Nudoom was shit though

nudoom was shit though

we need long unskippable cutsenes of dickjokes we need QTEs we need epic 2 weapon limits and quick health regen

You are wrong

forgot to mention we need corridor level design because Duke3D was bad and even the first map was too confusing
ur still wrong. Doom 4 was good. Dont use nu as a buzzword on v please

>Does anyone else on Sup Forums wish they'd pull a Doom 2016 of Duke Nukem?
That would be end up being awful because Duke Nukem as a character is too "problematic" to modern casuals and Randy is too spineless to ignore them. We'd either end up with a watered down Duke so that he's more appealing to people who have never played anything Duke-related anyway, or Randy's needlessly over-the-top, mascot of political incorrectness version of Duke that just comes across as childish. Plus, the gameplay wouldn't resemble Duke 3D anyway, it would likely be more of the arena-based gameplay like in Doom 2016 that people consider "retro" for some reason.

The best thing Gearbox can do with the character now is to pull a Sonic Mania and get the guys from the Duke community who are developing Ion Maiden to develop another Duke 3D-esque game, where the focus can be more on the gameplay and level design, and Duke's character basically just amounts to his actions and spewing one-liners.

>defending qtetrash


go away nu/v/

nudoom was shit so no

You mongoloids cant make actual points. without using buzzwords can you explain why you dislike the SP of D44M? I bet you cant

qtetrash and prominent forced female characters

no resource management
no handplaced encounters
arena battles with 12 monsters at a time maximum
glory kills that give health and ammo like candy
no advanced movement
le rip and tear xD

You failed. You used a buzzword and the other point is bait

>i enjoy having my gameplay interrupted for le epic awesome precanned animations

hj contributing to the death of gaming faggot

To your credit you actually tried. There are some encounters that arent arenas but its pretty good

meanwhile this mong doesnt give up. "interrupted"? sounds like you never actually played it desu

>pres x to kil is f un!

cant wait for the epic death animation lootboxes in nu doom 2

This is gay bait. also there has already been a kill button its called the shoot button

>shooting is just a qte bro

kill yourself

but old doom had no advanced movement and it even autoaims for you

duke is a cuck now
someone with control of his twitter replied to a tranny
not a good way to go out after duke nukem forever

>greentexting words I never said.
Just take the L, fool

Why does this pic shit on Doom 64? It's easily a better Doom game than 3 and 2016, and I'd arguably say it's better than 2, especially since 2's level design shits the bed halfway through.

oh, you're autistic

my bad

I don't want anything more to happen with Gearbox behind the wheel. Best case they sell the license to someone capable of making games.

Gearbox owns Doom now? What did I miss?

In this day and age, I don't think it's possible to make a new Duke game. Doom was incredibly violent and that's just fine but Duke is sexist and that's a problem.

This isn't a Doom thread, you dolt.

OP said Duke Nukem, though? It's even in the picture.

I think its implying 64 is the black sheep
you went from pretending to having an actual argument to bait to just name calling. you lose sir.

>only two or three posts actually contribute to thread
>the rest is just autists arguing over Doom 4
This board gets worse every day.

what Sup Forums user actually has so many doom images saved for their hard drive? that then goes on to defend the shitshow that was nudoom?

yet another bethesda shill

>no advanced movement

You can do jumps and bunnyhops with the gauss gun

>I think its implying 64 is the black sheep
Still doesn't make any sense, considering 3 is more of a black sheep than 64.

There seems to be a lot of people who hold opinions on 64 without ever touching it for some reason.

>what Sup Forums user actually has so many doom images saved for their hard drive?
Someone who mostly frequents /vr/'s Doom general, I'd imagine.

am from /vr/. Also thats not true if I were paid for this I'd be on this place all night

>d-definitely not a shill

"just take the L" redditor

This is a doom thread now. Duke only had one great fps anyway


Doom has no autoaim though

>Duke only had one great fps anyway
And Doom only has two. Your point?
>Doom has no autoaim
Have you even touched the original games?

Thats where ur wrong

Have you?

I was referring to Doom 1 and 64, actually.

You have no idea.

But Gearbox has the rights, so...yeah.

double wrong

>Have you?
The originals have autoaim. I don't understand what your argument is.
>double wrong
I don't consider Final Doom as any different from any other megawad put out by the community. Not to say that either wad bad by any means, but it just establishes my thought that the Doom franchise is mostly carried by user-made content rather than its official titles, similar to Duke Nukem.

Duke 3D is really quite tame and derivative when you boil it down, and this is coming from someone who was played the game to death. It was revolutionary for being more technically viable than Doom, but both Blood and Shadow Warrior did better weapons, enemies, and maps. Duke is the one that most badly needs a sequel, in this sense.

>but both Blood and Shadow Warrior did better weapons, enemies, and maps.
I'll give you Blood, but Shadow Warriors maps, for instance, are needlessly complicated at times and aren't incredibly clear on where you need to go (e.g. one map near the end expects you to jump into an active fireplace to find a ladder, with the fire still damaging you). I still respect Shadow Warrior for some of its more technical advancements, but a lot of the game feels like the devs were trying to hard to "outdo" what they accomplished with Duke 3D, instead advancing a few key things and refining other elements further.

Literally this. Doom had no good FPS. It was caught between the innovative Wolfenstien 3D and true 3D FPS Quake

>Literally this. Doom had no good FPS.
Those posts you quoted were trying to claim the opposite.

They were disagreeing with the guy who said there were two good doom games. They are correct that there are not two good doom games since there isn't even one good one.

Your attempt at shitposting still doesn't make any sense since the guy you quoted was saying that both 64 and Final Doom were good games in addition to Doom 1 and 2.

Go be a brainlet in some other thread.

But those were good games, though. They were just helping to prove him wrong by showing how all around bad the games are