I need someone to convince me not to buy this game

I need someone to convince me not to buy this game
Last CoD I played was modern warfare 3 which was medicore, last one I played I enjoyed was Black Ops 1
I just platinumed Nioh and Bloodborne and want something to play online since GG Xrd Rev2 is dead

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Its a good game, what broke it for me and went past breaking point of being shit; no mp maps at all hardly, weapons and maps locked behind a 4map 2 weapon dlc program, weapons locked behind crates , 1 zombies mas, no ranking in offline splitscreen

Honestly the best game on ps4. There's a reason it's the best seller every year

Wow, I've never actually known anyone to love eating shit as a hobby

It's literally the best shooter out right now and is a good cod game

Buy it on console if you really want it. It's fun, but gets very repetitive. Also zombies is ok if you're into that too.

It's fun as fuck. I highly recommend it. The only problem is typical Activision dlc bullshit which I forgot about. At first I didn't like the maps, but they have really grown on me.

I'm worried about the lack of weapon variety and if I need to spend 60 dollars on the season pass or whatever to be able to play anything in a month or whenever maps come out

How do you fucks enjoy cod trash when BF is a thing?

Bigger beautiful maps
Bigger player counts
More destrcution
Far more guns and customsation
You can use aircraft and infantry vehicles
Game actually looks and sounds good.

Seriously why play cod? You're better off playing DOOM.

It's not that fun desu. It's a 3/4 lane shootan. How can I describe this; I miss when CoD maps weren't the way they are now. CoD4 and MW2 had the best maps. Blops ruined the franchise.

I don't think weapon variety is a problem because the weapon balance is very good. All guns have their niche. And some are better in hardcore mode vs regular, which I really like as it means I take different playstyles into different modes. As for dlc, I'm pretty sure your can always play the base maps, that would be beyond retarded if they lock people out of multiplayer because they didn't buy the dlc

My roommate bought it. I don't play these types of games really. And this cod does look really good for a console game

I think battlefield is pretty boring. It's more of the time I'm walking and trying to get to a vehicle or I go into a game and my team is already losing either all of their points or losing by a bunch of kills. I can see why the game is fun, but I don't see myself playing it over and over.

Just get titanfall 2. Its 10 bucks on amazon.

I don't like the big maps in BF games because it encourages half the team to snipe or camp prone
But I might actually consider it, I didn't realize that battlefield 1 revolution wasn't a DLC and it was the game + all the DLC and it's only 30 bucks.
Is there a high playercount for PS4 or should I get it on PC?
Already bought it on PS4 over a year ago, spent probably 150 hours on it love the game

Weapon variety is pretty big but not overcomplicated in this game surprisingly. I guess the only downside (which is really small) is that you can't have a lethal throwable and a tactical throwable anymore. Other than that, that guns feel pretty good too use, but I'd hold off on getting a season pass right away.

>you can't have a lethal throwable and a tactical throwable anymore.
You can with the expeditionary class

Titanfall 2

Nevermind, didn't know it actually tracked it,53k today alone with a low of 23k for PS4 that's pretty good. Not sure if I should get it on PS4 or PC now though, I like no chance of cheaters on PS4 and that everyone has to play with a controller desu

PS4 is actually the most populated out of all the BF1 versions. You can look it up on Google if you type in "Battlefield population"

U want good FPS on PS4 buy Titanfall 2 instead. Cheap, no lootboxes and online is still alive.

I have it and have played it a lot, want something new since I haven't played a modern CoD or BF in a long time

save yourself

Is BF1 getting any more content updates or is it done now?

2 more DLCs. Half of first one is already on servers.

Thanks, think I might go pick up Revolution then.

These new COD games are nothing like the good ol' games. I felt like Ghosts was the last good one for me. Anything after that just feels so vanilla.

Don't do it. It gets boring so fast and it's all about supply drops. I deleted it off my console yesterday. Waste of money and time.

it's trash everyone hates it

>TERRIBLE ghosts tier maps
>less maps than the average game
>most guns underpowered, some useless like shotgons
>pathetic "division" and "basic training system" is unblanced and litterlly just makes it so you only get one perk
>killstreaks take way too many points and are super underpowered
>sjw shit, black female nazis, no swastikas etc
>bad graphics, looks like a cross gen game from 2014
>obviously lootcrate garbage and stuff
>adds NOTHING new that's substantial or good

It's one of the worst cods ever. advanced warfare tier/infinite warfare/ghosts tier. wait until next year. I had the urge to play it too but it's really bad.

Agreed for everything except notes about Ghosts, at least Ghosts was fun.

Ghosts was beyond garbage you shiteating retard.

Shame they ruined black ops 3 with lootcrate shit worse than even the other lootcrate games. besides it making most weapons and killstreaks underpowered for a cod game it was great for what it was, to the point I would be happy with treyarch making jetpack games every 3 years and having remasters of old cods for two years by the shitters that are sledgehammer and nu-infinity ward.

There also aren't very many weapons and they aren't very unique. Plus almost all of them were in WAW.

The war mode is also a shallow gimmick. starting to think they made it ass on purpose so people would think boots on the ground actually sucks and we can go back to jetpacks.

>I need 20 perks and op killstreaks to have fun in an FPS

Just play modern warfare remastered. DLC weapons are OP in the game but not crazy OP.

fuck off shitter.

You're the one complaining that all the shit that turned COD into garbage is good.

If you're going to throw away money, at least get it on GMG. It is 17% off right now and you can get an extra 17% off with code "GMG17".


>I totally played cod 2 guise it was da best!!