I'm just going to take a nice relaxing cruise in my space ship. What could possibly go wrong?

I'm just going to take a nice relaxing cruise in my space ship. What could possibly go wrong?

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Shit, now I want to play this game

>giant spiders

Tfw no mantis gf

Sell those extra weapons, unpower your medbay unless it's in use, buy better shields


What's this and is it like FTL

>what's this
walking simulator with some great spaceflight+combat
>is it like ftl
no but it's still fun

Why are Flak Cannon with Pre ignition so Broken Literally makes everything seem like a cake walk even on Hard on Advanced mode. Also never use Missile

Missiles are basically an alternative currency

>"Our shields have been disabled!"
>beam drone

80% of the time I get a good result. Don't be such a baby and send your team in.

>They have Charge or Chain Ions, and a fire drone
Fuck those type of ships ruin most of my runs especially if they got a projectile defense drone

What's wrong with missiles?

Except it's literally a 50% chance to lose a crew member or gain a decent amount of loot. Statistically not worth it unless you have 6+ crew.


They miss.

Is that why they're called missiles?

Most missle type are not worth the effort to use and just waste a weapon slot especially if there are better alternatives also if you get something like a Flat cannon, or a Burst 4 there's no point in getting missle weapons better off just using them for scrap or using it in situations

>Not having a boarding drone or clone bay


And yet I almost always come out on top.
I always go for it. No exceptions.

It's just too bad there aren't very many opportunities to offload all the missile ammo you end up gathering over the course of a run.

I finally managed to beat the game with the Fed Cruiser C on Normal. Man, that ship has a disgustingly slow start, but Mega Flak + suicidal clone boarding and that sweet layout can't be beat. Better than Nisos, but no better than Osprey, if only because it's great for boarding. I'd say it's the BEST beam ship in the game, though.

Missiles are criminally underrated in the early game. Especially in hard mode, a single missile can save you from 2-4 hits to your hull. Generally not worth it to buy missiles or missile launchers, but the artemis for example is a must keep until zone 4-5.

How did one game manage to be so perfect?
Will they ever catch lightning in a bottle again?


The next game is looking interesting

Ok is Captain Edition even worth the effort especially with Infinite addon to because this shit is so sensitive to the load order they won't even more broken to load.
I've tried Enter into Darkness but that shit felt to barebones

>Advanced Wars with kaijus and mechas

Interest piqued.

Seems interesting


One of the developers did a talk recently explaining the mechanics. I think it looks pretty good.

Nothing really, just running into a hostile ship who's shields are too strong for you to take down and there's a solar flare fucking your shit up