Steam controller is on sale now

Steam controller is on sale now.
Is it better than xbox controller on PC?

Xbox is better, 360 if possible.

Xbone controller just werks
Steam controller werks after fiddling with it after 200 hours

get the bone pad
steam controller is a piece of shit with no dpad

Only thing objectively better about the Steam controller IMO is the buttons on the backside of the handles, that shit was an amazing design decision.

I don't even use my Steam controller for anything though because not having an analog stick really sucks in certain games. I would recommend an Xbox controller.

With that dpad can there really be any doubt that the steam controller is shit?

Valve's hardware solutions suck, don't bother.

Delends on what kind of games you like, really. Steam controller allows you to customize to a stupidly high degree. It's way to hard to use for shooters, but quite alright for third person games. It also outclasses all controllers for games where you normally need a mouse. However it is hard to master. Also, some people use the gyro controls for cs:go, even pros. I don't get why though. And for the plans saying it takes hundreds of hours of fiddling to map right, don't bother. Steam allows you to import mappings of others even in game, essentially nullifying the problem unless you play games that nobody touches, such as lawbreakers.

The xbone is king at shooters though. And probably slightly better at racing.

What do you want to play, and what are you comfortable with is all that really matters.

Shit, plebs* not plans.

Bonus info, I have both controllers, use neither.

If you're sitting at your computer get an Xbox controller, but it's great for browsing the internet on your TV without pulling out a mouse and keyboard. It can do most controller games pretty well, especially if you fuck with the gyro controls, but stuff like civ is a nightmare until you get used to it

The thumbsticks on my Xbone controller feel like sandpaper and make my thumbs raw after a while. I haven't used the Steam controller, but it looks like it would better for some kinds of games, and worse for others.

>Xbots trying to talk about the Steam Controller
Oh boy, these post are always comically retarded and good for a laugh.

Inb4 somebody unironically steps up to bat for stick aiming.

How is the trackpad aiming, is it better than xbox thumbstick?

the only 'steam controller' i need is my mouse and keyboard

if they're so retarded why aren't you proving us """xbots""" wrong

You honestly aren't worth my time.

wow dude #rekt

>360 if possible.
i've had both for pc and much prefer the bone, why do you say this?

meant for

i had the exact same issue with my steam pad, ended up just switching to the bone after realising trackpad camera control sucks shit

I'm sure it has it's uses but I refuse to get one on the grounds that it is ugly as fuck.
Plus I already have a 360 controller.

Xbox controller is infinitely better. I regret buying my steam controller.

neither, get a ds4

>symmetrical sticks

What about the Wii U Pro controller? How is it? I wanted to get one but apparently no one sells them any more and now there is only cheap knock offs.

Pro looks like the best controller to use for claw grip.

like the xbox elite controller?

Xbone is superior for any game made with dual sticks in mind.

Steam controller is only good for a small niche of games that were designed for mouse and keyboard but work well with the touch pad.

Basically, Civ and Xcom.

best controller for pc and emulation hands down
get the mayflash adaptor for pc

didn't like the steam controller. felt cheap and difficult to use. i did like the trackpad for general web surfing though.