How is HOMM3 holding up so well Sup Forums?
HOMM/ Heroes of Might & Magic
HoMM2's campaign is more fun but HoMM3 is way better balanced.
It's very satisfying to have a huge stack of dorfs.
Also I just conquered a necro town with very little defences on day7 and it has a spook dragons.
Haven't even gotten any tier6 units myself yet.
This map is going smoother than expected
I tried it a while ago and find it incredibly boring. It's one of those games were the mechanics are simple as fuck and having fun entails finding increasingly autistic methods to beat an increasingly cheating AI. It's not about being creative either. It's rote learning.
>he plays HoMM alone
baka desu senpai
It's the perfect videogame. Not hard to get into but complex enough to ensure a high skill ceiling. Infinite replayability with random maps and map editor, cool and distinct factions all of which you want to play, huge amount of variables that makes each playthrough feel fresh. It's a timeless game like chess, tetris or solitaire except more complex.
Is there a non-russian stream of this game anywhere with a streamer that's even slightly charismatic?
Seems like a niche thing that would consistently bring in a few hundred viewers
If you want to see someone play homm2 horribly, check out day9s homm2 campaign on youtube
graphics still look good
Is it worth it to play through the original Campaigns?
Yes. Obviously
>Uh oh! I'm gonna be late for the siege! Sandro-sensei will be soooo angry~!
>4 Azure dragons
Aww shit, nigga
How do I be not shit at HoMM 3
Get Armageddon Blade
>implying the battlefield ever looks like that in a game about cheesing broken game mechanics
I feel like homm works best in early-mid game when it comes to visualization of armies.
>cheesing broken game mechanics
Warfare and tactics in general.
Necro is balanced
>play necropolis
>rush vampire lords
sure are
why is Sandro the posterboy for necro? he isn't even that good as far as i recall, doesn't he have sorcery specality? I always picked Isra for snowballing necro
because he has existed since homm1
because sandro has always been a fucking skeleton even in homm1
Stone Skin or Shield?
if my defense skill is low, shield
if my defense skill is high, I don't know
>HoMM3 is way better balanced.
Infermo is objectively the best castle.
That would be dungeon you pleb
Posting the best rpg ever made
>Brother moved far away
>Nobody to have autistic day long XL random map games with now
>Blue Wizard has dimension door early on
>somehow his main hero dies to a Ranger stack
>push into Red Knight
>Take his capitol, go east and take his Wizard Town expansion, take Purple Warlocks necro castle slightly further west and then chase Red Knight south and take his new sorc castle
>Purple Warlock approaches the Wizard Town
>can't find Reds remaining heroes, he has some wizard and his strongest units are dwarves
>head north to face purple
>suddenly dimension dooring wizard under Red Knights control shows up and takes the Sorc Town
>realize it was the Blue Wizards main that red hired, so now red has a hero that has visited a lvl 5 mage guild with library
>get some rocs in the wizard town
>following turn he dimension doors to wizard town and cold rays them to death
>near end of the week, since I can't catch up with the dimension whore I decide to push further into Purple Warlock before he gets more dragons
>the wizard of Red Knight shows up at the necro town
>every time I kill his hafling stack he resurrects them
Doesn't the shitty HD version on steam have online MP? How hard can it be to set up a mp game on the older version anyway?
The Steam version doesn't even have the random map generator
It must take hours to just send 1 byte of data through all of those skeletons.
Fuck and I thought the updated sprites were bad.
I just imagined 7000 skeletons in a row playing the world longest game of chinese whispers
day 1 spoils of war are sweet, but finding a black tower or cloud castle that the AI can't afford is even sweeter
I love having big armies of skelebros, wish dominion didnt require super autism to enjoy
>try to play a game of HoMM5
>maps are large and empty, AI is visibly on training wheels, skill system is nice but I missed another cache of resources because it was blocked my a mountain
>try to play a game of HoMM6
>enemy heroes swarm my main castle from the conveniently placed portal by my starting point and that's the only way AI knows how to pose a threat
>try to play a game of HoMM7
>everything takes five years to happen
guaranteed slow spell, great stat growth, sorcery for extra cheese early on, most likely to earn erath magic, and of course, necromancy
But if you want best necro, it's either Isra for might, or Vidomina for magic
3d was a mistake
Everything takes 5 years to happen in HoMM 5 too. Wandering around the map in that is so fucking tedious.
Not even once.
5.5 fixes the general game pace but it doesn't do anything to fix awful object proportions and empty maps.
>I missed another cache of resources because it was blocked my a mountain
Which is why is set view to fixed height (so I don't have to worry about camera tilt) and rotaate the map constantly.
Inferno heroes can get Snatch as a secondary (Logistics + Hellfire, IIRC) which allows them to interact with map objects (resource piles, mines, creature dwellings, shrines etc.) without expending move points.
Actually, wait, I was wrong, Snatch is Pathfinding (Logistics) and Hellfire (Gating).
t.Marignon. Ermor did nothing wrong, have a Burden of Time as a gift.
>when skeletons are also the most powerful unit in the game
Atlas seems more promising as a siege hero (ballistics), Jaclyn is better suiter as a map cleaner.
Really wanted ballistics and wisdom for Jaclyns last two slots, but I was offered basic diplo and I think scouting so meh.
They'll be covering different fronts with different units.
Just got wisdom for Atlas at least.
Give me a quick rundown of HoMM3
How does it play? Is it like Civ? AoE?
>Is it like Civ?
>How does it play?
It's turn based.
On the overworld you take control of mines and towns. There are other less important sites on the overworld map as well.
On the overworld map you move around up to 8 heroes. Heroes have up to 7 different types of units with them.
In the towns you control you can construct buildings, the most iconic buildings are the Creature Dwellings. Each town type have 7 tiers of Creature Dwellings.
Unlike many games you can't just produce more units as long as you have the resources, in homm games each week your creature dwelling fills up with more creatures that you can hire.
So you may have the potential to buy 10 black dragons in your capitol, but you may not have the resources yet, or you may have bought all your black dragons already, and have to wait until the first day of the next week until you can buy 3 new dragons.
Combat starts when a hero engages something on the overworld map, either another hero, a neutral creature stack, a town, or other site.
A combat screen may look like that: in homm2, heroes standing on each side casting 1 spell per full combat round, and the creatures taking turns to move and attack, order determined by creature speed.