Is this the official top 10 of the year?
Is this the official top 10 of the year?
Top 10 overrated games? Yeah.
#1: Persona 5
#2: Resident Evil 7
Everything else can fuck off
No, it's the wrong one, try again later
>Resident Evil 7
>resident evil 7
>horizon zero awards
>shit park
>literal who games
opinion discarded
>Persona 5
wew, you're retard
>all that weebshit
haha nope
Why do Personafags bend over backwards to defend their mediocre JRPG that does literally nothing to improve upon or deviate from the same formula that has existed for the past two decades?
>No toukiden 2
>no blue reflection
>no zelda
>no gravity rush 2
bad list
resi 7 is a bold choice for sure
all of those are trash.
Of all this boring shit prey actually hold my attention until nearly 100% completion. This list is fucknig shit for people who dont play games
Ehh.. it seemed ok in the demo. Cool atmosphere wise, but I didn't see much gameplay in it.
I want to play this but haven't yet
I want to play this but haven't yet
>Mario Odyssey
I want to play this but haven't yet
>Little Nightmares
Is this good..?
>getting Over it
Never heard of it.
>Edith Finch
Never heard of this either.
>South park
Look user, I like South park and South park games to, but to make it into a top 10..
>Putting Cuphead above Hollow Knight in any category except art
Vintagefags need to die.
You Barneyfags have literally no right to shit on other's tastes
Pretty shit list desu
wtf I love lirik now
>Toukiden 2
>Zelda actually on that list
>that top 4
Since no one else has, I'll put in a vote for Sonic Mania.
What the fuck
How the fuck do you find this shit?
Because they desperately want their game to get out of cult status and into the mainstream. They also can't accept that their game is thematically inferior to SMT. Their main argument for relevancy is fucking sales numbers, not pedigree, not quality.
The secret to Persona 5 getting such high ranks in GOTY lists is how easy it is to play and how self-inserty it is. Any criticism about how the story falls off after the first boss? Nope. Futaba? Nope. Combat being zero challenge? Nope.
I liked it BECAUSE is was an old school style turn based JRPG. So many JRPGs these days are shitty action games or have awful open worlds (Just look at Final Fantasy 15). There is this weird idea that turn based combat is outdated and doesn't sell (which is completely idiotic when you see Pokémon still has the same combat it always did and sells millions). Persona 5 was a big "fuck you" to modern games saying JRPGs had to change. It proved that if you do something well then people will love it.
> Nioh not being first
Yeah, its a trash list
Hey op!
>blue reflection
Is it really worth the 60 bucks?
Why does HOZ trigger Sup Forums?
Mario and Zelda don't belong that high up. They stick out and it makes the list look like it's just trying to throw Nintentoddlers a bone.
>This list is fucknig shit for people who dont play games
So why doesn't Sup Forums like it?
meh, its an ok list
twitch tv/videos/211693287?t=45m20s
Hows Little Nightmare?
>Danny Devito
These tags though.
My personal top 10
1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Cuphead
3. Zelda: BOTW
4. Nier
5. Persona 5
6. Xenoblade 2
7. Horizon Zero Down.
8. RE7
9. Nioh.
10. Either Mario+Rabbits or Splatoon 2
Honorable Mention: Fire Pro Wrestling returns, is still early acces but it seems that is going to be the best of the series so far when his development finish.
>super manchild odyssey
>anywhere close to number 1
This isn't too far from my own top 10.
>grown adults are still bickering about which console is good and somehow can't afford 2+ to play the full range of releases
holy shit, you managed to make a worse list than the OP.
hes the one who posts it
Where's sonic mania in all of these top 10 games of the year?
Nioh and RE7 are the only good games on that list.
I have no idea but seeing how 60% on that list is some weebs wet dream they probably act like its cool and hip to boost more japanese sales to eliminate the western debbil
>little nightmares
>edith finch
>sotuh park
>no Divinity: Original Sin 2, one of the greatest modern RPGs
gas yourself
>the same formula that has existed for the past two decades
I don't even like Persona but you are a moron, the formula that modern Persona uses has only existed since P3 in 2006, and there have only been 2 games since that use it.
>It's only been 1 decade so it doesn't count!
Not a single-player game
Everyone who calls P5 their game of the year never even heard of persona before then.
It's clearly designed to be single-player, it just also has co-op support just like Cuphead, Nioh, and to a lesser extent Mario Odyssey.
>persona 5
stop this
You acted like Persona is just beating to death an overplayed, ancient formula but it's formula has only been used in 3 fucking games.
Could your taste being any more generic?
>putting Horizon Zero Down that high
nigga you high or something? Or are you the same guy that kept shilling h24 with HZD webm threads?
>Is this the official top 10 of the year?
No, because we're not all faggots with no taste
Nier and divinity os 2 are better than everything on that list alone nigger
>Being this insecure over a videogame
Kill yourself.
Nier and Sonic Mania are both better than all of those, and I bet Xenoblade and Persona 5 are as well, though I haven't played them yet.
>Little Nightmares
Is this good..?
It is, but it doesn't belong on the list. Great creepy asthetic. Worth a play. Also Edith Finch was fucking phenomenal. Most imaginative game all year...but overpriced.
>it seemed
>I didn't see much
You didn't even play it, your opinion doesn't matter, shut up.
But i said nothing of the sort
Looks like you're the one being insecure