We post our top 9 games with most hours on steam, then judge. Please be kind

We post our top 9 games with most hours on steam, then judge. Please be kind.


how long since you opened your account?

you're no older than 14



>faster than light
sounds promising, what's up with it?

Rouge-lite space game where you manage the crew/systems/attacks and try to make it through 8 sectors without dying. It's probably a literal dollar on sale at this point, worth picking up if you like rouge-lites at all.

meant to quote you

Don’t bully for apb





~400 hours on Siege, counter's broken.
Played probably around 100 more hours of New Vegas offline.


>don't rate anyone else
>expecting to get rated yourself

What's the point? It's always the same everywhere


>spic phoneposter

>gmod rper


my nigga



What do? The only thing I have steam hours on are TF2 and Dota

>Getting this butthurt

what the fuck is that speccy

>it's butthurt to post a picture I already had saved on an image board

get into a real fighting game, other than that this is decent

wow literally my nigga, I poured way too many hours in EVE. Dawn of War's great, ARMA3's great

*throws up*
nah I'm sure Witcher 3 and New Vegas and Dragon's Dogma are good


good taste

>wwe games

Less hours on Dota than expected

The user calling you a poorfag got you so mad you had to post your PC's hardware settings.
It doesn't matter if you had it already saved.


or maybe it's just fun to prove people wrong?

If you had to prove him wrong it means you got butthurt, even when you derived pleasure from it (or because of it)

Guess my race


Latinx or nigger


Lithuanian race



>not spic



Russian or Serbian

hey at least xhe didn't use "latin@"

>no rollercoaster tycoon
fuck off

I just got into Witcher 3 (30h in) and still there's no sex scenes, quite dissapointed...

ding ding we got a winner
my top 10 games really betrays my interest though

There are almost too many. Keep playing bro



>Rollercoaster tycoon
>He didn't own the two games on cd a long time ago

kill yourself man

>Too ashamed to post on these threads because of my 50+ hours on battleborn

>not rebuying one of the best pc games of all time on a modern pc
fucking retard

I played a lot of MGSV and Marvel Heroes to distract myself from real life

jesus fucking christ, what's up with all those phoneposters, please gas yourselves




You want it even wider for your tiny shitscreen? Here you go faggot

Think I'm most ashamed about the amount of time in HOI4.

what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch


>windows 10
>using a controller
this is heresy

Still don't know how the fuck I got 150 hours in Hotline Miami 2

I'm just glad I don't know how many hours I got in Minecraft..
