Where would you be without Sup Forums?

If Sup Forums died tomorrow, would you miss it? What would you do with your time?

Dante Must Die mode: No cripplechan.

>If Sup Forums died tomorrow, would you miss it?
No more waifus on /lolg/,eh i can live with that
>What would you do with your time?
Play more league of assholes,browse more sports news to waste time

I would've substituted my time wasting here for some gay shit on reddit.

Nothing good has come from here since 2013. Hell, the /x/ goatman story was late 2012.

I would be free and I would go play videogames and accomplish artistic dreams

I'd miss Sup Forums and /fit/ but not Sup Forums, this board now has the same amount of normalfags and casuals as any other place on the internet (and the reason I started frequenting here was the exact opposite)

I honestly don't mean to be rude but this single post made you come off as an insufferable mobabby cunt.

Well I definitely won't be sad if this place stopped existing so I guess happier

I'd just find another place to waste my time

Speaking from experience, it would not last. You'd need Twitch chat or some form of live discussion to even come close.

I could post my installed games and have your mind have a meltdown.


I guess I would have to play video games.

there's always reddit

Nah, I just hate League. Guy from college plays it professionally and Jinx is kinda hot but it's completely unappealing to me.

Sadly, I'm not a neet and I have a handful of close friends both offline and online who I chill with when I can. I can deal with lurking reddit.

Well i try not to be an asshole and main support (Soraka). Other than that i got mid (Taliyah) and top (Yorick) if i want to show off kills unlike 98% of the playerbase that plays cringy fedora shit like yasuo and zed.

If you dont play it with friends its insuferable. "/mute all" is mandatory

You seem cool. I'd suck ya dick, no homo.

but sucking dicks is homo even if you say "no homo" beforehand

Use Reddit full time instead of just occasionally like I do now.

>Where would you be without Sup Forums?

At least Reddit actually likes video games

It's only gay if you cum, famdongus.

at least can we agree that traps are gay?

>Humans surviv(ed) famine, the black plague, two world wars and multiple concentration camps

And here you soyboys cry about a website.

Protip: You would adapt and use something else and or finally leave your moms basement.

Oh, definitely.

Neck yourself niggers.

>even if you say "no homo" beforehand


This post is unironicaly more "reddit" than the ones straight up admiting they are redditors

Become one of those sad latchkey kids that talk about their day to an uninterested streamer on twitch.

In any case why would anyone want to suck a dick if they are not homos? It doesnt make sense.

Go to Reddit.

I have other smaller sites in different languages, but I am most comfortable in an English environment.

This board is dying though for reasons said, I definitely won't be as sad as I would be for the death of this site compared to 5+ years ago.

>Where would you be without Sup Forums?
Playing video games

>complaining about normalfags
>while using two other extremely normalfag boards

>complains about normalfags
>visits tv and fit

I'd be sad. This place is a massive shithole, but it's my shithole.

this. Sup Forums can only talk about AAA shit and f2p multiplayer garbage. even mobile crap is posted constantly.
there's no hope for this board

>implying another chan wouldn't just immediately replace it

>tv and fit
>implying Sup Forums and /fit/ are normalfag boards
This is how you spot the tourists who only browses the high population boards.

If Sup Forums died tomorrow I would probably finally get a girlfriend, and a job, and stop my masturbation and video game addiction all in a month. However that's only on Dante Must Die mode, normal mode would probably just be me moving to cripplechan or learning moon and using 2ch or just using 2chan.us. I hope I'd become pic related eventually if Sup Forums died.

>make morrowind thread
>people shit on it
>make deus ex thread
>"dude meme game lmao"
>make diablo thread
>2 replies
There are decent threads out there, people just only bump the memes and the shitposting of the month or waifu threads

I used to mostly visit int and vg
I went to tv once and it was pure unadultered cancer the levels of which could only be seen on 9gag,then again Sup Forums is worse.

>I went to tv once and it was pure unadultered cancer the levels of which could only be seen on 9gag

they are mechanisms designed to keep people out, like Sup Forums's past unspoken policy of berating manime/shonenfags but less subtle, I am glad it's working on you.

>solely talking about star wars and over hollywood trash exclusively is meant to keep normalfags out

quit the internet, most likely. dump all my phones and gadgets, play single-player games exclusively, act like it's still 1997.

I feel like you're right in some regard user. I can't help but feel like I'm losing Sup Forums and that it's not the same. As though the threads are moving too fast. I'd miss /lit/ and /his/ myself.


it's a form of appreciation

>If Sup Forums died tomorrow, would you miss it?


I use Reddit more than I use Sup Forums nowadays. I'd make the full switch.

No you wouldn't. I've had several girlfriends who knew I browsed Sup Forums on the reg. If you can't get one while being on Sup Forums, you probably won't be able to once you are away from it.


I'd go to whatever new Sup Forums equivalent would form from its demise. But to answer in the spirit of your question, I'd probably look around for some populated forum to register in, unfortunately. Maybe even go to the forsaken place that is reddit if there's no other better alternative. That would be the worst.

They're not that popular though, I hear redditchan is struggling after the irrelevance of GG.

If 4 chan died tomorrow i think reddit would be in for a rude awakening

I'll know in about 2 weeks when i stopped using this site because of all the malicious scripts it's now running.

I doubt anyone who doesn't go there already would go to reddit.


A successor would arise overnight.
I doubt it'd be 8 though, the make your own board gimmick guarantees seems inherently bullshit.
A straight clone.
>we all end up browsing sheeky forums

Honestly not sure where I'd learn about new vidya, both mainstream and less known. Sup Forums has given me some great recommendations over the years I wouldn't have heard about elsewhere
But also some garbage ones, like DXHR

Slowly gaining back my social skills
Maybe find a job or start uni again
Get a cute gf who like me for who i am
Travel and see the world
Become a dad
Grow old and have multiple children
Die in hospital bed with all my children around me

or stop being delusional and just kill myself

It's veeky forums now.


Probably play more vidya, migrate exclusively to 420chan's Sup Forums board inb4 dudeweedlmao since it would be a bit faster and discussion there is always mellow.

I mean it really shows that the admin can do what ever the fuck he wants when this shit has been happening for almost a week and 90% of the user base doesn't even pay attention.

Do you have a script blocker? Take a look at it. If you don't then, well, what the fuck are you doing?

Even the threads on Sup Forums died, all he had to do is stay quiet and things died down immediately.

This site is now running more shady scripts than an Albanian beastiality porn site.

You leave Albania out of this.

Started with /x/, then Sup Forums, found a home on Sup Forums, and when I stopped watching anime, I came here.

Now I barely play vidya and I don't even know why I come to this site; the term "You're here forever" never felt more real.

Not an oldfag in the least but I've wasted a good 9 years on this site.
I'm 21 now.

sports are pretty boring to be fair. but I get why people watch them.

Yeah I would miss it, as shit as this place is, its still probably one of the best places on the internets to actually discuss games. And as I've gotten older, for some weird reason, I actually enjoy talking about things I like as much as actually doing them.

I'd probably just find somewhere else if Sup Forums died. Reddit isn't too bad, as long as you go to the actual game/series subs. The blanket "videogames" sub is fucking cancer.

>not running a script blocker anyway

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Those sound a lot like /vg/ circle jerk threads.

>If Sup Forums died tomorrow, would you miss it?
>What would you do with your time?
I would play video games. I am waiting for the Lord God to return. Nothing else is important.

If you're not doing it with Sup Forums, you can't without.

Yeah. There some cool guys here that I will most likely never see again.
In any case, in the event it does happen I'd just retreat to Discord