The Elder Scrolls

Do people actually enjoy the combat in TES games? Just seems like you walk up to enemies, hack away, down some potions if you get weak, and then resume hacking away at bad guys till they collapse.

Am I missing something?


TES is about comfy mindless exploran and roleplayan. If you want deep combat go play Ninja Gaiden or something.

No. Its pretty bad and only mods seem to make things more interesting.


People don't play TES for the combat.

pleb filter question

No, but good combat doesn't always equal good game, see dragon's dogma

friendly reminder siding with the Stormcloaks is the only right choice

They don't care about the combat but they should.

Morrowind doesn't even have a combat system really just the number dice game.

Nobody has ever played a TES game for the combat, and there isn't a single TES game that has good combat. Now go be underaged somewhere else.

spellcasting has always been pretty terrible without mods but honestly having maxed out sword and shield in skyrim wasn't bad, you got slow mo if you parry at the right time and if you have fun with it you can do some cool combos

Archery is also decent, has intuitive arrow travel arcs and stuff

Fuck off

I've done archery before and enjoyed it sorta. The mechanics of it felt good but too often I felt like I was a side character and my melee follower was doing the brunt of the damage and getting the action. It seemed fine for stealth takedowns but the second the enemy closes the gap you feel like a jackass shooting arrows into some cunts face 2cm away from you

I always play archer, it's way more fun than melee and spells.


I used a mod called wildcat combat or something like that, it makes it kinda fun since you can easily kill enemies with 1 or 3 strikes but the same is apply to you, so bandit with an axe could kill you in 1 strike if he wishes

He's right though, the Empire's own incompetence is the entire reason why we have the current political climate and the WGC.

stack +bow damage enchants
be an orc for 2x damage
don't stealth unless its appropriate stealthing full time is for fags

I enjoyed it back in morrowind, where for it's time being that simple was acceptable, and you had to manage your stamina and magicka more carefully. I expected them to add some more depth and variety to it with better technology in later games. Instead they actually made it even more simple by making stamina way less important and magicka regenerate.

do enemies still do the animations kills where they practically teleport to you and smack you once in the head and you're dead?

but role playing games are always combat centric, so they supposed to have at least some passable combat

I mean everything you do in these games just leads you to be stronger at combat and to end up in combat yourself.

>you didn't play these piece of shit games so you are an underage

doesn't TES games (even skyrim) lack a body part priority system?

As I know you get the exact same damage for a headshot as if you would shoot them in the toe. Doesn't that nullifies the purpose of the arrows having arcs and stuff?

WRPGs and CRPGs have almost universally bad combat, the appeal is the roleplaying.

Todd has lost his mind and hired you to direct the team working on melee combat for ES6, user. Probably because you're an unqualified NEET and he can pay you in Creation Club bux. How do you go about making ES combat better while keeping it familiar enough that shitter normies can still play it like Skyrim as long as they turn the difficulty down?

You mean the kill cams? Yes enemies still do that, its kinda bullshit specially with dragons, you want to hit them in the tail they do a 180 spin and insta kill you

>no edgelord answer saying its her problem not mine

pretty sure there is no bonus damage for headshots etc but arcs are still relevant for targets that are farther away, and there are bonuses for hitting the target while stealthed so the first shot matters

Just mod it bro

>just mod it bro

I feel like the melee combat wouldnt be quite so bad if actions had weight. Being able to swing a sword endlessly and just bashing a persons shield over and over is silly and dull and stops me from ever blocking. Why would I ever block if I can just mash attack and then drink a potion?

If you’re not walking around like a god with a billion enchantments and maxed out gear causing enemies to vaporize at the sight of you, you’re playing it wrong.

Nothing wrong with this

I would say that a more forgiving souls combat would be the best but that really doesn't work well with KB+M.

Considering that the PC playerbase is still a huge part of TES games they will probably never go away from the crappy "melee first person shooter" combat, but they could still add some proper hitstun for the enemies and just make the hitboxes better all around.

it's a fucking RPG no one gives a fuck about combat in RPG

Make your light attacks faster as you level up and have a few more special moves you can learn like for guard breaking or knocking an opponent down.

t. weeb trash

Three changes that I'd like to think are rather simple. First is directional attacks. Holding down a movement key while left clicking gets you different but not radically different attacks. Simple stuff like moving left while attacking = swinging from the left, forward while attacking = thrust. Combine with directional blocking using the same controls to make blocking and getting past enemy defenses slightly more engaging.
Second is enemy design. Give enemies some not actually very threatening special actions with big obvious tells, and the opportunity to liberally punish the enemies for using them. Like, dodge a leap attack and the attacker leaves himself wide open while he recovers. Or a bandit tries to drink a healing potion, but he can't block while drinking so you're not just going to let that happen right. This lets players feel clever about exploiting the enemy's weaknesses.
Third is killmoves. Instead of activating automatically, move them behind a "Press F to be awesome" prompt when they could happen. Makes them feel interactive even if they're still the same shit.

No. But the exploration is fun.

combat? who actually participates in "combat"?

I just one-shot everything, way more fun that way. snipe them in the head, vaporize them, turn them to ash, shout them off a cliff.

like why would you ever decide do have combat with an enemy when you have so many more awesome ways to deal with them?

>Am I missing something
Yeah. Everything that isn't Dark Souls.

in addition, combat is what your followers do.
I just stand there, look good, and yell at stuff while everything around me dies.

>Cannot use potions directly from the menu, instead you must equip them in a limited number of potion slots.
>Equipped potions show up on your character model's belt, as do NPC's potions so it's not an asspull when the level 50 NPC you're fighting skulls a restore health when you finally wear him down.
>You can use thrown potions as well as drinking them, so you need to decide how to divide your slots up between healing potions and combat potions. Also, alchemy is now a viable source of combat and damage as an alternative to magic.
>Cannot reequip potions (Or armour or weapons for that matter) in combat, you must either finish or flee the fight to access your backpack and equip more.
>Drinking a potion plays a short animation like Stimpacks in FO4, preventing you from moving or acting during that time, but it doesn't feel as frustrating as you're hitting a key to drink the potion in realtime, not going into your menu, using it and seeing it take effect on your health, and then having to watch the animation after the fact.
>Drunken potions don't take effect the instant they touch your lips, they take a short period, say ten seconds, to reach your stomach and take effect, so you can't just skull a restore health at the last instant, you need to think about when you're going to need to drink potions ahead of time and/or survive on low health long enough for your healing to kick in.

Would this fix how cheap and easy potion healing is in Beth games, or would it be frustrating?

Directional basics and activating killmoves instead of it being a last enemy thing sound like some good but simple additions. Hell, maybe even tie killmoves into stamina to actually make it seem useful as something other then an arbitrary limit on how long you can sprint for. Suddenly shield bashes and the the enemy standing there letting you rain blows on their shield gets a bit more depth and stamina damage killmove builds with hammers and maces are a thing.

>it's more fun to be able to kill everything without trying
You're either trolling or the worst kind of person

Morrowloot Ultimate has a really simple fix in that potion effects don't stack, so you can only have one potion of a certain type online at a point, which eliminates the biggest restore health bs


No, I don't understand why didn't they at least make dismemberment possible, they had it in Fallout, which is more about guns.

You are missing the mods.

There are malee fps games with good combat, they should make it like Mordhau

I play dark souls with mouse and keyboard and do just fine, user. DS1 had terrible support but both DS2 and DS3 are arguably better with m+kb than with a controller.

There are some jap RPGs with decent gameplay but they tend to be far inferior to WRPGs in terms of roleplaying. I can't think of any RPGs with good gameplay and good roleplaying.

>down some potions
Try Restoration magic instead. It made Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim all the better for me

>actually using restoration in Morrowind
But enchanting a ring with healing magic was a far superior option

ESO has better combat than the mainline TES games.

You may as well forgo magic in its entirety for Enchant then. You can use it for literally everything in the game