You have no excuse

You have no excuse.

Other urls found in this thread:

Have it,don't like it

already got ur dollars faggoy :)

Literally nobody likes this game.

It's SJW and not fun

>talking about ps4 games on nintendogaf

>Complete edition
if I buy a game at release it better be complete. why do so(n)yboys defend this shit?

Off to Sup Forums

show me some footage that proves it deserves to be bought faggots, I have yet to see such a thing. It's just marketing.

ZERO (0) [none] AWARDS

Ok here

>cropping the hud to make it more """"cinematic""""
>running around to avoid the mash x to win gameplay
0/10 apply yourself

I don't buy games that make "Complete Editions" less than a year after release.

It was a shitty move to release the main game for $15, then turn around a month later and release this version for $49.99. That had to have killed sales.

Shitty game that will be forgotten like piss in rain.

>>cropping the hud to make it more """"cinematic""""
You can turn off the HUD
>>running around to avoid the mash x to win gameplay
Wrong the gameplay requires precision, timing, dodging, traps, different elemental ammo

Would this game have been more successful is the protagonist was a cute loli?

You almost convinced me, show me now a .webm of HZD winning an award and I'll buy it right now.


The autistic dude who spams webms is all the reason I need to avoid it. He's worse than nep fags and they're cancerous.

Horizon won the best Playstation game of the year

Almost makes up for PSN sales being worse than eShop and Steam.

It won 8 awards, now go buy it

These niggrs decide to give a bit more to fans and started this like week after main game shipped. Its not like its some on disc locked content.

Like winning gold in the special Olympics.

this bitch is fucking ugly

this game is open-world

what more excuses do I need?

I said Awards not """""awards""""", 'Kotaku's favorite game award' doesn't count because I literally say so.
Show me HZD winning an awards at the Game Awards 2017 and I'll buy 6 copies right now.

You are retarded if you think it is easy to beat the handicapped people who partecipate in the special olympics. Stupid joke.

What was it running against? Beyond mediocrity.

sorry bud, i only buy games that win awards

I got it at launch, I had fun with it but it wasn't my GOTY

Off to facebook

Persona 5, Nier Automata and many more great games. Still came out on top. Sequel is already in the making. Sold well in Europe.

More like horizon zero fucking awards


>n-no those don't count ;.;
>it needs to be this corporate show with ads every 3 minutes with paid celebrities that dont play games

Special Olympics is for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. You have no legs? Paralympic games. You have the mentality of a 4 year old? Special Olympics. There's handicapped, and retarded. You're likely the latter.

So you bought Bioshock infinite, dragon age inquisition, uncharted 4, and TLoU :)

>admits awards are pure corporate marketing

game is really fun

dont listen to nu/pol/,they want to save the white race while hating women lol they are really dumb


>Persona 5, Nier Automata and many more great games
And you can't even copy paste a list. Fucking hell you shills are getting lazy. Sony outsource the shilling to mexico or something?

>Looping a clip 5 times

Oh wow, what a bad game

I admit the game awards 2017 are corporate marketing, not random websites where its made by actual people with their own opinions. Get better reading comprehension champ

It's a dumb woman, literally only them like this trash

name one, ichi, uno, ein, 1 good game without "mash x to win" gameplay, you literally can't

Fuck off. No cute no buy.

I'd Lois CK that face if you know what I mean.

But she looks exactly like the real life model.

I do, she is fugly and game looks boring


But Yakuza 0 is also a PS exclusive

I can't get past how fugly the main character is.
Pic related is much better

> Ugliest main character in recent history.
> Put her face on the box.

It's like they don't want people to buy it.

>the original character is ugly
>the cosplay is not

She's right though. The original looks like a cavewoman. Making her look like that isn't any different than a fat nigger cosplaying as Sephiroth.

>implying the model is cute
Gtfo homo

>ugly NEET virgins think they have beauty standards


It's bait, they made the in-game model even uglier.

> Literal male balding pattern.
Holy shit.

Yeah if she swallowed some helium

Game is shit, I bought Yakuza instead.

This is the only thing that could save your shit game and shit waifu

Like clockwork

Thats the only way a woman would talk to you

Oh look a pedo weeb

Literally who the fuck cares. I hope they're happy with the sales from fat ugly tumblrinas because I'm definitely not gonna play as this ugly chipmunk.

Women luv this dick

I wonder how the artist feels about this.

I don't own consoles.

Nobody here cares about your smelly vagina

>turn okay model into a terrifying gofer-like creature
I'm honestly impressed at the length they went to to make her ugly.

Ah yeah i can't play a game unless i can jerk off to it *unzips dick* cant stop jerking it boys

Yeah im such you fuck models, in reality your only options are to pay for a worn out smelly hooker

Open World games a shit. Take this turd and your Breath of Shit and die.

I'll probably get it used for a fraction of the price next year.

I bet you get no pussy.

>not on PC

I have a perfectly valid excuse

How about "I'm not giving money to SJW's, ever." Hows that for an excuse?

I fell for this meme and want my ~$25 back

>praising a female main character

Off to fucking >>Sup Forums

Giving money to anything you are giving money to SJWs

>muh SJWs

there are plenty of reasons to criticize/hate this game without having to sound like an effeminate MGTOW faggot who desperately needs to rationalize why he cant get laid. was your dad a pathetic homo flamer like you?

>Poor mans Zelda
No thanks norman

Sony cinematic trash

10/10 game and Aloy is beautiful the way she is.

Yeah I do

I'm not into ubisoft open world games

Jesus fucking christ that is PeeBee levels of intentionally ugly.

Not a argument

I got my $$ back from steam for this steaming pile of shit.


>being any better than the fucking corporate shitshow that is VGA

The absolute state of this site

Its not on steam

You have no awards.

I'll wait for the price to drop.

Her face reminds me of Frankie Muniz when he acted in Malcom in the Middle.

>Far Cry Primal meets nu-Tomb Raider

Ummmmmm, no thanks sweetie.

Wasted potential
The art style seems great too, thought I would probably fear how the monsters would look.