8 is a good score, why don't you own PUBG yet?
8 is a good score, why don't you own PUBG yet?
>shit game with hackers and tons of bugs
$30 is a lot to spend on a digital game honestly. Also this game will grow and change over time, especially with all the issues from China
I don't like battle royales.
For anyone who already bought an Xbox One X and weren't able to take advantage of the promo, here's what you do.
>call BB or MS customer service
>have your order number ready
>ask the BB rep to patch you over to the digital download dept. or rep
>tell them you purchased an X1X and are interested in taking advantage of the PUBG/$50 gift card promo
>they will give you a reference # and will sort you out by Monday or Tuesday next week
Boom, free PUBG and $50 gift card. They have been getting a lot of inquaries about his promo so they are honoring them after Christmas. MS may honor the promo for you earlier, though.
IGN Reviews are literally trash.
I have it but the new map is fucking horse shit.
>drop fight
>o so fun
>due to size of map, then until the last circle literally nothing happens as everyone is too far apart
>spend 10 mins wondering towards center
>final fight
Ok, but what does that have to do with Gamespot giving PUBG an 8?
i have it but i find it kinda boring, certainly solo is
i have no friends so i havnt tried playing with more
Is not free :(
It's a journalism notation system, so 8 = about 6
Does the version of pubg they give also work on pc?
Like microsoft game share
PUBG is popular. Can't give a successful game a bad review. Normies will say IGN is wrong and IGN will lose safe with the only demographic that listens to them, and other big names will think twice before giving IGN early copies of games because IGN may actually give an honest review. The early copy part doesn't apply to PUBG since everyone got an early copy.
because I don't blindly purchase games based on their review scores
Implying they are credible
Polygon gave PUBG a 10/10.
Score drops with every new review
>no in-game guides or tutorials
You fall out of a plane, you go to most obvious place you can see (buildings), you find a gun, you kill people.
What fucking tutorial do you need for this, especially as someone who "poured dozens of hours into Arma 2 mods and H1Z1"?
Performance is way better with the 1.0 update too, though it does experience a lot of stability issues and network fuckups.
I'll be glad when they implement the filter which blocks everyone with shit ping, it'll solve a lot of server issues with the bonus of keeping all the fucking russian and chinese hackers off civilised servers.
Is the category split up between PC and Xbox One or do users of either one review into the same score pool?
If so that's rigged as fuck; because the game is absolute unplayable dogshit on console, but with 1.0 performs pretty well on PC.
>land and either a)get blown away instantly or b) kill the other guys
>wander for 10-15 minutes or until someone gets the drop on you and kills you
>make it to the small circles until a)the other guy is a shitter and you win or b) you got unlucky and die to someone with superior equipment and positioning
New update today for the Xbox. They weren't kidding when they said it would constantly get updated.
Xbone and PC are separate. But all the reviews so far are for the PC version, Xbone has no reviews thus no score.
In an age of paid reviews, anything under 9 is SHIT
>basically every review is someone going "Buggy unoptimized mess, literally unplayable, Bluehole are greedy jews who don't spend on server infrastructure, overhyped by Twitch sellouts, laggy as hell, always have PS1 textures for ages on loading 0/10"
>or it's "I've been addicted to this forever, I've spent 600 hours on this game and blah blah blah, it's industry changing, I've spent 400 dollars on miniskirts and trenchcoats 10/10, it feels SO REAL, combat is the best in any game EVER 10/10"
Metacritic user reviews are so fucking embarrassing, you may as well just ignore any review for any game that gives a 0 or a 10 because of the fanboy/anti-fanboy effect.
At least the critics write more than a sentence of why they think the game deserves whatever score they've given it, even if the ultimate reason is that review scores directly correlate to marketing budgets.
>disclaimer literally points out that hes a shill for the game
jesus christ, IGN.