ITT: Post a random picture. Sup Forums recommends you a video game

ITT: Post a random picture. Sup Forums recommends you a video game.


besides the obvious




Ghost Trick

played it already, loved it

Kirby 64

Animal Crossing New Leaf

The answer is INFRA.

Is there even a baritsu-using gentleman in any fighting game?




>you can btfo insecure girls just by having pictures of qt titty mommys


Wii Fit

Fallout New Vegas.


Any fantasy open world game. I'll even add the recent Far Cry games.

I'm really intrigued

Life is Strange: Before the Storm

>don't watch porn
>buy her shit

Viscera Cleanup Detail.

Not a picture, but still

Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past.

Mount and Blade With Fire and Sword

knock urselves out.

why is there so much cocoa powder on his desk?




The game of buying a broom and a biowaste container.




Mhhhm such ripe succulent breasts. Like fruits hanging from the tree of wisdom, free for you to take. Just imagine squeezing them, their nectar slowly covering your hands. The tender flesh giving in to your touch, while the moisture arouses the hard lovenubs. Carefully squeezing them, savouring every moment. Now thats bliss, now thats heaven.




Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

But I'm really stingy and I love porn.
She is beautiful, but I want to wank on anime too.

scp containment breach

dwarf fortress

add [milkable] tags to elves

saints row 2.


That video was such a let down.





What am I looking at?


>not abstaining from masturbating to have the hottest sex with her
What the hell are you doing




Persona 5





Star Fox 64

Ace Combat Zero
Cooking mama

just saw this part the other night in game and it bothered me - lobsters arent red until you cook them




I'm not going to give up fapping because I might get it in some day. There no way of knowing when my next attempt will be so I can't just not fap for several months.


not a game, but you should never be caught lackin


Chroma Squad


Diablo III

some gay shonen game


You probly right. I am a retard. I'll try to jerk less. Thanks for the inspiration.




Thank you, I should do another playthough.

russian roulette with a semi-auto

supreme commander

dwarf fortress
>before you is a jpeg of a black man duct taped in a masterwork bathtub. Two lobsters are staring at the man. The man is screaming.


Shogun 2: Total war

screw vidya, just watch a scanner darkly and realize that alex jones is in the movie.

gone home

world of warcraft


fat princess

Far Cry 4
modded Sims 3


Fallout: New Vegas

You give up masturbating when you want to have sex. Are you talking about a gf or a love interest?


GTA:SA gym mini game

Literally just walk outside

Comedy Night

Splatoon 2

So this is the faggot that says that he wouldn't hesitate killing cops? Fucking kek

in traffic


seriously, go play in traffic. you are shitting up this this thread with your constant reposts of dumb anime girls and 0 recommendations.



Red Dead Redemption