Spain sales (Week 47-49)

>Star Wars Battlefront II (ALL) - 34,058
-highest: Star Wars Battlefront II (PlayStation 4) - 27,605
>Need for Speed: Payback (ALL) - 16,102
-highest: Need for Speed: Payback (PlayStation 4) - 14,245
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) - 15,094
>LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 (ALL) - 6,767
-highest: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 (PlayStation 4) - 5,003
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Nintendo Switch) - 6,423
>L.A. Noire (ALL) - 3,752
-highest: L.A. Noire (Nintendo Switch) - 1,840
>DOOM (Nintendo Switch) - 3,528
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR (PlayStation 4) - 2,655
>DOOM VFR (ALL) - 1,030

Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck cares about spain what the fuck

>Battlefront is the best seller
What the fuck is wrong with you, Spain

What about Portugal

What about Catalonia sales?

I hate Spain, I will never find a weeb bf cause power levels are abysmally bad.

>pretending to be a girl or a fag on Sup Forums


just b urself, manolo

0/10 actually dropped 2 gf for being fucking cassuals at vidya and Sup Forums.

You are the problem [Spoiler]bro[/spoiler]

Is there even electricity there?
African countries are poor af

Xenoblade as 3rd best selling game is pretty nice.

It's three weeks of sales for that game though, as opposed to like one week for Xenoblade

Please post Catalonia sales

first thing that came to mind when seeing this thread

It was the default PS4 Black Friday pack in here.

What the fuck
I want dumb third worlders to leave

>XC2 3rd place

>Spain sales are useless
>UK sales which literally comprise of FIFA, CoD and GTA every single week are cherished

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) - 15,094
That's pretty good, all things considered.

Cállate hijo de puta.

Retards think Japan is about as relevant as shithole European countries. They ignore the fact that Japan actually makes a large amount of games and that's why we have sales threads about there. What vidya achievement does Spain have to its name? Killing Castlevania?

It's actually excellent.

Those Switch LA Noire, DOOM and Skyrim sales are pretty good too

I wonder if the Switch LA Noire sold the most world wide?

Hostia jopetas tio la polla

That's more than good really.

mira macho

>mfw one off from getting quints


>sales for spain

If it's not USA, China, Japan who gives a fuck.

From Finland. Spanish shitters fuck off.

>MFW these are the best sellers in Amazon Mexico

Other random FIRST WEEK Spanish sales:

>Super Mario Odyssey (Switch) - 63 251
>F1 2017 (PS4) - 11,092
>Metroid: Samus Returns (Nintendo 3DS) – 6,373
>Sonic Forces (ALL) - 4,992
>Monster Hunter Stories (Nintendo 3DS) - 5,491
>Yakuza Kiwami (PS4) - 2,428

BOTW has also sold 100,397+ this year.

Probably the same.

I'm from Portugal but we usually get the same sales as Spain, and if I'm not mistaken that could simply be because BF2 is currently being bundled with the PS4 here.


I do.

¿Quién les dijo que se metieran? Malditos mexicanos putos.

Callate gachupin

>Thinks his opinion matters

Oh I am laughin


>>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) - 15,094
whoa, thats a lot.

Why do you even care though?

No one cares about subhuman beaner spic trash.

¿Por qué los españoles odian a los Mexicanos?

Go back to Forocoches or Hispachan you tremendous faggot, the real question here is who asked you to make this thread, nobody cares about our sales
Hard to start a war in the most no-funs country in the world

If you're a sissy boi I can be your bf.

>¿Por qué todo el mundo odia a los Mexicanos?
Te arreglé la pregunta, amigo

Es como cuando tienes un hijo y sale retrasado. La creacion de los sudacas es el mayor error de España.

Because we made fun of their autistic shit dubs.

por la misma razon que los ingleses a los estadounidenses y viceversa, naturaleza humana

Guys sales in Spain are very important. It's such a huge video game industry with a massive population dictating trends for future growth and investments...

Ya can Spanish posters fuck off. No one gives a fuck about 3rd world shit holes.

I'm legit more interested in France since they have an actual game making industry unlike worthless Spain making me cheap as fuck fruits from lidl.

I'm a spanish weeb, d-do you wanna be my bf?

We probably hate centracas and colombians more because they form gangs.

We hate all the spics equally.

Most of them don't.

Catalunha é livre! Espanha é país fascista!

Sure, when Canada frees the poor and opressed Quebeq.

Finland dominates the mobile game industry. So 10 times more weight than bull rapist.

>Star Wars Battlefront II
>Need for Speed: Payback


Is Spain wh*te?


Im spaniard. Here only normies buy physical copies, and its all Fifa/flavour of the month games.

Nobody cares

At least Finland isn't a 3rd world shitter like Spain, Italy, Greece. Keep making me oranges slave.

Nigga we fucking begged them to leave, then the cunts went "Weeeell actually we want to leave, but also keep Canadian currency and taxes and basically all the benefits of being Canadian without belonging to Canada." Then we told them to fuck off, and now they've been sperging for years about how oppressed they are.

No one is saying they're important. It's nonetheless interesting to see how much shit sold relatively to other stuff and it can show us trends for Europe. And with no other European countries (except UK) giving sales data yet this is all we can go on.
Like Xenoblade performing that well says a lot for instance.

Everybody hates mexicans bro, its not aspaniard thing.
Anyway, you barely see mexicans around here. They are all colombians, Ecuadorians and shit

How do spaniards use voice chat and play a game at the same time?

If you study arts related degrees you will find a good bunch of weeb girls tho. I studied fine arts and only in my class there were two weebs, a flat goth-looking hardcore weeb who always wears animu clothing and merch/cat ears and all that autistic stuff who always talked like your stereotypical high pitched anime girl and a tiny, messy and shy weeb and calarts cartoons fan.
And they are the best gf you can have, let me tell you

arab ancestry

What are some good Spanish vidyas?

Hard mode: no Commandos

>snownigger thinks he's relevant
Top lel


Burrito Bison

Hey!!! Shut up you damn mexican, or do you want me to make fun of the childish gibberish you fuckers call insults?

Mi anime favorito es Inferno Cop, ¿te vale?

No sorry not interested. Post a country with credibility like Germany, France, Finland, UK, Sweden

La Abadía del Crimen y Hollywood Monsters.

And classic PCFutbol

samus returns

You mean Catalonia sales

No one cares whether or not you're interested though.

se ha cabreao el Manolo tio a que la coña no me cuadra pinchar las clicas del raton de mi ordenador

Better taste than the average weeb.

Cada vez que sale un video en Youtube en español de España hay una legión de sudacas escribiendo mal y dando por el culo, espameando esta puta cara :v

>thinks Finland takes foreigner shit

Sorry Sweden does that. We actually get flack for how racist we are here.

Spotted the Americans.
Its still 20 over here, so wait until we go to sleep, then you can have your shitposting hours.

More relevant is, who the fuck cares about videogame sales in Spain? Here anyone worth their salt pirates 100% everything vidya and media related. I haven't spend a single euro and yet I have a nice 8tb stash that could probably last me a lifetime.
I like to consider it poetic justice over the anglo piracy we suffered 400 years ago.

>todos son pendejos menos yo
Arrogantes como los franceses.

Reminder that Zelda Mexican dub > Spanish dub

>porto rico tier flag
bring back this bad boy


>espero que le saques partido
Dios, por mierda como esta todos se burlan del castellano.

*bloquea tu paso*



No quería decir eso. Solo que se han ganado que los odien.
Imagina que en cada vídeo en Youtube de una parte de una película americana aparecieran hordas de negros de Detroit diciendo que su doblaje es mejor siempre y escribiendo mal.

Nah I can't see why anyone gives a fuck about Spanish video game sales. Always going to be fifa or dome other casual garbage.

France sounds interesting

Thank god most people here doesn't speak spanish because mexicans talk like a bot mixing random words, grammar nazis here would eat you alive if they could understand a single word you said.

Ciudabarbie no puede gobernar.

venga vale tio que no quereis coger al nene? callad, gilipollas

Thread theme

Pero si ETA ya no existe, so gilipollas, ahora son un partido politico, que solo dan un poquito por culo, como todos.

Would give her a good dicking but not a vote.

Why are Americunts so self-centered?

Who /Cor Petit/ here