It doesn't seem to have a name so I'm calling it that because it reminds me of the early 2000's for some reason.
It's that sort of colourful, streety "cool" aesthetic that games like Splatoon, Jet Set Radio and The World Ends With You have going. I love that sort of feel. Feed me more Sup Forums. Tell me other games that have it.
Games with that early-mid 2000's vibe
Other urls found in this thread:
Microsoft Flight Sim
>It's that sort of colourful, streety "cool" aesthetic that games like Splatoon, Jet Set Radio and The World Ends With You have going
All three of those games are influenced by Japanese street culture, specifically in Tokyo. Maybe that's what you're looking for?
VTMB is early 2000 in a time capsule.
Maybe. It reminds me of the mid-2000's in general for some reason though. Some of the music that came out around that time had that same kind of vibe.
This song immediately makes me think of JSR
Capcom vs SNK 2 defines that feel for me. Halo 2 also to an extent.
Not vidya but you might like the style of Infinite Ryvius. Shame it's filled with Hiraiface.
>2000 was almost 18 years ago
I know what you mean. After school they always had that live Nickelodeon thing outside the studio that was fun. It was early 2000s and looking back it was actually pretty distinct from the 90s style Nick.
I was watching E3 live and I, and I'm sure plenty of others, spent at least a minute thinking Splatoon was a reveal for some Nick game. It reminded me of Tony Hawk graffiti mode too, though that was more of a late 90s thing.
A lot of fond memories of that time despite that 9/11 thing. I was in middle school and instead of just happily accepting whatever games I was provided with like in the 90s, I started becoming interested in future releases, and also developing my first hints of cynicism toward gaming, that maybe perhaps not every game coming out is going to be as good as they're portraying it in advertisements. I watched a lot of G4 back then when we got digital cable. Not G4Tech or Nu-G4, I mean the original G4, when it was at its absolute best.
Thank you for reading my blog.
viewtiful joe
Oh shit yeah, Tony Hawk's is another one. I should've mentioned that in the OP.
ProStreet has a similar (but more gritty) aesthetic.
this game single handedly gave me good taste in music
goat osts
>tfw 27
Hmm, does this overlap at all with the Dreamcast era? The Sonic Adventure games, Phantasy Star Online, and Shenmue seem to embody a similar spirit.
>when your age starts with 3
Hey, babby, go back to your bideo gaems and leave the memeposting for the bigg boiz
>tfw 20 in two weeks
There are teenagers today who weren't alive while you were in school.
Kids born in 2002 have had more fugg than you ever had, dear anigay poster.
>Only 20
I'm 23 and even I know I'm just a babby compared to older fags here.
I just miss when people here actually made OC.
I dunno if you're helping by posting memes that have been dead for a while, man.
The word you're looking for is "Shibuya"
i'm '94 too
feeling a little pressured to get my life together soon
time keeps flying by, a year feels shorter and shorter. time dilation is a bitch
It's called "y2k aesthetic" OP. Took me ages to find out too. Google that and you'll find more of what you like.
Also, Beyond Good And Evil is another game with that style.
Tfw 33 in one month
As much as I made fun of the "get off my lawn, things were better back in my day" types growing up, I think I'm finally beginning to understand them.
Sonic Adventure had a y2k event on the Dreamcast servers. Looked like the most 2000s shit imaginable
>everybody hates the 2000s
>starting last year, people starting considering them better than the 90s
What gives?
That's not time dilation bro
People are tired of all the "le 90s were the best thing evar omg XDD" bullshit so they're moving onto the next fad decade.
Early 2000's Nickelodeon vibe is what comes to mind for me. The Splatoon 1 commercials felt like they could have aired back then on Nick, in a good way.
I feel nostalgia for the early 2010s. The fappening, gamergate, American politics is everywhere world in general.
On a random note, I think the late 2010s is a million times better than late 2000s. I don't look back on the PS3, 360, and Wii very fondly, I think they're the weakest gen, including PC games from that era too. It really was the brown and bloom era, they ran out of colors or something. Compare any game made in the late 2000s to its sequel made more recently. GTA4 was brown and shitty, GTA5 was nice and colorful. MGS4 was basically black and white while MGS5 was colorful. Fuck the late 2000s to be honest.
This, all of the internet changed in 2014. Post ironic meta memes also took over after 2012.
Play games from that time period then, all modern games are about is the military guns explosions and sucking dicks... exept indie games
>people born in 2000 can post here soon
You're dumb if you think they haven't been posting since atleast 2011.
I gives me that "Early 2000's Saturday night with Toonami on in the other room" vibe.
>I just miss when people here actually made OC.
>Posting frog and feels faggot
>They are legal to fug now
29 and feeling fine, been on this site since 2008, first came here to just masterbate.
You guys wouldn't be feeling old if you use your time alive wisely.
>Go to the gym
>learn a new skill
>dress to really impress
>still have time for viday gaem
Doesn't matter the age, it's how you live it.
Who's been stopping them, the meme police led by Chinese moot?
People from 1999 like me already can.
>F-f-fffurriiieeessss!!! :(
>born in 1998
>little sister born in 2006
Even tho im still a fucking teenager, the fact that she is starting middle school just seems so surreal to me
You can't post here until you're 18, baby. How did you even learn to type, you toddler?
Nioh, not even joking
Just hope she doesn't become a whore.
Middle school is where it starts.
>have a 17 sister with two Nigger babies
She dead to me.
>feeling a little pressured to get my life together soon
Don't worry, you won't.
She's a giant fucking tomboy, always has her hair in a pony tail and wears athletic clothes.
I'm half convinced she'll become a full on lesbian
That game was such a fucking disappointment. The physics are fucked, the artstyle tries to ape JSRF and fails in the most important places, and it's pretty boring overall.
It just feels like a free JSR fangame that tries to be its own thing for some reason.
Check out TWEWY if you haven't
you're not going to find a whole lot of Japanese games with this sort of style but there are a lot of western games that are similar enough I think they would scratch the itch
SSX 3, for instance
fucking love that game
It's time to move on.
Not as long as it continues to trigger liberals, and Pepe is about as triggering to them as it can get.
>20 is considered old on Sup Forums
What the fuck is happening to this board
This is sad
I'm older than you fags and I still don't have my shit together. I have a job, a car, and live on my own but i still don't make the money I'd like to and it still feels like I'm lost. Not sure if this feeling ever goes away
Are you circle jerking faggots only 14 or something? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Now that we have to deal with Drumpf the Bush years seem positively quaint in retrospect
Remember me (pc game)
An argument could be made that you might not know how old technology works when you're only used to modern tech.
I know what you mean, it’s like the 90’s Nickelodeon aesthetic
This so much this. The technology feels so 2000s and so do the "values" too. Nearly all the female characters are sexualised and they make jokes about trannies, the Thought Police wouldnt let us get away with that now.
sounds cute
Parappa the Rapper
Un Lammer Jammy
Gitaroo Man
I just remembered that one time when I was like 14 years old and a shy nerdy guy at school and one evening my mum said a boy from school was asking for me on the phone and it was the school's "alpha" who had called to ask me how to get through a part in Max Payne 2
That was a weird memory
Ryvius is a masterpiece.