>play with random on game
>want to add him as a friend to play later
>go to profile
>anime avatar
Why do you do this?
>play with random on game
>want to add him as a friend to play later
>go to profile
>anime avatar
Why do you do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
because we know people liek you will come here and cry about it, making you look even more pathetic than us, you sad little person
what are you gonna do about it
>getting triggered by an anime avatar
lmaoing @ ur life
You really think having anime profile pics makes you better?
If you have an anime profile, your opinion doesn’t matter.
cry more big boy
You mad
>Being this triggered over someone's profile pic of all things.
Why would anyone want them to add you if you're that oversensitive?
>Play with a guy with an anime avatar
>He's fucking awful at the game
Every single time.
>want to add someone
>their profile picture is a meme
Why do you?
Star Wars is an anime so why are you complaining?
>play with pepe avatar
>he bitches about jews and blacks the entire time
Sup Forums was a mistake
>why do people do things that i personally disagree with
user, I hate to break it to you, but you're one person among over seven billion. You don't matter, your opinions don't matter, and nobody cares about what you think.
The only people why Sup Forums seems to care is because Sup Forums is filled with very lonely people who give each other approval to feel less lonely themselves.
Just let people be. If you have fun playing with someone, who gives a fuck what his avatar is. Don't be so ultra-autistic and have a merry Christmas.
>complaining about anime avatars on an anime enthusiast forum
>having an unhealthy obsession with hating cartoons depending on their country of origin
Seek help my dude
i dont even have a steam profile, faggot. i just know for a fact that people who come here to try and make themselves sound better than the people they berate have literally nothing better to do in life and are therefore far sadder creatures than the rest of the population
get a life
what a sad life you have lmao
kys sperg
lmao this
based sonic poster
Nice projecting, get off your phone in class kid.
It's holiday break faggot
>come to anime web site
>complain about how much you hate anime
>anime avatars suddenly on the run
>play with random in game
>want to add her as a friend to play later
>go to profile
>anime trap avatar
>Old anime avatar
>New moe shit
Garbage tier
>play with random
>like them based on who they are/how well they did
>judge them off a picture
People say I'm edgy for using it.
Fucking bugs, man.
>cropped porn avatar
i don't mind, i'm gay and anime avatars are the quickest way to spot a sissyboy
>want to add someone
>the character in their avatar dies
thanks man
Its common knowledge that anyone who uses an anime avatar is a kissless overweight basementdweller.
Avoid at all costs.
OP just wants a smug anime thread but he's too shy to ask, say something nice to him!
>use anime avatar
>keep getting added by gays thinking i want to erp with them and swap nudes
i didnt ask for this
Because I like anime.
Oh, if that's the case then have this.
Lol, Kylo doing the tk 241
its like the equivalent of wearing a shirt that says '' i love cock '' what do u expect
The fact that you took the time to make this thread makes you even more pathetic. Stop getting triggered, libshit numale
haha triggered
BTFO by the whole thread, how's it feel, autistic faggot?
Anime website.
>play with a pepe avatar
>plays badly
>starts blaming everyone else and trying to get better players kicked
>gets kicked himself
dumb underage samefag trying to damage control
owned by the thread tho, lol
Were they good at the game? Tolerable as a human being?
I don't see the problem. I like anime. I've been on teams with legit furfags that didn't hide it, but also didn't talk about it all the time.
The future of internet is anime.
>anime avatar
>tolerable as a human being
will the government give me free hormones when watching my first episode of naruto or do i have to contact someone
lmaoing @ ur life
Sauce me famalampai
>Why is your avatar something you like?
Geez, I don't know. I never thought about having my avatar be something I dislike.
All these butt blasted weebs lmao
The OP is secretly filling a "smug anime girl folder" but denies it to himself and others.
Do you want to be a little girl OP? You can tell us the truth. We're all friends here.
I will never understand the people who complain about anime on Sup Forums?
Why the fuck do you come here, a board containing everything you hate and despise, what the hell is wrong with you?
>add a guy with an anime avatar
>"what could possibly go wrong?"
>he is shit at the game
>spouts Sup Forums memes - KEK, pepe, feelsbadman.jpg
>leaves because he keeps on dying and is fucking garbo @ the game
>check his profile
>groups: Sup Forums, Sup Forums Sup Forums, loli lovers, Onii-san~~
>bio is full of edgy shit and his autobiography
>screenshots with faggy captions
>comments are filled with weebspeak and ASCII dicks
>over 2k hrs in 100% orange juice
>jojo memes
>can forget about all those webgames and badges
ITT: ironic weebs are bootyblasted
why do you guys even like anime though? i don't actively hate it but it think it's really fucking gay and the humor is always cringy.
i even tried watching One Punch Man but couldn't get past episode 1 because of the cringe, how can any adult stand this gay ass shit?
Most people with anime avatars are obnoxious as fuck. I don't blame you for staying away from them
If you're THIS worried about how you should perceive shit when you're by yourself, with your justification being the word "Adult", you're not actually an adult.
An adult quality is being open minded, while that doesn't mean you need to like everything, adjusting everything you see through "OH GOD WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK" goggles is some faggot shit.
It's like people think "hide your power level" is beneath them now.
no i dislike it because it is unfunny and cringy like i mention in my post lol. i can see why teenagers would like it but i don't understand grown men liking this stuff
And what do YOU watch in your spare time?
>anime profile adds me
uhh forget it guys, seems like a sensitive topic for u boys, guess i'll never understand
Because they like anime, dumbass!!!
I mean, it really depends on what you watch. Like, At least 90% of anime these days is fucking trash, but I still find good stuff here and there.
I don't watch fucking moe blob shit. Shounens are trash. "cute girls doing cute things" is fucking retarded.
Check out myanimelist.net
It's a lot like "Western Adult television" just animated. Hell, HBO was thinking about doing their own version of it for awhile.
There's more to anime than the trash that gets mass produced. Just like how there's more to video games than Call of Duty, Candy Crush, and Madden.
So you're saying if I use an anime avatar I don't have to put up with faggots trying to add me?
Nu-Sup Forums has never once hidden it's powerlevel, it is made up of the kinda kids that actually communicate ingame with memes and don't understand what's wrong with that.
>browsed anime imageboard
>detests anime
You know what? Just fucking get off this website you piece of shit. You literally do not belong here
This. I watched one punch man with my girlfriend and she said it was silly, but continued to watch it wi me regardless. Later that week while at the store one of the random clerks walked up trying to sell us on a home repair crap and somehow the dude was actually cool and not a drone and we even had a quick conversation about one punch man and other anime that came out recently like attack on titan and shit. If your that worried nigga don't watch it but if you really wanna live your life by the rules of others I guarantee you'll look back as an old man and wonder why everyone except you was successful. Do whatever the fuck you want, literally no one can stop you unless you allow it, and even then people will only be reactionary to you. Just fuck it dude. My cousin who's a fucking meat head and a gym rat who easily looks like chad thunder clock has been watching little witch academia since it came out. Your a fag.
No really, answer my question. I wanna get some context here.
>constantly shit talking guy on other team
>he responds with equal shit talk
>send friend request after
>all lower
>I only consume mature media for mature men such as myself
Bantz creates friendship as long as both parties are able to handle
rate my avatar pls
im really sorry guys naruto is amazing ok sorry for insulting ur cartoons
ahh that makes sense, i just can't get behind this cutesy shit that most animes have
>not adding someone because of an anime avatar
>making a thread to bitch about an anime avatar.
You anti anime fags are some of the most dedicated and insufferable shitposters of this whole site, just ask hiromoot for a wg/ag split and end this endless stream of crap. Oh, wait, even if there were a split you people would still spam the same exact threads because you crave for an excuse to feel superior to someone or something that much.
very cute 10/10 would block
>the amount of defensive weeb pedo faggots ITT
It never ceases to amase me, fuck off to Sup Forums
>play with random on game
>want to add him as a friend to play later
Why do you do this?
then don't watch cutesy anime?
i mean that is pretty common
i guess watch some mecha shows
Basically. I have a Dragon's Dogma avatar, but I'm thinking about changing it to an anime girl to avoid people like OP adding me.
>newfag doesent even know how to check for samefags
>proceeds to autistically embarrass himself
Case in point, avoid at all costs
>then don't watch cutesy anime?
>i mean that is pretty common
Yeah, it's sadly taken over most of the industry.
Seinen = God tier
Shounen = Ok tier
Moeshit/Sol/Ecchi/ other garbage = fuck off and die forever you ironic fucking aids nigger
Your an idiot. as I was trying to say, it's not even about what shitty cartoons you watch dude. It's wether or not you take it to a level that makes you fucking weird. Immersing yourself in Pokémon and getting as much merchandise as you can is moving into the realm of obsessive, which is bad for anything, not just cartoons. If you can watch the show without being impressions upon like a child then regardless of what you watch you can filter the shit out from your own brain and keep any meaningful life/emotional lessons if any, or otherwise just enjoy the mindless entertainment. Taking it to the level you seem to want to take it too is wrong, no matter what the subject matter is. Learn to read and stop bait posting.
>OP gets utterly BTFO
>W-w-why you are so many
Don't feel so threatened bro.
Anime doesn't suck, only Slice of Life and Moeshit, which is what these faggots always use as profile pics.
i just don't like it because of the cringy humor and cutesy shit, youre looking way too much into this lol
sorry that i think your hobby is gay bro but im just some random guy on the internet so dont blow a gasket over it ok
>there are most certainly manchildren in this thread that have anime figurines
what is the worst thing that could happen, you get a cute boyfriend? don't be such a pussy you little faggot.
>4-Sup Forums is an anime website because that's how it started out
Okay I guess that means France is still a monarchy, China needs to go back to having an emperor, and America is still a slave nation.
Stupid fucking animefags. Take your trash cartoons and go back to
anime is the most normalfag meme this year, only faggots and pedos watch modern anime. if you like anime keep it to yourself, no one cares you watched too much naruto and now run like a fag
What is there to defensive over? You guys are the ones who get triggered over anime on Sup Forums
>still plays videogames
>calls others manchildren
Those in glass houses user.
I feel like we're talking about two totally different things. I'm saying it's up to the viewer to make the decision on what to watch and how serious to take it. You seem to think that the material itself is bad. That's your opinion, just like my opinion is that it's fine. The problem is your being a child by attacking the material and not the actual subject, which is the viewers decision to take such material super ducking serious. If you don't like cute anime, watch attack on titan, it's literally about death and gore and giants terrorizing and eating regular humans. Ain't shit cute about that. To generalize that all anime is cutesy and bad is dumb as fuck, like saying game of thrones and lord of the rings are the same as sex in the city and the notebook. Just learn to filter shit yourself instead of literally people about subject matter you have no control over. Instead control your own impulses and simply filter it out, instead of bitching about something nobody has a real problem with. After all, that shitty cute anime isn't made for you anyway, or me either. Half that shit is for women because you know.. if Japanese men aren't dating, there are a good amount of fem neets too, who probably watch the same shit. Use your head bro. If I am looking to far, maybe you didn't look far enough before you posted, which is why I'm trying to check you and flesh out your poorly written thoughts.
if you don't like the ones with humor and cutesy shit go look at another genre of anime
that simple
it's like saying all movies are cringy comedy because you watched american pie
explain in full detail that if you enjoyed playing with him before seeing his avatar, how knowing his avatar would effect your enjoyment?