
Altair's story is scattergun as fuck and I'm annoyed as fuck that they changed his voice from brooding and quiet to MIDDLE EASTERN GUYS CAN YOU HEAR THE ACCENT??????
Bombs are worthless.
Desmond looks like Adam fucking Sandler.
The first person malarkey is boring and slow.
Combat is still too fucking easy.

Discuss with me Sup Forums. Discuss the slog that is Assassin's Creed: Revelations. What did you think of it?

Animus is one hell of a drug, kids.



I'm not sure who is more autistic. Me for seeing the game through to the end, or you.
Probably you.


How can Ubisoft make the same game over and over for ten years and have it be a massive success almost every time despite all of them having literally the worst controls ever designed?

>Combat is still too fucking easy.
By the point of reaching ACR you should be over that.
AC combat is a power fantasy of regular humans Vs. someone with lots 1st civ DNA

This is a dumb thing to say, user.
To say they made the same game over and over again for 10 years is to be so shallow in your assessment as to say that old DOOM and new DOOM are the same game.
But they did make the same game for at least 3 years.

Revelations was supposed to be a Nintendo DS title that was forced to turn into a proper AAA game. It was made in only 8 months.

There, that's what happened.

But I feel like games like Batman or Mordor put a hell of a lot more work into making the power trip an actually enjoyable power trip. Why, there games later, does AC:R still seem unchanged?

No Patrice Desilets, that's what.

my nibba

>Nintendo DS title
Is this for fuckin' real???
Also I do have to admit I really like Old Man Ezio. But then again Old Man Anything is usually my favorite.

it was at the time where AC was starting to get into the yearly release stuff, and they had nothing for 2011 so they told developers to just turn that little thing into a big game


If you're not fuckin' around, that would explain so much about some of the visuals.

I don't really have a problem with them being too similar, since the main issue has always been the horrible controls. Is there any other game in existence where the player's interaction with the game consits at least 90% of the game making guesses regarding what the player intends to do and desperately tries to reconcile those intentions with actions and actions with animations?
As bad as Thi4f 2014 is with its scripted animations slowing down every interaction with the game world, at least it isn't making every move into a gamble on whether or not the character does the stealthy thing the player wants or an entirely unrelated high profile action that gets him caught. Every AC game is so obsessed with showing off how the character moves that the player's ability to actually control the character is entirely secondary. If the lore wasn't tied to the Hashashin, the series shouldn't carry the name "assassin" in the title simply because of how fundamentally opposed to stealth the basic interface is. It's like a racing game where your car can temporarily turn into shopping cart with shopping cart wheels if you're not careful.

I think you can even look it up, the DS game was called Assassins Creed Lost Legacy.

They also seem to abandon the idea if visiting historical locations in this one. They talk up the history of the city a lot, but the plot never really takes you anywhere of note like the first two Ezio games do.

When did Ezio get so vicious? His executions are way more extreme in Revelations.

I remember II and Brohood looking way sharper than this.

I played the multiplayer more than I did the campaign. Murder hide-n-seek was fun.

Oh nigge they go beyond extreme and enter hilariously unrealistic. I mean seriously.
>Stab a guy in the face
>Ordinarily this would probably be enough to kill a man but oh no we're not done yet.
>Wrench your sword to the side with enough force that when you let go of it, the momentum keeps it going and flat snaps the fucker's neck until his head has done a full rotation.
>retrieve your side from his face with one hand while he is still standing and while looking in the opposite direction because you're just too fucking cool.
That's the sort of shit you throw into the game as a 1 in 10000 chance of happening. Like the battlefield reloads.

Then you remember II wrong.
II was a flat downgrade from the first game, and Brotherhood brought it back into sharp focus.

Totally, I don't mean it in the sense that they put me off, but they are way more over the top than the older games'.
The one in where the guard desperately tried to grab the sword to avoid falling off is really funny too.

This guy doesn't even look upset.

Revelations and 3 had really brutal killing animations. They are gone now.

I fucking hated that they kept changing Desmond's face every single game. If I remember it correctly the events happen in the span of a couple of weeks or something, there is no reason for Desmond to change so much. Also he looks like a turkroach in the third game.

Well, he's having a blast.

I enjoyed it. The Hook mechanic was really good and made me realise how much I wanted it in AC2 and Brotherhood.

I could see that happening, It's been really long since I last played II. No repeatable missions really kill it for me. Giving it another go wouldn't hurt, though.


That's because of his actor. He had enough and fucked off and Ubisoft was forced to make their own Desmond or something without having him look like in the previous games.

It's extremely bizarre. It looks like he devolved into an ape by the third game.
Maybe its that they wanted to make Desmond's face always look somewhat similar to the current ancestor?

Of the three Ezio games, I think I'd clock Brotherhood in as the strongest. Not perfect by any means, and playing II first certainly helps make certain connections more meaningful.

Graphics go straight out the window of Rev when you reach the Altair parts.

Those are some fuckhuge pauldrons. And Ezio couldn't be any more smug about it.

Unity was pretty good, especially for long and heavy weapons.

Ezio my nigga tapped that young and tight pussy even at that old age.

Why exactly did they choose to make this guy a thing throughout all three games?

He was in Brotherhood?

Yup. Hires a whole band of guys to beat you up but instead you nearly kill him. Actually I think he was DLC, now that I think back on it.

Gotta admit. Most of the locations in this one bored me to tears but goddamn I was not prepared for this huge of a vista when the time came.

Fucking duccio man


The rifle's running shot animation is my favourite in that game. It's beautiful.

I'd certainly agree, it feels like it has the most features in terms of "having fun". The way you can keep heavy weapons, the plethora of outfits, the war machines having their own mechanics, furfag tombs and VR Training (which makes me specially sad it didn't return outside of the loading screens of Rev since it was such a good little mode that they could have done do much with). It's a very good AC. The worst parts are its completely brain dead difficulty (I think it was actually the easiest game in the series) and almost total lack of stealth, which really bring it down, but other than that it's golden. I replay it once a year and fool around every once in a while.

The Cristina memories really should have been in II, however, it kind of worsens II to not have them there.

you do know you play as Ezio
you dont play as Altair
the Altair gimmick was to entice fans of the first one

You know what I did like about the Altair bits?
The fact that by the end of his life time, the nigga had straight up mastered the Apple to the point where he could literally flash manifest dozens of golden ethereal assassins that would flash forge in the sky above dozens of enemies and air assassinate all of them at once. That is beyond fucking metal.

Was the Revelations DLC worth getting?

why not? it was good fun

only if you liked the Desmond puzzle bits in the base game. It offers revelations about Subject 16 and Lucy

That is the most force, out of place, and chronologically fucked love story in all of gaming.

You can't put Altair on the cover and make his story total shit. You just can't.

I don't even think Revelations itself was worth getting.



I feel like I should know where the scar on his head came from.



Yoda-Altair using a pistol makes up for everything


I recall being put off the MC was wearing furs in the Middle East, like damn dude won't you be roasting?

It's just really jarring because it's also a retcon of Ezio's character in II if you think about it. You only get that one scene where he goes to her house and that's it, he never again talks or thinks about her and pretty much sleeps with anything that moves, but now in Brohood you're told how he could never let go of her, how he cares so much and wanted to go back to their relationship. In one of the first memories he says how he's been thinking about her constantly for two years when they meet. You don't see anything like that when you're actually playing II.
It's specially important because II is a game where you get to see how he grows as a character, and such a romance is pretty pivotal to how you develop.

I could buy that that's something the person that wrote the book came up with and Ubi liked it so much that they wanted to add that to the games, I can see that. There are some good scenes, I really liked the mission where you bury your family with her and when she finally dies. It's a very bittersweet story, and it's better to get them like this than to not see them at all, but it's very jarring continuity wise.

>tfw the Giovanni robes are not available in ACB
Fucking hell, they were my favourite.

This post. I like this post.
I'm curious though. Where the hell did he get these dingy old mentor robes? He burned Al Mualim's.

At least the location's good. (Not the best though)
Same guys that made it went onto doing Black Flag and Origins

I honestly disagree.
Put them in II or don't put them at all. They're completely out of sync with both stories as they are now and only serve to lessen the impact of all three.

I never noticed the scar on his forehead.
I remember Ezio taking his hood off randomly in gameplay when playing Rev. Why was that?

Sophia moments, mostly.

Or how about the fact that it is called Revelations, but nothing is really revealed?

Wait, so what happened to the current time after Desmond fucking died in AC3?

He googled in the apple how to crochet and made it himself.

Al Mualim's were black too, to begin with, while Old Altaïr's are white. They probably kept spare robes in the fortress, I don't think they'd keep a single set.

Ezio makes the revelation that he's just a cog in a much bigger machine. That's why it the end he sees and talks to Desmond because of the apple.

Then why the fuck does it look like he stripped it form a grave???

I can see that, but I still prefer to see them reenacted. I pretty much treat them as cut content or a "what if" scenario. They really should have been in II, no denying that.

Does THIS GLOWING ARM SHIT even come up again in III?


I haven't paid any attention to assassins creed past 3.
Whats the story like so far?

He only had shitty, old fabric to work with in Masyaf. You're only as good as your materials allow.
It's not like you can go down to the market to buy some nice cloth when you're the leader of a known sect.

Will the modern day story ever finish? Or will they keep delaying it until the end of times?



Pretty sure that is the arm he uses to kys

It was shit. Only one or two memorable bits to the story, some gameplay elements were total shit (like the godawful tower defense sections), and the city just felt too small.

I fucking loved AC2 and Brotherhood, and this just felt like a cheap knockoff

A really messy one
They keept the moder day parts but with no protagonist
Probabvly till they want to put and end to the series
So, yeah


What kind of poison causes a man to break into dance?

The final encounter with Altaïr was worth it. He and Ezio are truly on a league of their own when compared to the other protagonists.

>have to buy DLC to see a literally series-defining twist

I remember having trouble with that one jump perpendicular to a doorframe in an altair flashback sequence in the second game, but besides that I always thought the controls were solid. To the point where like half my fond memories of the third game are just fucking around running around and climbing stuff

>the third game
>the extreme butthurt that caused one pre-order item
It was a ranged weapon called the "Pirate musket". Naturally, people assumed this would mean with that pre-order you could carry a rifle around instead of pistols, and everyone wanted to, since rifles are cooler. Alas, when the game released the pirate musket was actually a pistol, and there was no way to carry muskets full time.

brotherhood was the best, but the other two Ezio games are extremely good IMO. not just 2, but revelations also
they did a damn good job with recreating constatinople, and i enjoyed that mini-game where you defend your territory
my only complaint is that they avoided putting minarets and those guys that call to prayers from them

please someone spoils me on this

Kristen Bell was on the Templars' side the whole time.

I mostly ignored the games after black flag and you made me realize that cultural osmosis wasn't enough to teach me the names of any of the protagonists that came after edward

I know there's an Arno and maybe like an Edward or something? Whose the new nig from Origins?

Let me think, going from memory. After Edward.
>Shay (what a meme of a person)
>Chronicles people


Was he a templar?

Who the h*ck is that?

White flag: Arno Dorian
Londonistan: Jacob and Evie Frye
Stalk like an egyptian: Bayek of Siwa

Yes. The inside of his cuff has a cross. I like his respect for his arch enemy.

Did he kill him then? I thought he does died from overexertion.