Redpill me on it. Worth it or not after the disaster that was AA5?
Spirit of Justice
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investigations and cross-exams are definitely better
over-arching plot is a mixed bag, your view will be different depending on your opinions of certain characters
Rayfa pits
There's a certain twist that I did not foresee at all. Hope you like Apollo though.
SoJ is the best game of the Apollo Trilogy.
It's worth it for supreme best girl Maya.
Too bad no one made any doujins of her
>the disaster that was AA5
Well with your shit taste you'll probably love this one. Hivemind considers it as one of the best games along with TnT and AAI2.
If you're expecting any PhoenixXMaya out of it, be prepared for a harsh reality check.
What about a Trucy?
Turnabout big top fucking when?
I can't wait for the fucking stream
Crime happens Wednesday, court Thursday and Friday
best AA after investigations 2
Trucy is gay.
>have to buy a Switch to play the next Ace Attorney games
if the rumor is true, it's gonna be a simulatious release on phone devices.
Too bad the same rumor also said they were gonna announce the game last week and it didn't happened.
I don't consider DD a disaster, but I did like SoJ more. It was great being able to investigate every area again like in the DS games, side characters didn't feel as obnoxious as in DD (some are absolutely based) and it tries out some new stuff with the traditional case structure.
DLC case is a bit mediocre compared to DD, but it was a nice throwback to the original trilogy. 3DS version has some framerate issues during the investigations, so be prepared to that.
Overall it's a fine addition to the series.
I really hope the rumor of simultaneous Switch and mobile release holds true. I'm not buying a Nintendo gimmick console with paid online for Ace Attorney alone.
I kind of did that for 3DS already before DD.
Real talk: don't ever expect anything to match the original trilogy. The level of writing has dropped significantly since, with only one exception.
It's better than AA4 and AA5, but that's still a tier below the trilogy.
Gay would be anyone who wouldn't worship those armpits.
But AA5 was good?
There's something about the series' writing in the original trilogy I miss.
The series used to be comfy, but nowadays it's about grand stuff like international smuggling rings, law system renovations and revolution.
It feels like you're playing as some kind of anime superhero saving the world instead of an average joe just trying to do his job in a messed up court system. I'm not saying it's necessarily bad, but it's different from what I grew to love.
Manages to have the second worst case in the series yet still be the second best game in the series.
It's the reverse of AA5. The game is overall great, but the prosecutor continuously drags it down by being one of the worst in the series
Rayfa's anus.
It's beyond that. I guess comfy is a good word, because some of the warmth, simplicity, and sheer cheek of the dialogue feels gone by now.
I dunno, this series really just went on for too long I suppose, and feels the constant need to up the ante.
Nahyuta had some funny moments, but overall he wasn't really an entertaining opponent.
>feels the constant need to up the ante
It seems that way for sure. We're going to have space attorneys sooner or later, since they already think no one is match for Phoenix in Japanifornia.
>Nahyuta had some funny moments, but overall he wasn't really an entertaining opponent.
I agree, and I hope that the next time he appears his positive qualities are more on display now that the reason for him to be as awful as he was in SoJ is no longer the case
>finished the original trilogy
>plans to go for Apollo game
I enjoyed the trilogy. It was fun. What I'm up for with Apollo? I heard it's a worst game in the series and this really bums me.
Why would anyone be expecting Phoenix/Maya?
It's the best AA game to be released in the West. Recommended 100%.
I wouldn't say AA5 was a trainwreck though. It was bland and boring but it wasn't terrible.
Mostly people complain that the mysteries and the motivations don't make a lot of sense. Still I think the music and the characters carried the game well enough.
I don't think it's that much worse than the series average, but then again I feel like this might be another Dark Souls 2 situation where people that give a LOT of importance to some details that the game admitedly does very poorly will preach that it's the incarnation of satan.
I think Nahyuta would have been loads better if his redemption arc was better. His "redemption" doesn't justify the vast majority of the situations, I would have liked it if he had a realization on how his fanaticism was skewing his job as a prosecutor.
I think AJ is better than T&T and JFA. As good as the last two cases of T&T are the former two are okay filler cases (albeit with some very hilarious and outlandish characters) two cases isn't enough to justify the whole game. AJ is less uneven about that and also switches to a fresh protagonist, and on who I feel has a much characterized inner monologue. I think it gets a lot of undeserved hate just because of a stupid decision in Turnabout Serenade (making the suspect a blind 14 year old).
Sounds good. I care more about character's charismas than deep motivations. It is basically sunday morning cartoon world anyway.
People said that circus is the worst case in the series and I actually enjoyed it so I guess I'll be fine.
I mostly see people complain about how Phoenix hijacks the game from Apollo in the last case and he has had a major personality change that not a lot of people liked.
Now that was a not needed spoiler...
Don't be such a faggot. You can tell Phoenix has changed from his artwork, and the moment you see him in-game long before the final case, and I didn't describe how he hijacks the case.
>clearly stated that I didn't play the game yet
>ending being spoiled
>being called a faggot
You are a faggot. It's not a fucking spoiler.
brainlets will tell you it's just as good as T&T
>spoiler for a ten year old game
Don't be a faggot. Come here and give the final boss of AAI2 a hug.
Yeah, case 2 was a great introduction to his character with the culture clash and all but it was all downhill from there. I really hope we have more moments like pic related in the future.
I'd rank the circus case a bit higher than AJ's Turnabout Serenade. I kind of liked the backstory behind it, even though Acro was a dick.
It's implied pretty early he has some focus during the story but it isn't really that much of a "hijack" as people make it out to be.
Come on now, don't bully the newcomers.
Sure thing man, after you give the mastermind of AA5 a hug.
>play through DD before AAI2
>think both finales were fantastic
>play through the games in release order before SoJ
>realise they kind of reused the gimmick (Simon impersonates Edgeworth while the Phantom does the same with Phoenix) again in DD
I really like Yamazaki's cases, but I can't help but notice him reusing some ideas from the previous games.
>People said that circus is the worst case in the series and I actually enjoyed it so I guess I'll be fine.
I stand by that assertion, however the last case of JFA was genius and the second one was pretty good.
There were some good things about the circus case but it was overall a case with extreemly stupid puzzles and twists.
I couldn't even finish the first case. The pacing is still terrible like in Dual Destinies.
Pretty much nothing will top T&T finale. Sure, it had some dumb stuff in it (corpse pendulum), but it tied up things neatly.
I didn't really get Godot's character at first, but I've later deduced he was at least partially insane when he woke up from the coma and realized he had lost everything. He tried to be his old cool self until the very end when there was no reason to it.
>mfw absolutely nothing will top the feeling of playing it the first time.
How the hell you manage to avoid all the crazy, delusional shippers is beyond me.
The final witness and the judge bullying Rayfa out of the courtroom were pretty much the only good parts of the first case.
The game really picks up after that.
Did you think I was
Cute and good source of humor in the case.
Really lost it when they started complimenting "his" masculinity before the reveal.
>Simon impersonates Edgeworth
When does this happen again? I honestly can't remember.
It's Apollo's game.
Much, MUCH better than AA5.
Why is the Japanese side of California so conflictive?
feudal california when?
The mastermind sometimes uses Edgeworth's voice for his objections and he says things about logic and evidence in Edgeworth-like manner, with the green text and voice effect implying he's imitating him.
It's not exactly the same, but the idea is really similar.
Just because it is less good than the others it doesnt make it a disaster you dumb sperg
Haven’t played it fully through yet (on chapter 3). So far I’m annoyed by the villains and the excessive spineless narration of Wright himself , constantly doubting and putting himself down is getting on my nerves and actually getting in the way the way of gameplay, not allowing you to get into the flow of things properly. Because of this I surprisingly enjoyed the chapter with Apollo more as he spent less time dwindling and let me actually play the case, plus he had enough gal to talk smack back.
Maybe it gets better later on, don’t really know. But at least for now the setting and the opposition is just majorly annoying, not menacing, but frustrating and annoying. It may get better in the future I guess, but it’s taking a while to get going I guess.
Some day. Some day.
Were these games good?
But it was a huge turnaround and improvement over the actual dumpster fire that was AA4. It's no surprise things were a bit bumpy with as much fixing as it needed to do.
Why do people keep pretending that Sup Forums has any sort of consensus about this series and which parts are the best and the worst?
Is the fan translation for Dai Gyakuten Saiban even progressing?
I saw 1 case being translated like 2 years ago and it's still 1 case only.
Reminder that AAI and AAI2 are out for phones
>you will never trucy's magic panties
Why even live?
>I really like Yamazaki's cases, but I can't help but notice him reusing some ideas from the previous games.
6-5 was basically just a bunch of the previous final case plot twists slapped together with 999's plot twist thrown in there for good measure too. People keep praising it for the plot developments and Apollo 'finally getting the spotlight" but I still think that case fucking sucked, it was 4-4 all over again (having the character's roles reversed this time doesn't make it any less shit the second time).
The best case in that game was the other Apollo case and way better instance of him getting the spotlight, you can actually call that case an Apollo one and not a lazy rehash too.
I thought you were a-n-n-o-y-i-n-g! That whole case is really overrated.
What did he mean by this?
It's called escalation and is the same reason why Dragon Ball started as a monkey boy and a slutty girl going on an adventure to collect 7 crystal orbs with minor martial arts mixed in, while nowadays it's about time traveling multiverse gods beating gods to death.
Powercreep is a hell of a drug.
they're trying too hard to make Apollo such a special snowflake
>Phoenix backstory
>yeah he had a girlfriend in university who tried to kill him and then frame him
>Apollo backstory
>yeah he's the son of this magical woman and talented musician and also he's orphan and had this best friend who died and also he was adopted by this super cool dude in another country with a step brother he never mentioned
t. AA6 fangay
Typical lawyer nitpicking.
if maya is not wright's waifu then who is?
No, AA6 is currently the most overrated game in the series. I actually think DD is better in a number of ways.
According to Fujos, Edgeworth is.
Phoenix's backstory is pretty dumb too (though not as ridiculous as Apollo's now, yeah) when you look at it in full, that's not my issue with it personally. The games are trying to balance Phoenix and Apollo against each other and I feel like they're doing a shit job of it for anyone who happens to like both of them.
AA4 should've just been Phoenix getting some decisive evidence through the Mason System stuff to Apollo with Apollo nailing Kristoph in court, not Phoenix and Klavier doing everything with Apollo sitting there saying nothing.
AA6 should've just been Phoenix finishing the revolution he started, not passing it off to Apollo because tragic backstory.
Instead we just get a weird unsatisfying in-between.
At the end, who won the Apollo bowl?
That would require Maya's character to develop slightly, and we obviously can't have that!
Inferior models (I could never go back after SoJ's improvements)
Shit story with shit antagonist and twist you can see from mile away
No freeform investigations, you're railroaded in the most linear way possible and the game actively holds your hand so hard it blatantly insults your intelligence and NEVER stops doing that
Way too many cutscenes
Did I mention Athena?
They actually seemed like a cutesy couple in the Professor Layton crossover at times. In the mainline series I've never really seen anything like that there though.
why is AA6 so overrated again? I thought AA5 was pretty good since it got a lot of qts like woods, athena and pic related
>Shit story with shit antagonist and twist you can see from mile away
This applies to SoJ as well
>dust for prints on the suitcase
>zoomed in as fuck
>all that wasted space
Garan was so fucking bad. I'll take the phantom 100 times before her.
Making the villain go final form literally 5 seconds into the trial was a bit of a misstep, yes
Because that game was made by Layton devs and not Capcom, it was also a blatant fanservice game as opposed to "normal" game.
The main reason why Capcom will never officially confirm any pairing is the same reason why idols aren't allowed to have private lives in Japan, it hurts sales from otaku and fujos.
The plot was good until Case 5.
DD's plot is awful until Case 5.
>DD's plot is awful until Case 5.
except the third case is one of the best cases in the whole franchise
I sure hope that by third you mean the DLC case, which was the real third case.
The actual third case in the game is abysmal.
>Because that game was made by Layton devs and not Capcom
Takumi was heavily involved in the writing.
Also the post-game episodes outright talk about how the two dev teams kept arguing over how the story should unfold and how the final story was nothing like how it was originally intended to be (it was planned to be more of a "versus" game with the two sides being more adversarial to each other)
6-5 is so fucking overrated. The first part was solid until "HURR MAYA IS LE KIDNAPPED" and completely ruined everything.
Then the second part was a bunch of rehashing previous shit from other games and trying to glue them together.
Oh and fucking Nahyuta doing literally nothing and staying as a fucking cunt shit character. They tried to make him Blackquill 2.0 but he's just fucking bad and stays bad.
It's kind of funny how the only characters to go through some development during the series are Edgeworth and Ema. Edgeworth's been more or less the same after the 4th case of the first game, but I really liked how much happier Ema seemed in SoJ compared to AJ.
I would dislike Athena less if they didn't shove her in the DLC too. It had potential for some more interesting pairs
>Phoenix and Apollo
>Phoenix and Trucy
>Because that game was made by Layton devs and not Capcom
I think at least the trial parts were written by Takumi, so that's not really an excuse.
Also this.
Athena's really not that bad. I liked that they managed to balance her pretty well with Apollo and they both got plenty of character development, while AA6 is very Apollo-centric. I thought the Phantom was a better villain than evil queen bitch. Her husband would've been a better villain. I liked most of the cutscenes, especially the intro with Phoenix. And I'd say AA6 is pretty handholdy too even with the new seances.
Honestly I think the main reason I prefer it over AA6 is because they've reduced Maya's character to "smug hamburger girl" and that really bugged me.
Frankly I'm glad it turned out the way it did, you still have a Versus moment at the end, but in a good way where Layton steps in to correct Wright's logic and nothing else.
Layton prosecutor in that last case was basically pulling a Klavier.
Also you know shit was about to get real when Layton enters the court at last second and this starts playing:
Shame that Layton games are awful in comparison with focus on nonsensical puzzles and retarded plotlines, I hope we get Layton vs Wright 2 one day even though the development of the game was cancer incarnate apparently.
Are developers afraid people won't like Maya if she becomes more mature?
>Shame that Layton games are awful in comparison with focus on nonsensical puzzles and retarded plotlines,
Layton games aren't suppose to be about the plots mainly as their selling points. Their main selling points is the puzzle gameplay overall. Layton 1 was originally just going to be just a puzzle/brainteaser game with no Point & Click stuff at all.
AA5 wasn't a disaster it was legit amazing
>that OST
Really makes you not mind the twist which pretty much destroys the whole games plot at the end that much.