How is this game? Can it be played properly without going full autistic or just looking up guides?

How is this game? Can it be played properly without going full autistic or just looking up guides?

You can absolutely play it blind - the game's well balanced and there are many possible builds, and "bandaids" that you can use to fix sub-optimal ones.

Unless you go full retard and try something like "A frail trader who has 1 STR and yet tries to wield mallets", you'll be fine.

Grab it, play it with Cheatengine's speedhack, and have a grand ol' time.

Also, there are plenty of in-game explanations for stats and skills, so you can easily understand which ones are appropriate for your desired build.

Just don't try to be jack of all trades.

Depends, do you like fallout 1/2 ? if you did you will probably like this, now whether you need a guide or not depends of how casual you are, its not an incredibly hard game or anything of the sorts, but it doesn't handhold you either so if you are terrible at this kind of games you will probably hate it

its a solid combat focused rpg with a lot of build diversity as along as you know what you are doing, you can stealth your way through 95% of the game even

As long as you have a general sense of what your character can and can't do, you'll have more than enough info in-game to understand how to build it. And non of it's counter-intuitive like in PoE.

Want a fast shooty guy, pump DEX and PER, etc.

Is there diplomacy in this game?

I ended up playing the old fallouts much later after their release, I was actually surprised at how likeable they were along with underrail. I never would've believed before if you told me a turn based 1 party member game where you roll the dice on 1-3 actions could be good.

Yea, but don't go in expecting to talk the final boss into killing himself.

This IS a combat-oriented game. Investing in stealth CAN take you through many parts of the game without combat tho, and the XP system supports it. (IE you don't have to kill every dude you come across to gain XP)

>six hour long tutorial
>words words words words words words words, nothing interesting whatsoever said

>six hour long tutorial
are you retarded

Localization when? My English not so good. Developer such Jew, no support nothing.

hes wrong about the words words words, but hes technically right about the tutorial considering that Depot A is the actual ending to the tutorial

How do I become like Carnifex

It seems Underrail constantly updates so should I wait for a stable release?

Carnifex is pure unadulterated bullshit

No you dumdum. The updates are general... Updates, you know. Extra content.

The game's been fully released for about 2 years now

It's a pretty good game. Only major complaint I had when I played it was the lack of a map (though eventually I memorized most of it so it wasn't that big a deal), but from what I see they finally added one.

I would say get a speedhack. The animations take forever. Makes the gauntlet and the arena in particular a lot more bearable. Made it less frustrating to run around looking for shit as well.

Other than that, if this can even really be called a complaint, the game is really fucking long. Thought most of it is good the final act is pretty tedious as you mostly just spend hours running around gathering trash in that obnoxious cave system filled with endlessly spawning enemies.

You can absolutely fuck up your character by going jack-of-all-trades. Can still finish the game but it'll be pretty frustrating.

Can't wait for the expansion to be uploaded on piratebay

Going psychic with 10 con and tanking his first few hits before you rape his brain

savescum 40 times until you get the initiative and then destroy him in one turn

>mfw they buffed crawlers

Stop, you're making my dick hard.

Get lucky with molotov cocktails.

That's exactly how I won with a sniper. Fucking net screwed me even when I managed to survive his first barrage. Then I just blow his head off instantly for 3x his HP pool like all the other combatants, I must be the worst gladiator to watch.

rate my build bitch

>The animations take forever.
there is an in combat walking and actions speed meter now, can go up to 1000%

Switch port when

how did they nickname you?

>Perception 7
>Guns is main offense skill
>Stealth with SMG and Pistol perks

Kind of shit.

The entire audience had their booze laced with motion and mumbled out some voodoo curse at me that sounded like Angel of Death.

I finished the game with as a grenade lobbing Burst firing Hornet user on Normal. How plebian was I?

Mid-tier Plebian.

gay name

its really balanced all around. pretty much any build is viable and you can even bee a jack of all trades and still finish it but itll be harder.
dont be a psi monk though it trivializes the game hard.
theres no real fun in it. do it for a playthrough later down the line but not as your first build. theyre just incredibly broken. the expansion thats about to come up wants to fix em though.

At least you didn't go full pleb i.e. psionic monk.

oh, how nice. more turn-based games need to do this.

ultimately it boils down to cheesing, thats probably the worst fight on the game, the only options are either go first or be able to tank the first turn + have some way to stop stuns

so you either have a build with high initiative or super cheese it with armor + drugs + shield to survive the first turn and then either blow him up in 1 turn or cc him forever

if your build can't go first or tank it with all the buffs you are able to muster, your only option is savescumming until you go first or magically survive the first turn

grenades are great. The Mk Vs just fuck everything up. Such a fun build

you mean psi wizzard, psi monk punching with his mind is patrician tier

>killing 12 enemies in one turn by punching without them even being able to do anything is patrician tier

What is Underrail's true Augustus Patricianist and why is it ultimately Apocalypse is Nigh the only Psi Guy

I never liked the frag and HE grenade, always felt underwhelming. The firebombs, especially the napalm ones, on the other hand were a life savers.

>tfw chempistol build
>poison glob in mainhand
>napalm fire in offhand
is there a better feel?

I gave up after getting stuck in the mushroom forest without ammo and repair kits

>using mass cc to let them kill themselves without doing anything is not worse
>or just crit on demand kill everyone with 1 cryoball

at least punching has some style to it, but psi overall is easymode

Although I agree with youin the first paragraph, stealth in this game almst only serve as a tactical approach toward combat. While I admit some missions are stealth oriented and stealth can change combat significantly, due to the exp requirement you still have to fight most of the enemies you encounter, therefore rendering pure stealth bypass impossible. plus you cant really sneak pass dogs and other high per creatures unless you are overleveled.

I'm rather pleased with this build except i feel investing so much into throwing might have been a mistake because I really wish i had some investment into Chemistry so i could make my own bullets.
What cool about this build is that it basically gibs anything gets caught in my Burst Fire attack but that means that I soak up bullets like a fiend.

>mfw my character became increasingly frustrated and depressed that no one recognized him as the Invictus. Sometimes it's just the little things.

What are your favorite builds? Here are mine.

>Psi God(Only Psi)
>Stealth Operative(Knife and silenced SMG)
>The Gun Master(Sniper, SMG, and 44. for various ranges)
>The Walking Battering Ram(Metal Armor with Sledgehammer)
>The Hunter in the Dark(Crossbow and Knife using stealth trapper)
>The Savage Monk(Unarmed weapons with insane vile weaponry and taste for blood synergy.)

are you using a AR build or SMG build? cus none of them make sense.

First of all, you should be playing oddity not classic, then you won't have any issue with experience, oddity is how its supposed to be played, not grinding

and you can stealth through all of the fights in the game with the exception of 3 of them if i'm not mistaken, and with stealth i mean simply bypass them with no combat, you only need to know what you are doing and obviously have finished the game before since you need to know what to do and where you are going and how to get gear with +stealth easily

Get commando once you get guns to 80. Absolutely game-changing feat.

>The Rectal Cancer

basically you play the whole game only with stealth and traps and you try to kill everything you would have killed on a regular playthrough

i still have to muster the will to do it ironman but i don't think i can handle so much bullshit

This. Sure, you'll be consuming a shitload of ammo and breaking your weapon within 15 minutes, but you are using Burst, you don't give a shit about ammo conservation and being sensible in the first place.

Knife build in the old version back when taste for blood was stupidly good. Shanking everyone was stupid fun.

>9 con
What the FUCK. 10 con is the requirement for one of the best feats in the game, it's just one point man.

Is there reliable way to detect crawlers? Flares and NVG isnt working very well.

Yeah they're annoying as fuck. Consider leveling up first if it's an optional area, pretty sure detection raises with level. Even with my 15 perception and detection goggles, the high level ones don't show up unless I stand near it for a few seconds.

High detection basically.
Other than that high dodge so they can't hit you
Thick skull so they can't stun you.
High stealth so you detect them before they detect you.

As far as I know, nope. Even with max sneak at level 25 with very high quality detection goggles I was mostly detecting crawlers a second or two before they start combat with me.

knowing where they should be
high detection/perception
high stealth
exothermic aura and just walk around setting them on fire
Stun immunity
high defense and just tank them
ignore crawler areas, i don't think any of them are vital

and the most important one that you can't fail once you achieved it Git gud scrub[/spolier]