EA killed vidya Star Wars

>EA killed vidya Star Wars
>Disney killed movie Star Wars

Truly the greatest timeline


Why the fuck does EA buy so many studios then shut them down? I want Burnout back.


Good. Both EA and Disney don't know how to make good Star Wars

i thought the movie was great

Maybe they'll re-open Lucasarts now.

only ones who are hating on tlj are the retards who didn't get their fan theories confirmed. Everyone else just accepts it was a flawed movie and got on with their day

Because fuck you thats why.

This might be a good thing, disney is gonna look for someone to blame and EA is gonna be an easy scapegoat after the battlefront 2 fiasco.

star wars hasn't been scifi for some time now

Oh fuck burnout. That brings back good memories. Also i liked the last jedi much better than the jew jew trash that is episode seven.

We hate on it because it's shit
Just like the last two movies before it

didn't it have the highest grossing opening weekend ever 2nd only to the last starwars?

I enjoyed the movie but if they see this as some failure then I hope EA gets to be the one punished for it
Or they just make a better movie

cool, you're retarded

We can dream, we can dream. FUCK I WANT STAR WARS REPUBLIC COMMANDO 2.

This legitimately makes me happy. After what they've done to SW they deserve to fail. Hopefully by seeing such bad sales they will reconsider their approach. Sadly, Jew Jew is still set to direct IX, so there's not too much hope there.

At least I believe the Obi Wan movie can be good.

wow its like pandering to SJWs doesnt work or something? wow

That's what corporations do. Devour smaller companies, squeeze them dry, then throw any intellectual property in the vault or liquidate. That's the foundation of business, cash out when it's at its peak.

Good, can't wait for this series to be dead and buried. So fucking tired of hearing about it.

>Hopefully by seeing such bad sales they will reconsider their approach
They'll make it more into Guardians of Galaxy. Do you want that?!

TLJ was absolute trash so it makes sense it won't make as much back

what the fuck did he deserve of this character rape?

>gave the movie to a literally who director who has done absolutely nothing outside of Looper

Was it nepotism?

>Star Wars can finally rest in peace.

I should think that's obvious considering they gave him a whole trilogy before TLJ was even released.

It's only because they don't care about videogames and only about making as much profits as possible to make their shareholders ready.
Fuck EA.

He is/was a white male

Rogue One was pretty good. Not perfect, but enjoyable.

>never care about star wars in the first place
Its so great to not care at all about something people are losing their minds over

sorry im not a fanboy autist like you


>Rogue One was pretty good
Literal shit taste

He's a huge leftist though

star wars has always been shit. You just accept that and leave your brain at the door. What's really sad is all the retards that bitch about scenes like holda lightspeed jumping the rebele ship through a star destroyer and claiming bullshit and claiming that bullshit could never happen when one of the earliest lines Han ever has in the original star wars is that it totally can, but nobody even mentions leia flying through space to safety which not even a skilled Jedi was ever shown doing.

Nerds just chop and change shit just so they can argue like retards at a petting zoo

It still made a shitload of money

the left eats its own
nobody is progressive enough

EA is the grim reaper of video games

>he thinks Disney is canon
Luke is saving the fucking galaxy alongside Kyle Katarn, the Terry Bogard of Space Samurai. Disney is so shit that the reatrded SW fanbase should just stick to Legends.

Have you seen the last two movies? They are full of tension shattering quips. Its already like Guardians of the Galaxy. At least those movies never pretended to have any tension in them.

>find a golden goose
>buy it
>rape the shit out of it in hopes of getting more eggs faster
>wonders why the goose isn't moving anymore
>try again with another one
EA is always trying too hard to get money, but they also have enough money to compensate any losses caused by stupid mistakes, so they just keep doing it over and over again, like a pyramid scheme.

okay that's a fair point.

Science fiction (often shortened to SF or sci-fi) is a genre of speculative fiction, typically dealing with imaginative concepts such as futuristic science and technology, space travel, time travel, faster than light travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. Science fiction often explores the potential consequences of scientific and other innovations, and has been called a "literature of ideas".[1] It usually avoids the supernatural, unlike the related genre of fantasy. Historically, science-fiction stories have had a grounding in actual science, but now this is only expected of hard science fiction.[2]

fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets.

Science fiction is the search for definition of man and his status in the universe which will stand in our advanced but confused state of knowledge (science), and is characteristically cast in the Gothic or post-Gothic mould.

The touchstone for scientific fiction, then, is that it describes an imaginary invention or discovery in the natural sciences. The most serious pieces of this fiction arise from speculation about what may happen if science makes an extraordinary discovery. The romance is an attempt to anticipate this discovery and its impact upon society, and to foresee how mankind may adjust to the new condition.

>nu-Sup Forums and the rest of nu-/Sup Forums/ like the prequels.

Worst fucking timeline.

I'm glad it's dying.

My dad still swears that it and TFA were really good. though he unironically says that all of the marvel movies are good too.

*blocks your path*

I feel like TLJ made the quips more obvious and worse than the ones before it.

With Star Wars the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way, towards huge but empty spectacles where special effects - like the brilliantly designed space vehicles and their interiors in both Star Wars and 2001 - preside over derivative ideas and unoriginal plots, as in some massively financed stage musical where the sets and costumes are lavish but there are no tunes. I can't help feeling that in both these films the spectacular sets are the real subject matter, and that original and imaginative ideas - until now science fiction's chief claim to fame - are regarded by their makers as secondary, unimportant and even, possibly, distracting.

Star Wars in particular seems designed to appeal to that huge untapped audience of people who have never read or been particularly interested in s-f but have absorbed its superficial ideas - space ships, ray guns, blue corridors, the future as anything with a fin on it - from comic strips, TV shows like Star Trek and Thunderbirds, and the iconography of mass merchandising.

Don't be too hard on your old man user, he just wants to enjoy things.

Rogue one is like a plate of food
It tastes decent but it's texture is pretty shit
Yeah because there is totally no difference between dogshit and horseshit

>my sister is making me see this pile of garbage
fucking kill me now

>assume he's gonna get on the millenium falcon and fuck shit up like Han in 7
>he never does

Why did they make Luke into a pussy?

Are people finally realizing that star wars is shit?

Not as much as the right
The right keeps backstabbing its own:
>muslims vs. other far right
>religious wars between christniggers
>pedophiles vs. the rest of the right
>black criminals vs. white power

no pleasing you is there.

I think the big problem people have with the lightspeed collision is "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE DO THAT BEFORE?" because it apparently breaks space battles

Corporations can only do such things if people keep buying their garbage. Stop buying EA trash.


>pedophiles vs. the rest of the right
>He thinks the pedo's are on the right


>TLJ was less jew than episode 7


Not only Star Wars was never good, but loses only to the likes of Harry Pooter as the quintessential "nu-franchise"

Eliminates the competition too. They're basically guaranteed to make money the way they do business.

>Why does EA kill competition

Durrrr this is how you sound idiot

Criterion expats are out in some indie studio developing a racing game, keep an eye open

best star wars scene?

He's one of those guys who kept saying Rey was probably Luke's daughter and all that other shit trying to explain why she could do all that stuff. I don't feel that bad.

He's not. He also fucking hates what those retarded feminist kikes did to Luke.

It was in the context of the plot a last ditch effort to defend the remaining resistance members and hinder the first order as much as possible for them to get away. Han made it very clear in the first movie that you can't just randomly hit the button because something like that happens. I get the impression that lightspeeding your enemies is more costly to your own forces than theirs.

is this Sup Forums or Sup Forums?

Disney's SW movies are so bad they make the prequels look good.

Just think about that. They're making movies that make the prequels look good. How much of a fuckup does someone have to be to do that?

That scene made every space fight pointless.

Whats funny is that the tv show, which is disney canon made a pretty fucking clear statement that you cant touch anything whe you try to warp

>muslims that throw gays off buildings and think women are half-people are comparable to western conservatives
>pedophiles and black criminals are right wing
What in the fuck are you talking about

t. priest

>haha, the new movie in the franchise completely shits on said franchise? Who cares, you're not a fan of said franchise, are you?
Great post.

People will say it's purely asset striping and milking the cow dry, but they've said since day one in the 90s it's to remove competition as well. EA were seriously mad when they found out they had no legal avenue to acquire Valve after their usual initial """goodwill""" gestures and cut all links.

The last Jedi wasn't the worst thing ever but I think it had a lot of misplaced humor and let the subplot with fin and the new girl carry on way too long. That screen time could've been used on some action. Maybe at least one lightsaber fight in a fucking star wars movie. Just one. Or a space fight. Some of the logic is also real fucking bullshit.

>Leia in space survives and uses the force out of fucking nowhere
>How the FUCK did the bombs in the beginning fall in FUCKING SPACE? Where is the gravity?
>The entire subplot with the master codebreaker hunt could've been avoided if the Jew-nosed pink hair woman had just told people about her plan
>Why the FUCK did they make the laser artillery in the 15 hour chase scene arc like cannonballs? There's no gravity and they're fucking lasers. Gravity affects light (black holes) but out there they should fly straight.
>If the next movie makes the dark and light sides make up with a love story between emo Darth Vader and female Luke I'm fucking done

>blacks, muslims, and pedo kikes
>having anything to do with the right
nice joke antifa tard

trying to kill him off before mark died

>Having an opinion this bad.

Fucking nu-Sup Forums

the goal of every upstart studio is to get popular enough to get a big fat check from EA so they can prostitute their IP

I've worked with big companies, the truth is that you can't be like a smaller business and take risks. You survive through sheer weight of inertia alone and doing anything different and being the one to break things as low to middle management is the death of your career.

>muslims aren't right wing because [insert some idiotic non-logic]
>black criminals who love religion and hate white things like logic, homosexuality, science, etc. are somehow not right wing
>priests are somehow not right wing

reminder if you payed to see this then complained how it sucks, you're part of the problem

>star trek has had a million shitty movies already
what's so great again?

I don't understand the hate.
Overall it's probably the 4th best Star Wars movie after the original trilogy.

Dumb parts were: Leia surviving the vacuum of space, chubby asian girl sabotaging Finn's heroic sacrifice, and the unnecessary callbacks to previous films
Did they really need the last planet to be a gigantic Hoth reference? Did Chewie really need to fly the Millennium Falcon sideways through a canyon?

The rest was really well done
Every scene with Luke is good
The plan with the codebreaker completely falling through was good
Kylo Ren's buildup to killing Snoke was great.

t. Vatalino la Kiddiefidlus


Are you retarded? A medium ship tripulated by one retard destroyed a giant dreadthnough, several other huge and expensive ships and killed a shit ton of people.

>only ones who are hating on tlj are the retards who didn't get their fan theories confirmed.
I hate it because I didn't see it and I love watching things that don't affect me go down in flames. :)

Yeah I get it, but I've seen others freak out about it saying that anyone could just go ahead and do that with machine-manned giant ships with nothing in them and lightspeed ram them into other enemies

>Last two movies before it
Wait a minute...

And yet Han jumps straight from a hangar in tfa with no issues. Rebels had that bit with the ghost flying through one end of a hangar to the other and jumping at the same time. It's just splatting into something after starting the jumping thta's the problem

Say goodbye to your trilogy, Rian.

i wanted to like TLJ because TFA was a really fun movie (while admittedly being incredibly simple and rehashed) but TLJ is just so poorly fucking written
i swear to god TLJ is like a decent fanfic turned into a multi-gorillian dollar blockbuster movie. it's just so BAD

the big truth is that nobody knows what they are doing and we all put on an air of capability to those around us

Why don't/didn't american pilots kamikaze?
Because although devastating it takes a very specific person with a very specific mentality to execute.

As a third person is easy to say oh hey light speed suicide run easy. Just as easy as it would be to t American ww2 pilots to just suicide into shit.

Nice, sci-fi setting is crap

Rogue One killed any hope of the franchise for me. After that star wars was dead. I was going to get nothing I loved about star wars lore ever again