Is Gladiolus' rugged attire "male objectification"? If so, is Square Enix in the wrong for it and why haven't people complained like they did with Cindy?
Is Gladiolus' rugged attire "male objectification"? If so...
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this objectification shit is a minority opinion and based Square doesn't care because at the end of the day their games print money. It doesn't matter if people raise a stink on twitter and shit, it really doesn't. People are going to buy the game either way.
Gladiolus is hot too.
Being made for the purpose of being drawn in gay hentai comics where you fuck the twink of the group is a male power fantasy I guess
My favorite thing though is when people complain Cidney's outfit is impractical for being a mechanic but just ignore the main characters fighting giant monsters and military robots in tight leather clothes.
Men embrace high standards and aspire to reach them, women tear them down until they are the standard. So no. We're not stooping to the level of whiny bitches.
>Make hot manly character
>Personality is somehow shit
Why does Square keep doing this?
Thats male power fantasy fagtron
I'm glad at least one of the main characters isn't a bishounen twink
I want a redo on Episode Gladio, he got the shit end of the stick in terms of DLC.
>People saying Gladiolus has a shit personality when he is the only one to give noctis a reality check so that he can stop whining about the death of someone he hasn't seen since they were kids and get on with, you know, saving the world
I think that Gladio isn't as assholish in that scene as people tend to take him as with everything that's come out in the meantime.
That DLC needs some DLC
That DLC needs some TLC, you mean.
It was nice to have a character not suck up to "muh chosen King" for once
The double standard of this games' fanbase. They whine about Cindy's outfit but they want "Iggy and prompto to get the same attire as Gladio"
Well several characters don't suck up to Noctis, in fact Ravus makes his disdain known on the regular, Gladio's scene with him on the train was more of a get your head out of your ass kind of moment in several ways.
I'm just more concerned with gameplay and story delivery than the outfit characters my gender (male) are portrayed wearing
One of the chocobros/someone on his side, I meant
so you'd be ok with the male characters in your game wearing this as long as the story is good?
Daddiolus is probably the hottest Final Fantasy male ever, so no, it doesn't bother me
>Going to such extremes to provide a counter argument when all gladiolus does is take off his shirt
looks fun
It also goes in line with Gladio's personality so it isn't immersion breaking
Except he wasn't whining at all; he was just quiet. Moreover, he was also feeling guilty about Ignis and conflicted because he knew Ignis wanted him to drop their quest altogether. He shielded Ignis from Gladio's fuming, too.
The fanbase doesn't care. All the whining was before the release, mainly by a SJW minority who barely play any games.
FFXV apologist detected
>no shirtless old Noctis costume
it's not fair
They'd have to rescale his head.
No its male power fantasy.
Objectification only happens when the party in power does it to a lesser powered people (patriarchy towards women), therefore it is only possible to objectify women, and racism is only a one way street towards minorities.
Educate yourself, shitlord.
So if I'm a male and playing a female protagonist, am I living a male power fantasy by exerting my dominance over a female who has no agency, and forcing her to do my bidding? Am I literally raping the protagonist? Should males not be allowed to play video games where they are able to control a female?
You cannot objectify, demean, insult, offend, or persecute men in any way. It is not possible to do so to those who have caused all of history's wars and destroyed so many cultures and peoples.
I can't believe you are lumping all men into that category. What about the moderate men? there are 3.5 BILLION men in the world, and you are placing all of them under the same umbrella as a few extremists who aren't even real men.
All men are terrorists and rapists.
That would be correct.
You're taking the first steps toward undoing the internalized rape culture that is so predominant in western media. Subjugating females is never ok.
Gladio can subjugate me whenever he wants
Spotted the feminist.
>towards minorities
You mean like white people, the global minority?
I want to lick his chest
Gaffers rule this place. Sup Forums is no more. Find another dark corner of the internet, neckbeard virgin shitlord.
I want him to make me beg for it
>ironic post about "sjw's are bad!"
fucking stop already,everybody knows about this already you stupid fuck,stop posting and go find something useful to do in your life,this ain't even video games in all seriousness,a thread died for this shitpost,i hope you do too
Because men don't give a fuck if they are objectified. Lets keep it that way.
Hypocritical Fujos
>implying it wasn't just some gaming "journalists"
The men that appear in novels like Twilight and 50 shades are the idealized equivalent of a hot blonde bimbo in a bikini. They are idealized as fuck, and in no way represent real men in any way.
Humans are massive hypocrites, and lack the ability to think pasy their own noses. Everything we do is to satisfy our own ego in some way. There is no such thing as a 100% selfless act.
We need to get back to reveling in our sexuality as a whole. Instead of the current culture that aims to neuter men.
Give me good story and good gameplay and the male characters can be sweaty, oiled-up muscledicks for all the fucks that I give about how my gender is represented in media.
yes and yes but it doesn't fucking matter.
dudes don't care, that's the way its always been. gladio looks like how I'd like to look some day so i think it's cool, more than anything else.
it's why /fit/ respects natty so much, you know?
This reminds me of the time where some feminists made a commercial about 7/10 girls catcalling guys. That shit was pathetic.
When a group of 7/10s catcalls a guy and rubs his dick, it's a fucking dream for men.
because complaining about "objectification" isn't about any of the things you're told it is. it's only about pathologizing perfectly healthy male behavior. progressivism is a cult. cult 101 is to pathologize normal behavior and make your victim feel guilty for it.
Blonde bimbos in bikinis are truly pleb taste.
Or is that what you meant?
Start lifting, bro.
Gladio has one of the best personalities though. I'm convinced Sup Forums hates them because they were all bullied pussies.
Nah, this is made to appeal to gays and looks dumb. Objectification should only appeal to straight men and women. I want to see something to aspire to fucking something I want, not this balloon looking motherfucker.
I'll just leave this here.
his entire point was just
He's right you know.
He's realistic in a way most JRPG characters aren't. He's abrasive and a myopic, selfish asshole in some ways, but he also tends to have a point and the game has no problem admitting it.
Basically, otherwise I would have omitted "bimbo".
I don't really see him as selfish, he just puts his job above the prince's feelings which is basically what he should do. ignis is there to babysit him.
Gladio is the dad ignis is the mom prompto is the younger brother.
Not really. He tends to immediately blame other people when things go wrong and he's been like that since childhood (see Brotherhood). He wants things to be clear and straightforward, but they aren't, which makes him unsure and frustrated. In Episode Ignis you can find a note from him where he reluctantly apologizes to Ignis for yeling at him (again). The guy was as lost and unprepared as the rest of them, but unlike them he wasn't willing to admit it.
I don't think his station lets him admit it. He has to seem like he knows what he's doing. I think he's a bit too harsh but ignis is a bit too soft. Good cop bad cop a bit. They can't all just pamper sasuke.
There's that, but what Gladio didn't know (and didn't want to know) was that there was no pampering anyway. As E:I showed, Ignis was far more dependent on Noctis than the other way around. Gladio didn't know that Noct used to be a a half-cripple for years and yet trained so hard that nobody could tell, and so on.
It's also a matter of family background: Gladio came from a stable and healthy family, while the Lucis Caelum family was a dying mess. They both learned to cope with their positions differently and when things went to shit, those differences divided them.
No. He's more a male power fantasy. His attire and portrayal arent done with idea that he is limited to being an object to be sexually fawned over and thats it.
He has agency in the story. He can do things. Him being shirtless isnt one of 2 or 3 things that define him. Him looking hot doesn't affect your opinion of his worth as a character. Thats how objectification works. There are no men that are objectified in games. At least not in mainstream gaming anyway.
because he's a female power fantasy
Eh, Japan hates him even more. Lack of tact and consideration is pretty haram for them.
more like chadio
No, you're just brainwashed to have an irrational fear of physically fit sexy women in tight clothing, or that show some skin.
Sup Forums hates him because they will never have a qt friend who devotes his life to them like gladio did noctis
Guys don't give a fuck about this because a digital man can't buy jewelry.
Ironically a lot of feminists inherently believe that women are worthless outside of their ability to make men's dicks tingle, so they get upset about this.
They have awful taste.
I haven't played E:I yet.
Cultural differences, mate. Yelling at your superior (especially if he's royalty) is unthinkable there.
Shit culture then. Plus they always have had shit taste, I've read their FF character rankings. They love lightning for example.
Waifufags are a special case.
I just feel like I can't respect a man who will stay at work until 8pm because his boss did.
>you're just brainwashed to have an irrational fear of physically fit sexy women in tight clothing, or that show some skin.
Being objectified means you are nothing outside of being a sex object to be ogled over. There is nothing wrong with a character that is sexy and is actually interesting as a person. I have no problem with skimpy outfits and sexy clothes. I have a side job as a stripper, I would be a massive hypocrite if I did. I just want more from a character than tits and ass flopping around or glistening muscles and tattoos.
Gladio, you'll catch a cold if you don't wear your jacket!
retard with missing brain detected
>side job as a stripper
You know the rules. Show cock
>Show cock
Dont have one. Also, Im not posting anything about myself on a notoriously unsympathetic board.
I would rather post my Social security number on reddit than put any part of myself up here.
>The world means nothing to me. Do with it as you wish.
How will Prompto and Gladio ever recover?
Why were those two so much better than the "protagonists"?
>I want to see something to aspire to fucking something I want, not this balloon looking motherfucker.
I think you just explained the exact reason women are against objectification. You cant just magically grow boobs bigger than your head and be some slutty 10/10 ara ara girl by choice.
I think it's because you probably don't understand video games and don't know anything about its history, is why you think the way you do. Female characters always had the same treatment as male characters in the video games. Since the 80's, even male characters were just an avatar with a 1 dimensional personality. So it's not even onesided. There just haven't been that many female protagonists.
>not posting anything
I work out regularly. Gladio is a body to aspire to. The thing I commented on looks bad man. Looks like he has balloon tits.
Cindy's design is hard to take seriously. Her outfit is basically unwearable for her profession.
You're very correct, what I'm saying is stuff like the Xenoblade tittymonster controversy is exactly what you're saying for women.
>Female characters always had the same treatment as male characters in the video games.
>There haven't been that many female protagonists.
But that also just looks straight up bad. She has horrible lordosis and a pot belly.
and yet people have been jerking her off saying shes fine on Sup Forums for a couple weeks now
>I think it's because you probably don't understand video games and don't know anything about its history
>Female characters always had the same treatment as male characters in the video games
Thats wrong. Oddly enough between the 80's and mid 90's (basically before the playstaion era kicked off properly) male and female characters where treated equally. Somewhere in the transition from 2d to 3d female characters started getting the short end of the stick development wise. Also, the amount of female protagonists decreased. Not there there were really a whole lot to begin with but they definitely went down to the point where the people holding the purse strings in the industry dont want to make a game with a female protagonist (this doesnt really count in indie spaces) because they have convinced themselves that they dont sell. They dont even want to put them on the box art if they can help it. More recent games are starting to buck that trend, but only slightly. For every Horizon Zero Dawn and bayonetta There is like a thousand CODs.
Somebody's doesn't know what service stations in the third world can look like. Most "mechanics" there are half naked dudes in flip flops.
>Give him a bunch of attractive physical qualities
>Also give him a mullet
What the fuck
You have very poor reading comprehension. All characters in video games, male and female, always had the same one dimensional personalities. Think about Doomguy, he doesn't even have a real name.
You're a homo. Also /fit/ is gayer than /lgbt/