Nu-Sup Forums will defend this

Nu-Sup Forums will defend this.

>tfw my kid self is smarter than most of current Sup Forums

>being bad at games

>tfw not a brainlet and figured this out immediately
kek nigger how can you be so dumb?

>Nu-Sup Forums will attack this.

Jr. High school me was stuck here. Luckily, they showed the solution in a commercial for the game :D.

A significant portion of Super Metroid's progression was entirely based on hitting the right wall with the right power up. I don't understand how this stupid tube is an issue, even if you didn't watch the video or see the other tube shattered to pieces.

>don't understand how this stupid tube is an issue
It's not an issue but kids that never played Metroid 1 or 2 or Super trying to make a meme.

You first encounter the tube very early in the game, and you're expected to break it way later in the game. You go down a million hallways in the game with slight visual differences and now all of a sudden you can interact with one.
Not to mention the broken tube hardly resembles the tube anymore. You could easily pass by the broken tube "hint" and not put it together.
They should've put cracks in the glass or at least have the tile change when you use a normal bomb on it.

You are like weak baby.

>getting stuck at noob tube
No user YOU are nu-Sup Forums

Old Sup Forums would defend it too


Defend this.

>Zero Mission had a similar tube
>figured it out right away as a kid

>recently replayed it
>completely stumped by it for a good while
I'm starting to think this place has a bad influence on me.

Everyone complains about the glass tube power bomb but I've yet to see anyone address the real problem

THE hidden entrance to the BOSS fight in wrecked ship

You obtain bombs a little way before.

Because people spam the tube because its a meme, not because they played the game and got stuck there

And that tells you you're supposed to use it on an unidentifiable piece of

I just finished the show a few days ago and it's worth seeing

I only used her picture because it's the only one i saved without exposed tits

Wrecked ship has a hidden entrance?

I dont remeber exaclty but a while before you have to bomb certain pieces of floor to raise platforms to advance and te game encourages you to spam bombs. cmon, my 11yo self figured this out.

Because every metroid teaches you to spam bombs when you're stuck

Honestly the tube wasn't a problem for me at all. The big giveaway is that it purposefully shows on your map that you are entering Maridia to cross between Brinstar and Kraid.

Where I did get stuck however was in Maridia itself, to progress at one point you have to bomb your way through the ground and it's like, not intuitive in the slightest.

>very obviously shows environment below and above it

I dunno about knowing to use power bombs specifically but when I first played this I definitely experimented in trying to get out of the tube until something worked.


What, you mean this?
There's a whole bunch of crabs down there one of them probably comes into your field of vision after a while if you stay near the blocks

This game is so fucking good.

Actually there is that wall in Super Metroid that for some reason is the only invisible wall in the entire game that doesn't show up on the scanner... I thought that was pretty bad game design. Probably only implemented to have more people call in on Nintendo Hotline. Just like the glass tube.

>Not to mention the broken tube hardly resembles the tube anymore.

when I was a kid it was the blocks you can see outside the tube that helped. I just knew you had to do something to get to them, and at that point power bombs usually reveal what kind block things are, so I did that.

The one in Norfair? It's an optional shortcut, no one will be calling Nintendo Power about it

>try to make it look cracked
>everyone mistakes it for just being underwater

I got through it as a kid by power bombing any suspicious pieces of the environment

They would if they wanted to get all missile expansions.

What’s there to defend? It’s a casual filter, making sure babs can’t beat the game by relying on their ability to recollect rings after getting hit.

Jesus user, english is not even my first language and I figure it out the first time I saw it. And I was a 9 year old kid. Jesus.

WTF happened to "gamers".

It's not a issue. Games in general have changed so much that people don't really experiment anymore.

At least the new Zelda was great for bring that back.

>At least the new Zelda was great for bring that back.

I'm not huge on BOTW but it's easily the best Zelda game I've ever played besides Wind Waker but that's purely nostalgia talking. I know someone that fucking despises it just because it isn't linear/story-focused enough for them and I genuinely don't understand why they even play vidya if they just wanna read a goddamn book so bad.

Yeah, I like its overworld, but I don't like the lack of dungeons though.

>nu-Sup Forums will complain about this

nu/v/ are the casuals, so STFU

t. nu-Sup Forums

t. casual soyboy projecting