Why do people shill this game so hard? It's so mediocre

Why do people shill this game so hard? It's so mediocre.

>B-B-B-BUT IT HAS 250 characters!!1.
They're all reskins

Other urls found in this thread:


budokai 3 was much better

i can't think f any reskins?'

tenkiachi 2 was much better

They're literally the same game, they're both trash.

Imagine not having any friends like OP? What a rough life that must be...

db fags are retarded, ive seen people complain about DBFZ not having a hundred characters

>Imagine not having any friends like OP?
Mate you're browsing Sup Forums. No one has friends here, including yourself.

>fixing legoman faces

Wonderful. Who doctored this and do they do more of legoman's work?


The Tenkaichi games had gameplay that came the closest to feeling like a fight in DBZ while also being fun. The characters are heavily archetyped and mostly separated by aesthetics and small changes outside of signature moves, but with a fanservice game that covered almost everything that was there at the time it was good. It also had a very solid amount of content.

I say this as somebody who much prefers a game like FighterZ in setup, gameplay, etc. BT3 has its niche in the series, and I like it more than the Budokai games (which I grew up with). Advanced Adventure is the best Dragonball game until FighterZ drops though.

>Complains about projecting
>Projects first

i still can do wiimote combos with muscle memory. Definitely a good game

How's the Wii version of that game?

>He doesn't like what I like
>instead of explaining why I like it I resort to "LOL YOU HAV NO FRENDS! HUR DURR"

About the same. Controls just fine; you can use a Gamecube controller, but the motions for the special moves are just a lot of fun.

the best version

But you admitted to having no friends. It's hardly projecting if i'm right, you even wrote
>No one has friends here, including yourself
What did he mean by this?

Third worlders love it

the best

how does this game run on an emulator?

>Implying even if you had friends the game was that good

It was all about Budokai 3 matches, Tenkaichi never had the same level of enjoyment.

They had it when they were kids.

This game has musou tier gameplay or worse and sadly it's so simple and easy a style to make that every DBZ game for ten years after was modeled on this lazy format of one step above shovelware gameplay in order to push out something with "DBZ" on the package since retarded fanboys will buy it anyway, thus validating their business strategy of quantity of quality.

No, it was QTE garbage

That was ultimate tenkaichi

>The Tenkaichi games had gameplay that came the closest to feeling like a fight in DBZ

This meme is just far too stale. Nothing about DBZ fights were ever slow, repetitive, braindead non-gameplay.

You go through QTE for all Ultimates in BT3 not to mention Dragon Rush

This. I'd rather play DBZ Tekken than DBZ Musou.

2 had a better story mode. 3 had more characters.
It had controls that were easy to learn but hard to master, plus all the major characters could transform at will and use all their signature moves. Then there's the rpg elements where you can beef up every character as you wish. It also had both JPN and US audio and the OST in all 3 games were great

Which is never going to trigger for any players who are any level above button mashing.

If you get punished for being shitty then hate the player, not the game.

Budokai and Tenkaichi stole all the Dragon Ball game hype a decade ago

I have no particular eagerness to play FighterZ because I've dashed around throwing kamehamehas already, so w/e

So you just do infinite physical"combos" over and over? boring, give me Super DBZ instead

The only dragon ball game I need is budokai 2. Loved that game

>I need muh "cinematic experience that takes control out of my hands" in my fighting games

Yeah I can see why Tenkaichi would be more your speed lel

So basically this thread is
>Lets shit on this game because it's popular!
Wow what amazing and non pleb tastes tyou have I am so fucking impressed.

Actually the thread seems to be shitting on the game for almost non-existent gameplay and a roster bloated with reskinned animations. Is it really that hard to read?

>HD Remaster didn't have it
>because they literally were just too lazy to include it

youtube.com/watch?v=-r32fmy65sY repeating the same moves when I could be playing a DBZ simulator? no thanks

> DBZ simulator

kek see

>The characters were reskins
Why do I keep seeing this pop up every time? I used to play this game literally every day for years and never understood this meme. Yes some characters are similar but I can't think of any characters who play exactly the same. It's actually kind of surprising since every major character in the source material has had the same powers since Z started. And like said any time you actually get deeper into the fighting mechanics you'll see that every character plays differently even if they fall into the same type as another. Not to mention it's a party game anyways meant for fun and playing with friends. It's supposed to be like controling DBZ characters and that's exactly what it's like.

But budokai 3 is very popular as well , and its constantly praised by this fanbase, some of the critics against bt3 are legit.

You guys are just hipsters who dislike popular shit.
This board does not even play video games

The same reason Katy Perry i shilled so hard, or the Marvel movies. It's bottom of the barrel candy trash made to be as accessible and low effort as possible so that your five year old couse and pick up and play and say "Whoa look at the cool attacks!" and run through the roster seeing everyone's ultimates then never pick it up again.

youtube.com/watch?v=F3J7nq1ptF4 watch this and B3 "combos"

Thanks, validates everything I've said.

A lot of characters literally have the animations/normals and less frequently shared specials that are recolored


>shared specials that are recolored
Transformations have different physical moves for all characters I dare you to show me a clone, meanwhile even Xenoverse 2 Vegetas have all the same moves for Majin, and all the SSJ forms

>Repeating the same moves
First of all iI'd like to see you trying to pull that off, its not that simple if you,think so, secondly, half of those moves are useless, that dude its just doing some stylish combos, if you wanna get good you should learn a dozen of stuns and starters for each charactersnd learn to use them in the right situation.

The special moves are shared yeah but the animations I'm pretty sure no. As far as I can remember (I could be wrong it's not like I've run frame tests or anything) several characters that share attack animations will have certain delays and changes in their combos which even if they do recycle the animations no characters I can remember feel the same. So even if the characters share attacks they handle completely differently based on how combos play out due to the maximum number of punches, kicks, ki blasts, etc. allowed consecutively; requiring you to play every character differently even in the same archtype. I'm fully willing to admit that 70% of specials on characters are completely stock and that's lazy.

Actually, I think the reason was the Composer for the original game had plagiarized music use for the game.
Even if so, they game inclusion in the remaster probably would have had a new OST and wouldn't have felt the same in all honestly.

pretty good even on toasters

>but muh mediocre SF2 clones
We heard you the first 500 times, FGChimps. Nobody cares.

Again, budokai 3 or infinite world are very popular games and i don't see people hating on them, your logic is flawed.

>steps on your shoe
>steals your girlfriend
Fastest in the universe reporting in

>Hey I think I'll continue my playthrough of okami.
>Hmmm, BT3 is in the disc slot.
>I guess I'll play this for a few before playing okami.
>Never get to okami that day.
Every time

Infinite World is hated on all the time. It's always been an uphill battle for me since apparently people really liked dragon rush for some reason. Budokai 3 on the other hand never gets hate because nostalgia.


Real talk, whose the most broken character in the game besides Gogeta?

By who? Even normies love this game
i constantly read people saying it was better than budokai 3, at least gameplay wise

That was the case for Budokai 1 and 3 and they just changed the soundtracks to shittyj-pop elevator music instead.

I remember how much more fun the game play was compared to the last games. It felt less closed off and battles were more exciting. It also had a bigger cast to choose from. I jumped from Budokai 2 to Tenkaichi 3 so the difference in gameplay was noticeable.

Isn't that why Tenkaichifags like to shit on Xenoverse? That and muh beam struggles

There aren't any besides ss2 gohan and burter. If you're good enough you could probably make a character that can stand up to them but it's an uphill battle that becomes impossible if the person playing them has any idea how to properly use them.

Which ssj2 gohan, and why is he broken?

Idk opinions change but back in 2008-12 all I ever heard about it (when it was rarely brought up) people would just say it's B3 but without dragon rush and a good story mode.

This, only thing I liked about tenkaichi was the free-roam battles but after a while I'd rather go back to the ol' mortal combat style of left and right.

i cant believe it took them this long to make an actual legit dragon ball fighting game, cant wait for next month

it was fun to play as krillin online and fuck up gogeta players.

SS2 teen gohan obvi. He's got almost the same speed as ss4 gogeta. I'd argue he's even more broken since if he's properly built he can make an unstoppable chasing combo machine that can get you anywhere across the map instantly. Any of the three of them were banned form being used by anyone when we payed together since they were broken to the point of taking out all the fun. We also banned SS mid goku because literaly everone wanted to be him.

Its just the same couple of dudes.
Everyone loved Budokai 3. The Tenkaichi franchise was nothing but fanservice crap.


Yeah and i think its because many people didn't know how to play the game in a proper way, i mean look at these retarded critics, bitching because the al its too strong lol

>Vegeta's throw that threw people in the opposite direction of all the other throws.
>You could throw them into the blue barrier and have them bounce off.
>Comboing into any super move after a ground slash and giant throw
>Triangle combo into a rush super
Good feelings.

it's a fanservice anime game
the fuck you expect

That's probably it yeah. But I remember being a fan of Infinite World back around the time it came out man people tried to slam you for liking the "watered down remake of budokai 3". Happens for a lot of games though. I wonder if there's a psychological reason for it?

To give the reviewers credit Kid Buu was legit bullshit it took me like three hours to beat him and my thumbs dear god my thumbs after beatinf him. F.

>Everybody has the same opinion as me except for a couple of idiot trolls.

Nothing will ever beat the joy of beating my cousin with Yajirobe.

Time to chow down!

You figured it out.

Nothin will ever beat the anger of getting beat by my friend when he spams the kid buu attack that turns him into a ball

>That one time I beat a SSJ4 Gogeta with Tambourine

>talking about past gen game that will earn devs $0 is shilling

Because it's a good game


I don't think you ever watched DBZ. Because the fights are all slow, repetitive, and braindead. Because they need to fill 20 episodes with a fight that occurred on one page of the manga.

It's a good game. You saying it plays like crap just means you're too much of a lazy fuck to learn all the things you can do and there's actually a lot of combos. Check your movelist. You're probably too much of a brainlet to understand it though.

Yes, the characters have the same core moves with less variation than desired on their more complicated strings but that's not all bad. This isn't street fighter and it allows you to be able to play all the characters not just one.

It had some pretty interesting game modes top

not him but
>fights are all slow, repetitive, braindead
Retard spotted.

Huh, I was just done looking through wikipedia about DB video games when this thread popped up.
Anyway, I have a serious nostalgia boner Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and I am looking for other good DB games to play. Any recommendations?

Nah it's casual garbage, why would I waste time getting good at this shit? hahahahahaahaha LMAOing at your life user

In retrospect, no it wasn't.

>best fight in the entire series
>nah goku was holding back
fuck this gay earth

xenoverse gets shit because it's the tenkaichi style but not nearly as good. The first game especially was bad but the second one made some improvements.

I liked it. Some parts were lame. Thankfully 3 cut out a ton of the infinites in 2. If you knew how to block right the game really opens up.

There is something to be said about fighting styles being similar across so many characters and of course certain styles are indeed far better than others. But it's still a fun game

He was trying to say you're a fucking idiot. Which you are.

>that shitter who mained a giant character
Fuck you Hirudegarn

This is the best DBZ game of all time. Has pretty much every character, awesome gameplay that feels like you are actually fighting in the DBZ world not just SF DBZ version and no nu-DBS shit to ruin it. People with the reskin meme are retarded.

attack of the saiyans for the ds if you're into rpgs

>good DB games
Advanced Adventure is top tier, and I don't say that just because it's a DB game. Great gameplay, good music and a neat fighting/tournament mechanic coupled with lots of unlockable characters (you can even play as a security camera).

Legacy of Goku 2 is alright but Buu's Fury is a better game, still worth giving a shot. Don't bother with Legacy 1.

Supersonic Warriors 2 has great (if a bit different) gameplay and great soundtrack with cool what-ifs that you unlock in story mode. Its only flaw is that you can't unlock boss characters, but that's not a big deal really.

>Why do people shill this game so hard? It's so mediocre.

It's almost as if the vast majority of Dragonballfags are giant fucking plebs with very low standards for quality or something.

Doubly so if you include spics

Genuine poor taste, probably 3rd worlders or low IQ.

Those games are hilariously awful, I still remember not even knowing what I look for in a game when I purchased a Tenkaichi game for the first time after years of Budokai, I was stuck on "what the fuck" for a few days at the downgrade.

Same brainlets who purchased Xenoverse 2 after that husk of a first game came out. I've watched people boot it up and sit there spamming attacks for several missions, not swinging once.

These games are for people who use DBZ characters in Mugen with one hit beams, truly fucking retards. DBZF is making a bunch of hilarious choices also like putting three fucking Gokus and adding Super shit. I'm glad I get to watch the train wreck for free, everyone is hype but nobody will be playing after a few months.