I need a comfy RPG that can be played with a controller. Something in the vein of Dark Souls or Dragon's Dogma

I need a comfy RPG that can be played with a controller. Something in the vein of Dark Souls or Dragon's Dogma.

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>Comfy rpg
>Dark souls

It's comfy once you git gud

Never said it wasn't comfy by then.

Try dark souls 2

... And 3

Id rather play morrowind with a controller like a pleb. OPENMW works miracles with controllers

Kingdoms of Amalur. It's not that similar to these games, but might be what you are looking for.

very interested in this too.
is Lords of the Fallen worth playing?

It's mediocre but somewhat interesting for the first couple of hours. Then you start one-shotting bosses and running through repeating environment; you want to stop playing but then you can't because it's already over, thank god.

this is a hidden gem, but it's kinda repetitive and short.

and by hidden gem, I mean a game that almost destroyed the RI economy.

Dark Souls 2 isn't comfy

I would say Nioh but its basically dark souls with less rpg elements and more refined action and combat. Plus williams an actual character with arcs and a defined history.

New vegas is p comfy my dude, and if ya wanna do the whole sword thing you can run a melee build.

Nah sorry. That game got hyped to oblivion and it really didn't deliver.

While 2 isn't as bad as some people want to make it out to be after that matthewmatosis commentary its combat and movement just seems way inferior switching from 1

New Vegas and unironically Skyrim. YO ucan try to play Morrowind using Xbox layout. Morrowind was released on xbox as I remember. PoE has PS4 relese so you can try it too

>vein of Dark Souls or Dragon's Dogma.
I know that feel, my friend. DD2 never and souls has a handful of flopped clones it can brag about, although really as an aside I wouldn't mind From changing things up, at least they switched it up with bloodborne.

Just what is it that makes these games so special.

Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma is nothing alike

demon souls
dark souls
dark souls 2
dark souls 3
dragon's dogma
dragon's dogma dark arisen
dragon's dogma online

I honestly find Dark Souls one of the most relaxing games to play once you get used to it, certain areas and boss fights in general aside.

>RI economy
What's that?

He is talking about Rhode Island, a state in the United States of America.

And this game impacted the economy of Rhode Island how exactly?

Bloodborne my nigga

Its the ultimate souls kino

First of all, those games are ARPGs, they have so little choices and role playing stuff, it's 95% kill sht and get gear and be more powerful.

Second, you basically only have those games to play, unless you want to consider Darksiders, Castlevania LoS, Dante's Inferno. You have Nioh too.


DD had some choices, but OP was probably talking about the builds.

Kingdom Hearts

is wasteland 2 on console any good? call me a pleb but i enjoy long gaming sessions with a controllers vs mkb
