Is mega rayquaza stronger then god?

is mega rayquaza stronger then god?

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No mega arceus would be stronger

Not lorewise, Arceus created the universe and it's still above the Creation Trio, which >>> Mega Ray. It's almost definitely the strongest non-cosmic Pokemon though.

What about ultra necrozma ?

Mega arceus implies arceus isn't actually God.

> Arceus created the universe
>gets captured by a 12 year old carrying a master ball
Yeah, ok.

There is nothing greater than God, user.

>implying most Legendaries don't just let themselves be captured out of respect
Things like the pre-Dialga/Palkia battle dialogue in DP basically spell it out, and it's not like a puny human lifespan is anything for most Legendaries.

>You legit cannot capture God in-game.

is there a BlackRayquaza?

Pokemon is shit

The shiny form is literally black and red, so yes.


Is that true in lore, though. Is it even possible to capture Dialga.

I need those hips in my life.

Is it humanly possible to dislike Rayquaza?

The one fought by the player in Diamond challenges you out of respect. The one caught by Cyrus in Rainbow Rocket was presumably fucked over by the Red Chain. In both cases, it makes sense that Dialga could be captured then. Every other appearence of it in the games (lazy postgame so kids can get all the legendaries) can safely be regarded as non-canon.


deepest lore

I wish for Serene Grace to disappear from the games.

I wasn't necessarily thinking only about Dialga either, but also stuff like Palkia and Rayquaza, may not be possible to capture. At least not with a Masterball.

Black Rayquaza has been a thing since its creation you fucking retard.

>*Thunder Waves you*
That's going a bit
>*Air Slashes you and makes you flinch*
too far
>*Air Slashes again as you're fully paralyzed*
don't you think?

Well, Palkia is the same situation as Dialga. Rayquaza, at least in ORAS and likely Emerald, seems to challenge you in a similar way, and wants to be captured.

is there anything shittier than pokemon lore?

sonic lore

You're not actually capturing THE Arceus, you're just capturing one of it's thousand arms

Bethesda Fallout lore

Pokemon lore is fun though. There are a lot of odd coincidences that can be pieced together, and a lot of fun fan theories that make a lot of sense. Unless they're directly debunked, like the Mew-Ditto thing.
>tfw was on the "Necrozma is a dark evolution of Cosmog" theory train
>tfw USUM disappointed



>see rayquaza
>open thread

it's part of the joke idort

>OP is asking about how Fug compares to Arceus
>get upset that people are talking about lore

nah the archie comics and shit were good. sonic is better than this trash. I mean what pokemon made everything inlcuding people? thats retarded and what they let them just enslave all pokemon and seal them in little balls?

I can only imagine the shit taste of someone who dislikes based fug.

I liked the first two games. there was an eary spookiness about it. the burned down lab in cinabar and the missingno puzzles. you learned some neat stuff

>what they let them just enslave all pokemon and seal them in little balls?
Gen 5 adressed that

>archie comics and shit were good

Respect for what? A trainer that isn't a complete fucking idiot? Almost nothing accomplished in Pokemon is notable because the game throws broken shit at you and then puts all of your opponents on the spectrum.

It doesn't help that there's so many fucking legendaries now that a lot of them are just "there" and serve no real purpose, or worse, they're just handed to you.

care to explain how I didnt play past platinum

Stand aside.

>Respect for what? A trainer that isn't a complete fucking idiot?
In a story context, yes. I.e, with Dialga/Palkia, you fight them right after you beat Cyrus's ass and save them from the Red Chain. Rayquaza basically tests you because it sees you as a worthy trainer and it needs you to help it Mega Evolve and save the world from a meteor. In BW, you're literally the chosen one, representing either truth or ideals to the point of being chosen by a Tao Dragon. Etc etc.

why did they out the wings the wrong way around?
would look half decent it it had normal wings on top and baby leg wings

hey we were all a kid at one point...

Because those above are arms first and wings second?

so basically this dude with green hair steals some dumbfuck kid in the middle of the woods and uses him as a puppet to control peta and take over the world. after that plan fails miserably he fucks off and becomes a terrorist that wants to freeze the whole world

So the evil team of that gen was basically peta and they preached about how catching pokemon is basically slavery.
So they steal and then release pokemon.
There is also some shady shit going in that organization, but there were a lot of people that genuinly believed in that cause and started a pokemon safety facility for mons abused bybtheir trainers in the sequel.
But to boil it down for you a lot of pokemon love their trainers just like how many pets love their owner and like always their are shitty people who abuse their pets, but that doesn't mean no one should be allowed to have a pet.

>Swinub used Ice Shard.

>Delta Stream

I miss the simplicity of Team Rocket.

except you don't actually capture arceus, all arceus are event only

>b-but flute

the flute didn't get past the release

>he doesn't know

Contrary to what you might think you don't actually "find" wild Pokemon, they come out their nests to battle YOU(this of course is excluding stationary mons). This is because they know by themselves, as if it's genetics, that the strongest wild Pokemon in existence would become much stronger in company of a trainer. This is also why no wild Pokemon can activate Mega Evolution by itself.

>not skill swapping Huge Power onto your level 100 Swinub against a level 1 Mega Rayquaza
+6 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Swinub Helping Hand Ice Shard vs. -6 0 HP / 0 Def Rayquaza-Mega in Strong Winds: 336210-395544 (2586230.7 - 3042646.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Honestly, I like to forget Arceus exists. They need to stop forcing their retarded ever increasingly OP god monster shit and either go all in on making the games story focused or straight breeder sim.

Clearly they're bored of the Gyms into Elite 4 shit as well, Team Jokesquad of whatever region has been the main focus for a long while.

kinda lame but hey at least they addressed it. I mean yeah im sure alot of slaves were fond of their masters...specially when they didnt beat them...

you do realize big, overpowered mons are a thing in any given monster sim

>They need to stop forcing their retarded ever increasingly OP god monster shit
If you stopped shitposting for a minute you'd know that they toned them the fuck down since gen 4 ended.

You also realise that we don't need to keep going bigger and badder, and also creating alternate dimensions where the respective mascot is god.

They could expand more on what the different legendaries mean for people beyond "this thing sometimes appears and looks awesome" or "these two are at odds since the dawn of time"

>yfw seeing this event

Mega Arceus doesn't exist.
Mega Rayquaza does exist.

but they aren't going bigger and badder, also they do expand them, heck sometimes that's the driving force of each game

double Arceus Fairy beats Mega Rayquaza

>tfw we'll never get to see Primal Rayquaza

SM did a good job with that for their legends, specifically the island guardians.

i still don't understand

What? A mega form is just a stronger form of the pokemon, not a new thing.

The creation of Mega Stones was due to an event that Arceus had no hand in, it wouldn't actually make sense for it to have a Mega. If anything it would have a Primal form.

>Solgaleo and Lunala are literally just really strong aliens and nothing more
I enjoyed that a lot.


>dragon ascents u

Fuck you bitch mega rayquaza is real

And Arceus Fairy gets fucked by Mega Gengar
What's your point?

Arceus Fairy can tank that though apparently. It's hilarious that the "broken" tier somehow limited Rayquaza since you can only have one Mega Rayquaza but multiple Arceus.

It is implied that pokémon jump at you on tall grass because they want to be captured. The battle is just to prove your worth

see you can't have both Mega Gengar and Mega Rayquaza at the same time.

Fug is the best Pokemon. To dislike him is to live a lie.

>Was due to an event that Arceus had no hand in
You think Gamefreak gives a fuck about any lore? They'll give him a mega form and you'll like it (probably).

they're actually pretty consistent

also if you speak nip they have tons of lore related tweets and events

Yeah just look at Groudon and Kyo...oh wait they don't have megas.

You don't need to. A pokemon having checks and counters doesn't make it objectively worse than the pokemon that counters it. Especially since every pokemon has them

Last I saw, Mega Fug was banned even from the highest tier over at Smegma.

Since the XY/ORAS era is over there won't be any new Megas ever again most likely

They'll just give him a dumb new item/form in the inevitable DP remake that'll make him OP yet still boring to play, like all Legends

nigga anything goes is the tier smegma made for megafug

my point is anything goes limited megafug and made everyone else better

pre sure even gf forgot Arceus exists. they've done nothing with him since platinum. one would think a being of such importance as being the first Pokemon ever who might have created the entire world would have more references in the other games. Unless Arceus is just a Sinnoh legend that never made it out of the region.

literally fucking WHO? whats he even do

To do that though they need to make it so Arceus can be caught ingame.

754 bst mon with an ability that makes super effective moves stronger and has a special move that scales off either sp.a or phys.a depending on what is more effective that can turn into a z-move.

Which is what the Alpha Episode in the DP remakes is for.

not on my watch

>Implying it won't be for Giratina as that's the master trio of Dialga / Palkia.

>abra used teleport

Giratina isn't the trio master though, he's a PART of a trio under a master which is Arceus itself. To be fair though there are many more trios than actual "squads" with a boss(Rayquaza, Regigigas, Arceus, and Landorus) with higher stats. You could also kind of count Ho-oh and if you really want Lugia too.

Abra is a fucking prick, that's why.

What's the lore behind Z-moves?

Is Alakazam smarter than nearly all legendaries?

>they've done nothing with him since platinum
>HGSS event is nothing

Power of friendship shit like mega evo but makes a move stupid OP instead of giving a form change.

Its not? I always thought it was because it interferes when Cyrus tries to fuck up everything in Platinum.

Doesn't change my opinion though. GF will still use the theory that you can't catch god legit.

what's abour sans?

Z Crystals are now broken off pieces of Necrozma so whenever you use one you're just briefly pumping a Mon with Necrozma's power

they didn't make catching not-shiva legit

>"The light pouring out from all over its body affects living things and nature, impacting them in various ways."
dex entry

That sounds incredibly diabolical and not at all good for your Pokemon.

And who the hell is not-shiva, user?

If its spoilers I don't care.