The switch doesn't have third party supp-

the switch doesn't have third party supp-

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ports of bargain bin PS4 games
I'll admit one thing, publishers will eventually make exclusives, simply for the guaranteed purchases.

>those graphics


>another musou game
How do they keep getting away with it?

T. Graphicsfag
Minecraft is shit tier graphics and is basically ported now to everything. If the game is good the japs dont care they need there portable fix though OP games are lackluster give the ip to platinum stat or arc sys

Can't wait to get it on sale

>year old, watered down ports of mediocre-to-shitty games

Because they're cheap and easy to make and pretty much any popular action series can be adapted to it.

They also have a small, but extremely dedicated group of fans who are pretty much guaranteed to buy their new games on release. Combine this with the franchise fans(One Piece in this case) and the low cost to make and it's basically guaranteed profit.

The fact that they can be ported to pretty much every system possible doesn't hurt either.

Oh shit it's another shitty musou game and not based Sengoku Basara which is only available on playstation consoles
That's sad

>any popular action series can be adapted to it.
Allow me to correct you.
Any series can be adapted to it.
After Zelda I know that action is not a pre-requisite.
When that game was announced all I thought was "Why not Fire Emblem? Zelda makes no sense."
But lo and behold they made it work anyway.
I'm absolutely certain they could take any franchise under the sun and convert it into a passable Musou.

As for the games themselves, if you like them you like them and if you don't you don't. It's a series like Pokemon where they try not to fuck with what works and slowly iterate over many games.

>Toddlers so desperate they have to brag about late, downgraded, butchered multiplats

>implying zelda doesn't have action

What makes it Deluxe?

being on switch

It's a puzzle game about pushing blocks and lighting torches and shooting a big bad in his giant glowing weak spot. It's not an action game.
Certainly not in the way that One Piece, AOT, Berserk etc etc are.
When do you even see link on a battlefield fighting a thousand bobgoblins outside of Musou?
It doesn't fit the traditional Musou mold at all but they made it work.

>it's a Musou-like

“Literally what” the game

see now i want a phoenix wright musou game.

Sounds shit. As a big Pirate Warriors fag I would pick it up if it had a bunch of new characters.

They have a boat load of characters.
Berserk's Musou only had 9 so that's the minimum.
You can make 9 interested fighters out of the Ace Attorney cast no problem.

I'm sure any Nintendo property would work too, Star Fox, Metroid, Mario, F-Zero. Whatever.
If Zelda worked I'm convinced fucking anything will.


It's just called musou, you faggot.

It's a word you use to not say "dynasty warriors like".

Every word you just said...
Are wrong.
looks like a mix between the ps3 version and the vita

it has all the dlc, which is just costumes and extra missions

Still probably going to better than the piece of shit port they gave the PC version.

>Have PS4, PS3 and Vita versions to port
>Port the fucking Vita version or something stupid

I'm still mad they ported the fucking vita version to PC. How fucking dumb do you have to be

>there are people in this thread defending braindead musou

WEW, same niggas that cry about QTE's in other games defend the genre of games that's whole point is to be nothing but mindlessly mashing braindead enemies.

Couldn't be me getting caught playing trash like that, if i want to do something mindless i;m better off going to sleep than paying 60 bucks for trash like that