Aside from ASB and EoH, are there any other games worth playing?
JoJo vidya
Heritage for the Future my nigga
>worth playing
Was it really that bad?
I haven't played it yet, and I need something to do while I wait for the part 5 anime
>implying ASB is better
you need to go back
ASB is dumb fun, EOH is just bad.
fightcade with heritage for the future on it for online funtimez
the SNES game
I don't get it
If part 5 was popular enough to warrant it's own video game, then why are they so hesitant to animate it?
David knows they can't do it justice.
>worth playing
Is this bait?
Only the best.
It is. You and your shit taste need to go back.
ASB was a good game. And a great game for Jojo's fighting game fans.
It's worth playing if you're a fan because of the fanservice
7th Stand User is free, so it might be worth a look
You're thinking of ASB. EOH is just boring as piss fanservice or not.
is this the underage cringey autism thread?
before y'all get triggered, i'm already outta here after i post this.
They waited a while to announce part 4. Part 5 is insanely popular, it's garunteed money. It's going to happen. They just won't announce it probably until later in 2018
>they waited a while
Maybe, but they didn't wait a whole fucking year
Doing Vento Aureo means having to do Stone Ocean too, and no one wants to do that.
Heritage to the Future is the best JoJo's fighter, plus on fight cade it has an active community still so you can get matches fairly easily. I guess just know that Pet Shop is generally banned tier, but if you are facing off against newer players he won't seem insanely strong, it's more that someone who knows what they are doing can break the character.
Otherwise the only other truly memorable game would be the 7th stand user. It's a fan game where you self insert into part 3 and get your own stand based off of a personality quiz and let's you fuck about in the part 3 timeline and change things potentially. It's very well done and totally worth playing.
The only thing I could think that would delay part 5 production would be something on the David Production side. The producers would be all over JoJo's since that clearly rakes in cash for them from the metric shit ton of merchandising that goes on and how popular the brand is.
>worth playing
I just finished stone ocean and the ending was a huge letdown for me.
Is steel ball run and lion better? Where can I find em?
a lot of people consider SBR to be the best part of JoJo, so I'd say you should read it
Don't go into SBR expecting Parts 3-6, read it like Part 2 but with better abilities or jojo's colored adventure
Steel ball run is great, my second favorite after Vento aureo, Jojolion is alright, Stone ocean was the worst part for me. is your place if you wanna read them but it needs a registration.
>second favorite after Vento aureo
opinion invalidated
My negro
This and HFTF are the only two JoJo games you'll ever need to play
SBR is Araki's magnum opus
HFTF is a terrible fighting game but has lots of great fanservice and visuals. It's the 90's version of ASB with a better framerate.
Unironically this. This is what all RPGs should strive to be.
Pet Shop is fun.
He also barely plays like a fighting game, it's more like gradius or something, and completely kills everyone else as a result
2D > 3D
No, fuck you, the game is a pretty solid fighter aside from some unbalanced shit. And it's way better than ASB.
>my second favorite after Vento aureo
Dude only the Japs are allowed to have taste that shit.
SBR and Jojolion are great. Jojolion has beetlemania and you don't want to miss it.
> the game is a pretty solid fighter aside from some unbalanced shit
the game just plays like darkstalkers except stupid and spam friendly
"some unbalanced shit" is a massive understatement. shadow dio's entire gameplan is "counter anything they do with book, start my infinite till it drops or they die" and he's not even top tier.
Allow me to say this.
Battle Tendency and Vento Aureo are the best arcs.
I'm italian btw so I really love VA's accuracy with money depiction and shit.
My good old Lira.
SBR is a lot like part 3, it's definitely better
I still don't know how the fuck he works.
Yes you do, stop being silly.
7 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1
Reverse the 6 > 5 > 3 order and you've got a correct ranking
haven't finished SBR yet
Trish is cute
It's the hand, but with time
7 > 6 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 1
>5 and 6 that high
3 > 2 > 7 > 4 > 6 > 1 > 5
I need to read through 8 again so that I can see how it flows when read all at once but from memory I'd assume it to fit in around 7 and 4.
I enjoyed SO
EoH is total shit, though
its the best part, so great
3 > 4 > 7 > 2 > 6 > 1 > 5
3 isn't the best, but it's the one I had the most fun reading due to the characters and setting. I'm not ranking JoJoliololwut until it's finished.
I wonder if it will ever get animated
If Part 5 does so will Part 6
Part 5 definitely will because it's generally well received, and adored by the japanese fans
Part 6 isn't really loved by anyone, the japanese fans particularly didn't like it
The only way it will get animated is if part 5 rakes in a lot of money and DP could afford it
Same, user. I think Jolyne is one of the best JoJos in the series in terms of character and overall design. I love the direction they went with the female leads too, and Pucci is a top tier villain.
That ending still fucks me up.
I don't think they'll care about if people love Part 6 or not considering showing it will guarantee money regardless.
It has my favorite stands
Perfect. This is the correct ranking
DP wanted to prove they can do more than just be the jojo studio. They failed, and may have even made lucky land hesitant to give them part 5. I imagine they will still get it, but this year has really been the milk part 4 for all its worth. I imagine this may start happening with future parts, meaning we'll be lucky to see part 6 before 2020, as they know once they move on from a part they can't focus as much merchandise around it.
Part 6 is my favorite by the sole fact that jotaro dies at the end
>s generally well received, and adored by the japanese fans
myth. Only after part 6 was part 5 ever considered adored by the japanese fans, and that was purely due to the whole CoD syndrome of people saying the previous incarnation is always better. It happened to be a lot stronger due to how poorly SO was recieved. Typically in Japan SC is considered the best part, followed by DiU.
FF is best girl
Reminder that part 7 is overrated and spin is a shit power.
How did Araki get worse at drawing?
The Part 1 beat em up on PS2 is worth having a look at, if only for the great soundtrack by the composer of Lumines.
Watch "time keeps slipping by" episode of futurama. There you go
ASB felt very slow and clunky to play.
EoH feels Looser, but is much more fun in my opinion. Plus it has a lot more Single Player content.
I'm watching Part 4 now. I'm glad the stands are getting more creative instead of "fire guy" and "sword guy"
I [CREAM]'d my pants
They get even more so in the parts after.
yare yare de wah.jpg
SBR is my favorite part, but it starts out kind of weak. Picks up the more you get in, and the last 1/4 of it is pure balls to the walls holy shit 10/10 insanity