I absolutely LOVE this series.
D2 and death of the outsider make me want to try speed running it.
Who else likes this series?
Dishonored series general
>Who else likes this series?
Me, great series. Shame that, despite being easy with all the super powers, it was still too hardcore for the normies and it sold badly. We're probably not gonna get a Dishonored 3.
Death of the Outsider > Dishonored 2 > Dishonored 1 DLCs > Dishonored 1
Dishonored > Dishonored 1 DLCs > Death of the Outsider > Dishonored 2
How do we stop casuals?
I was surprised that Death of the Outsider improved so much on D2. Shame that it's the end of the series and so short
Post your top 3 levels
1. The Bank Job
2. Clockwork Mansion
3. Lady Boyle's Last Party
Damn, we got pretty similar tastes
1. The Bank Job
2. Lady Boyle's Last Party
3. The Royal Conservatory
1. Bank Job
2. Addermire Institute
3. Clockwork Mansion
really love first and dlc, neutral about sequel. it's kinda bad compared to what dishonored 1 was at the time because the first game was completely original ip and the second game is just more of the same with better graphics and gameplay. but it's not an awful game. it's okay actually.
half-life 1 and half-life 2 is the right way to make a sequel. totally different games relying on different killer features.
and by my standards, dishonored 2 is just underwhelming.
I feel the opposite. While D1 is a fantastic game, the sequels greatly improved on it all. I loved the little open world areas and side missions. and DOTO double down on that. it sucks that we wont get a proper D3 but I would love to see a Howler Gang DLC
Oh god just thinking about playing as the howlers makes me so happy. Maybe they could do a Brigmore witch DLC also.
i just feel like i grow out of games lately. i play since 2001 and right now i only care about how original and interesting the game is. polish, slick mechanics and stuff are the last on my priority list. i can stomach any kind of bullshit if the game is truly fresh and original.
but back in the day sure. i would like dishonored 2 because it would be a perfect sequel to me. hell, i even liked max payne 2 over mp1 simply because mp2 had ragdolls.
the times change i guess.
There are only 2 things I hate about Dishonoured.
1) The game is too short (Finished it in 6 hours, 1st try)
2) No multiplayer
not everything needs multiplayer
No offence but, maybe you played it wrong???
I don't know what you expected but it was a sem-openworld single player stealth game with many multiple tactics to assassinate your target and many different play styles. Dishonored is a series that greatly depends on it's replay ability
I normally don't blurb about art style or graphics but holy fucking shit the effort they put into the designs are amazing.
Which out of the two protagonists had the most character? Played Emily both High and Low chaos a few times and started a new Corvo save yesterday.
Are people literally retarded?
They're pretty much the same character. I like Corvo more because of his nostalgia for Karnaca
Emily is handsome, like a boy. As we say in Afghanistan, women are for children, boys are for pleasure
This is incorrect. Aside from length, DOTO is better than Dishonored 2.
don't fuck children, dude
Emily is handsome af tho.
>DOTO is better than Dishonored 2.
That's false.
Eh, they both seem distinct from what I've seen of both so far. Their goals seem to be the only thing that's the same. Corvo feels more defined based on his history though and that's just from the first two levels.
No he's right
No, he is not.
Love this guy. He inspired me to use the chopped off limbs of my enemies to imbalance opponents mid fight.
you meant to say tripfagging
So is Wyman a dude or a pothead noble chick? Either way, they sound like a fun person.
fuck I always loved killing in dh games, but since im a moral fag, it is forbidden
Yeah, he is. Would love to see your arguments on why DOTO is worse.
>urban dictionary
Play the game twice. Once to kill everyone and another as a moralfag.
so whats the difference
Dr_Amnesia, youre a fucking cunt
really enjoyed the games. still haven't played 2's dlc, but I have it installed.
I still liked 2 a lot, but it had changes that I didn't like and it wasn't coming from the gameplay mechanics. it's strange and I can never exactly pinpoint what it is that I don't like as much as 1.
Anyone can put on name, anyone can steal amnesias name
You cant steal tripcodes
lurk moar
They let their gender undefined on purpose
I still gotta play Death of the Outsider, Dishonored 1 and 2 are fucking magic
I love the series, and I really wish for a Dishonored 3, but it doesn't seem like it's gonna happen
>hey lets give the player a ton of overpowered abilities and tools
>and then make them fight nothing but human guards that can be beaten by running up to them and mashing the sword button
also sad that it could have potentially been something good if it wasn't tailored towards absolute retards
is this b8? this is b8.
And you've never played on Very Hard where doing that shit will get your bitch ass killed.
I know that but Emily mentions Callista would tell her to marry Wyman.
This can't happen on higher difficulty. Its still pretty easy though. I think the appeal of the combat stems more from the variety it offers as opposed to technical skill required.
shut the fuck weeb trash
I aint never browse fucking trash Sup Forums to be up to date with fucking weeb trash terms
>mashing the sword button
don't play on normal
also why play in the most boring way possible? like you said the game gives you a ton abilities and tools. use them and go nuts, stop playing like a retard and then complaining that your playstyle is boring.
Bruh, you need some serious technical skills if you do the Dunwall City Alley Brawl trial on Expert. Shit gets fucking crazy.
you mean
>where you might have to chug a potion every now and then or use a gun if you feel like it
>not playing on hardest without magic
what a disgusting pleb
>nothing but human guards
Stop LARPING as someone who played the gsme nigger
>also why play in the most boring way possible?
because EVERY way you can play is boring since the game offers no challenge if you're not filming an epic kill montage
I'd rather play saints row 4, at least I can be a cute girl while using overpowered abilities on trivial targets
there's like six of them in the game famalam
one slightly less trivial enemy per hour is not a good ratio
>Shame that, despite being easy with all the super powers, it was still too hardcore for the normies and it sold badly.
Not really because, if PREY showed anything, it's that most people just run from objective to objective and can't immerse themselves at all. I don't what the term was, but people don't know how to play it. Immersive simulator or something?
>he is also mentally ill
I'm not surprised
>willingly turning the game into an otherwise shit stealth experience
Wew lad you're the coolest
there's a finite amount of potions in the world senpai
Worst thing about DotO is the protagonist and someone obvious agenda pushing shit I didn't like.
>want to play D2
>the PC port is utterly shit unless you have a 5 million dollar rig
>the PS4 version is equally shitty
I hope that D3 is more optimized. D1's PC port is amazing and worked on everything.
dishonored's problem is you can clearly tell project had to be compromised to get he funding and make it more mainstream friendly. I wonder how it would've done if some original design decisions like having power cost health stayed in, for example.
>willingly turning the game into an otherwise shit stealth experience
wonder what did he mean by this
there's literally an infinite potion machine
and even if you sabotage it you have more than enough
>>the PC port is utterly shit unless you have a 5 million dollar rig
>nothing but human guards
>gives proof otherwise
>heh there's only like 6 tallboys, got em!
How fucking dumb can you be? Also pic related
Hey, at least they didn't make her some sassy 1970s afro chick caricature like westerners are doing in every other game featuring a black female character. At least she looks and behaves differently.
>Fun and stupidly useful tier
-Blink with the time-freeze upgrade (like in KoD or D2)
>Fun, but not all that useful tier
-Shadow walk
-Wind blast
>Useful, but not all that much fun tier
-Blink/Far Reach
-Bend Time
>Boring and fucking useless tier
>Literally breaks the game tier
-Dark Vision
If you know anything about valve, it's that they playtest their games on the most retarded groups they can apparently haul of the Seattle streets.
Valve playtesters have fucked over Portal 2 and are probably the biggest thing standing in the wave of Valve and the source 2 games they already have according to the massive influx of leaks every casual shitfuck will just ignore in favour of meming up half life 3.
Wow, we've got a real tryhard gamerâ„¢.
Pass me your gamerâ„¢ fuel brah
>Character is black so it's pushing an agenda
There is literally nothing wrong with Billie Lurk
Without the powers, there is nothing the game offers besides below average stealth gameplay and that is a fact. Its hardly better than Skyrim stealth
I'm sorry I didn't mention only 95% of the enemies are trivial human guards instead of 100%
and that's a human guard (that can be killed by running up to them and mashing sword)
Meanwhile Wolfenstein games running absolutely fine. Fucking Arkane cant optimize
I'm thinking about buying the first game since it's so cheap on Steam. How is it?
i'm pretty sure dishonored 2 runs better now
He's a fraud tho. makes sneaky edits and most likely uses slowmotion tools without mentioning it
Can confirm. I played it at launch and dealt with constant, random crashes.
After playing DOTO I played D2 again and it ran just fine.
Dark Vision is so fun tho. Even though they tried to nerf it in 2 with the pulse mechanic. Doppelganger is fun if you learn how to bait and switch enemies with it.
Were you sucking your own dick in the first half of this thread? You can't even mash sword on the difficulty above normal. Just stop, we both know your experience with this game is about 15 mins of stream viewing. The inclusion of other enemies only in the late game is obviously a product of the playtesters. Unlocking powers was based on hidden collectibles so the avg player was underpowered throughout the game
It runs worse for me. Unplayable.
In no particular order
Lady Boyle's Last Party
The Bank Job
Rothwild Whaling Industries
Dark Vision trivializes the game more than any other power, IMO. Try doing a playthrough without it, it's much, much more fun.
As we can clearly see in the video. Game does not offer anything without magic.
Now, stay with me son and help me understand your logic. You absolutely think the game is 2casual4me, yet you waste your time here, shitposting.
Is it because:
>you're mentally ill, fapping on trap porn furiously
>have no friends
>have no job
>still virgin?
Please pick one ore two and reply
Domino and Bend Time are stupid fun to use though.
You can do some fucking absurd shit with them.
>mfw charms had random effects
It's a shame because, by necessity, they had to be made far less important due to that.
not having gtx 1060 /w i7
working class scum
>You can't even mash sword on the difficulty above normal.
It sounds like it's you who hasn't played the game fampai
I know, I've tried it before. Have you ever done a pacifist powerless run with no sneaking? Shit is fucking hard to do without killing anyone. I remember taking the hard bolt upgrade than regretting it when I accidentally shot a dude's leg off instead of pinning him.
>Not really because, if PREY showed anything, it's that most people just run from objective to objective and can't immerse themselves at all.
Fucking this. Remember the first streams when people were finishing the game in under five hours and giving it a bad rep for being short?
>he doesn't like stealth4babby: the game so he's a dumb loser virgin
That's the developer's fault, not the playtesters. Why did they cave in to the whims of idiot playtesters instead of having faith in their own vision and proceeding with that? It's no excuse for them, considering that other devs (pic related) ignore the whining and idiocy from casual playtesters all the time.
Yes, this games world building is the best ive seen in years
Bend Time may rank a little bit higher than Domino. I guess my problem with them is that they both trivialize tackling groups: letting you neutralize four guys with a single dart makes stuff too easy, I suppose, and it's terribly unsatisfying.
Bend time at least feels like a mad dash to drop as many guys as you can and move their bodies before it wears off. It can be pretty fun when you have x4 stacks of Strong Arms and Undertaker after investing in Bone Charm crafting.
My next playthrough (once I get bored of TW: Warhammer 2) is gonna be high chaos, no powers. I'm looking forward to making better use of killing tools.
That just means Calista believes Emily should commit to Wyman
>mentally ill reaction image
>hit a nail on loser and virgin
Thanks boy, my analysis is complete.
Now you may go back to shemaletube or whatever your kind browse regularly
>liking 2
1 and its DLC are some of the best stealth games ever made, but 2 was just dogshit from start to finish. Emily just isn't fun to play as and every level is a gimmick. And none of the gimmicks are really fleshed out enough to be enjoyable. The setting is also a lot worse, the moody Dunwall is replaced by the bright and sunny island. The plague and weepers are replaced with these annoying flies that are never fun to fight. The game is also just outright broken, it runs at ~45 FPS on 1080p low on a 970 and i7.
I don't understand why people like 2.
Trust me, you're going to have a hell of a time. The witches are trick as fuck when you don't have powers of your own to counter theirs.