Mom says it's my time to play

mom says it's my time to play

*hands u a controller that isn't plugged in*

I wish kids were this dumb, but it doesn't always work out.

God i fucking hate these kids faces

It does when they're younger than 7.

"Okay just let me get to the save point"
>purposefully take forever to actually do so

>wipe my wet dick on the controller
>"here you go kid"

what the fuck is wrong with that kid's upper lip

god i hate kids in general, kinda makes me happy that ill never get laid, at least i wont have to deal with these little shits 24/7

Spaghetti hoops

>mom says its my time to play
Then go outside with your friends you little shit. leave my depressed ass alone

kill yourself you ugly faggot

>living at your parent's

You deserve to be bullied until you leave the nest


>tfw you were the little brother and your brother was 10 years older than you
>back when pokemon craze just hit, brother had red version but I had nothing because I was only 5
>he had a perfect level 100 team of his favorite pokemon on pokemon red
>begged my mom to make him let me play
>restarted his game and saved over it because I thought that's how you played
>had no idea what I had just done
>he freaks out
>feel really bad, cry, and try to rebuild his team
>realize in a moment how impossible and time consuming it would be
>he eventually forgives me and rebuilds it himself
My brother deserved better

I hope you sucked his dick later or something because that’s fucked up.

not gonna lie, i would have beaten the shit out of you user

Kill yourself, you piece of shit

You're one of the reasons why people have shitty lives in their adulthood.

You should feel bad more often.

Well fuck you its MY game

>Mashes his head against the wall
>Tell mom to fuck off
>Beat up anyone who disagree
Being the strongest on the house by the age of 13 has its benefits

>Mfw mom defended me

>5 year old makes a mistake
>reply like autistic spergs
How pathetic are you morons?

>Never got into games when I was younger
>Ignore all my big bro's recommendations back then
>Finally get into vidya a few years ago and give them all a try
>They're all great

I love you, Terry
I miss you too

Its from a video where he drank a shitload of orangeade and kept denying it despite the blatant proof.
Think he blamed his brother too iirc


>"huh, where's the touchscreen on this thing?"

Are you the user from /nepgen/

>mum said you have to let me win a game!
>tfw mum backed her up

Would things have been different if I had a brother that was as into vidya as me instead of a scrub sister?

this was me but it was FFIX

fuck off you little faggot

>sister is really impressed that I managed to tear off the skin on my palms playing mario party
>she copies me and does it too
>mom finds out and I get grounded with no N64

here's your controller lil bro

Where is your brother user?
what games did he recommend?


Is it wrong to eat ass?

there's literally nothing wrong with eating your girls ass

Only if she blows you during

>Sup Forums is now filled with the little brothers/cousins that did this and not the victims of this.


where's the donte edit pic that pic always gets me


dammit i did this when i was young with my little brother i know we all did

His fault for being an asshole

69 brother.

Why is there a little white kid in my house...

Did he eventually actually do it? What is this man with iron willpower doing to this day

would've been worse if it was a black one.

I did this, but I would constantly reassure my little brother he was doing good, and that I was playing as the enemies.

My mom caught on one day and gave me a look that said "ur a cheeky lil cunt ill give u that m8", but I guess she let it go since we were both having fun.

>it's my house, I get to play first
>I'm the guest, I get to play first

only if you are African, they like eating shit.

Nothing wrong with eating ass.


I used to do this to a kid my mum had to babysit.
He constantly thought he was winning. He would point to my character if I was winning against the AI, then point to the other character when I was losing.
It was fucking infuriating to my young self.

There's a lot wrong with eating that ass.

only do it if its clean

Yes you fucking weirdo. Unless you're black I guess

>youngest in family
>go to California to see my aunt, uncle, and cousin
>my cousin had a ps2 and gamecube
>when there was free time my cousin allowed me to play any game I wanted to play on his consoles
>for every game I played I deleted one of his saves
>i played so many games

Too this day I feel terrible but it kinda paid off because playing those games helped me learn to love vidya.

>small child talking on mic in game
>mom starts yelling at him
>he yells back at her
>his mic isn't push to talk so you hear the entire thing
I can't be the only one.

Yes, it's just a black twitter meme. Enjoy the e. coli.

Foolish little human that you are, run off and distract yourself elsewhere. Perhaps one day you too shall evolve beyond your mortal little shell and see the light as I have.

this is horrifying, and reeks of white trash

obsessed white cuck

>that one video of the kid in the flame shirt
>you can hear his parents arguing in the background

Or hispanic

>implying I'm white
Keep eating shit you seething diseased scum.

lol link pls

My little brother did the same thing and I was one pokemon away from catching them all. It was that nurse pokemon, cant remember it right now. Havent touched a single pokemon game since

>older brother would never really let me play
>didn't mind too much since it was fun hanging out
>always helped him out in games, just pointing stuff out he might of missed and helping with puzzles and stuff
>got to the point where he would have a lot of trouble if I wasn't helping him out
>fast forward 10 or so years and we're talking about games
>He's bragging about all the games he beat and trying to call me a casual
>start to realize all the games he's naming are ones I helped him with
>ask him for some more modern ones but he has nothing
>Realize he was only able to beat a few games without my help and they weren't even hard games

He's just awful at all games except fighters.